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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

 * @module engine/view/stylesmap

import { get, isObject, merge, set, unset } from 'lodash-es';

 * Styles map. Allows handling (adding, removing, retrieving) a set of style rules (usually, of an element).
 * The styles map is capable of normalizing style names so e.g. the following operations are possible:
export default class StylesMap {
     * Creates Styles instance.
     * @param {module:engine/view/stylesmap~StylesProcessor} styleProcessor
    constructor( styleProcessor ) {
         * Keeps an internal representation of styles map. Normalized styles are kept as object tree to allow unified modification and
         * value access model using lodash's get, set, unset, etc methods.
         * When no style processor rules are defined the it acts as simple key-value storage.
         * @private
         * @type {Object}
        this._styles = {};

         * An instance of the {@link module:engine/view/stylesmap~StylesProcessor}.
         * @private
         * @member {module:engine/view/stylesmap~StylesProcessor}
        this._styleProcessor = styleProcessor;

     * Returns true if style map has no styles set.
     * @returns {Boolean}
    get isEmpty() {
        const entries = Object.entries( this._styles );
        const from = Array.from( entries );

        return !from.length;

     * Number of styles defined.
     * @type {Number}
    get size() {
        if ( this.isEmpty ) {
            return 0;

        return this.getStyleNames().length;

     * Set styles map to a new value.
     *        styles.setTo( 'border:1px solid blue;margin-top:1px;' );
     * @param {String} inlineStyle
    setTo( inlineStyle ) {

        const parsedStyles = Array.from( parseInlineStyles( inlineStyle ).entries() );

        for ( const [ key, value ] of parsedStyles ) {
            this._styleProcessor.toNormalizedForm( key, value, this._styles );

     * Checks if a given style is set.
     *        styles.setTo( 'margin-left:1px;' );
     *        styles.has( 'margin-left' );    // -> true
     *        styles.has( 'padding' );        // -> false
     * **Note**: This check supports normalized style names.
     *        // Enable 'margin' shorthand processing:
     * addMarginRules );
     *        styles.setTo( 'margin:2px;' );
     *        styles.has( 'margin' );         // -> true
     *        styles.has( 'margin-top' );     // -> true
     *        styles.has( 'margin-left' );    // -> true
     *        styles.remove( 'margin-top' );
     *        styles.has( 'margin' );         // -> false
     *        styles.has( 'margin-top' );     // -> false
     *        styles.has( 'margin-left' );    // -> true
     * @param {String} name Style name.
     * @returns {Boolean}
    has( name ) {
        if ( this.isEmpty ) {
            return false;

        const styles = this._styleProcessor.getReducedForm( name, this._styles );

        const propertyDescriptor = styles.find( ( [ property ] ) => property === name );

        // Only return a value if it is set;
        return Array.isArray( propertyDescriptor );

     * Sets a given style.
     * Can insert one by one:
     *        styles.set( 'color', 'blue' );
     *        styles.set( 'margin-right', '1em' );
     * or many styles at once:
     *        styles.set( {
     *            color: 'blue',
     *            'margin-right': '1em'
     *        } );
     * ***Note**:* This method uses {@link module:engine/controller/datacontroller~DataController#addStyleProcessorRules
     * enabled style processor rules} to normalize passed values.
     *        // Enable 'margin' shorthand processing:
     * addMarginRules );
     *        styles.set( 'margin', '2px' );
     * The above code will set margin to:
     *        styles.getNormalized( 'margin' );
     *        // -> { top: '2px', right: '2px', bottom: '2px', left: '2px' }
     * Which makes it possible to retrieve a "sub-value":
     *        styles.get( 'margin-left' );       // -> '2px'
     * Or modify it:
     *        styles.remove( 'margin-left' );
     *        styles.getNormalized( 'margin' );  // -> { top: '1px', bottom: '1px', right: '1px' }
     *        styles.toString();                 // -> 'margin-bottom:1px;margin-right:1px;margin-top:1px;'
     * This method also allows to set normalized values directly (if a particular styles processor rule was enabled):
     *        styles.set( 'border-color', { top: 'blue' } );
     *        styles.set( 'margin', { right: '2em' } );
     *        styles.toString();                 // -> 'border-color-top:blue;margin-right:2em;'
     * @param {String|Object} nameOrObject Style property name or object with multiple properties.
     * @param {String|Object} valueOrObject Value to set.
    set( nameOrObject, valueOrObject ) {
        if ( isObject( nameOrObject ) ) {
            for ( const [ key, value ] of Object.entries( nameOrObject ) ) {
                this._styleProcessor.toNormalizedForm( key, value, this._styles );
        } else {
            this._styleProcessor.toNormalizedForm( nameOrObject, valueOrObject, this._styles );

     * Removes given style.
     *        styles.setTo( 'background:#f00;margin-right:2px;' );
     *        styles.remove( 'background' );
     *        styles.toString();   // -> 'margin-right:2px;'
     * ***Note**:* This method uses {@link module:engine/controller/datacontroller~DataController#addStyleProcessorRules
     * enabled style processor rules} to normalize passed values.
     *        // Enable 'margin' shorthand processing:
     * addMarginRules );
     *        styles.setTo( 'margin:1px' );
     *        styles.remove( 'margin-top' );
     *        styles.remove( 'margin-right' );
     *        styles.toString(); // -> 'margin-bottom:1px;margin-left:1px;'
     * @param {String} name Style name.
    remove( name ) {
        const path = toPath( name );

        unset( this._styles, path );
        delete this._styles[ name ];

        this._cleanEmptyObjectsOnPath( path );

     * Returns a normalized style object or a single value.
     *        // Enable 'margin' shorthand processing:
     * addMarginRules );
     *        const styles = new Styles();
     *        styles.setTo( 'margin:1px 2px 3em;' );
     *        styles.getNormalized( 'margin' );
     *        // will log:
     *        // {
     *        //     top: '1px',
     *        //     right: '2px',
     *        //     bottom: '3em',
     *        //     left: '2px'     // normalized value from margin shorthand
     *        // }
     *        styles.getNormalized( 'margin-left' ); // -> '2px'
     * **Note**: This method will only return normalized styles if a style processor was defined.
     * @param {String} name Style name.
     * @returns {Object|String|undefined}
    getNormalized( name ) {
        return this._styleProcessor.getNormalized( name, this._styles );

     * Returns a normalized style string. Styles are sorted by name.
     *        styles.set( 'margin' , '1px' );
     *        styles.set( 'background', '#f00' );
     *        styles.toString(); // -> 'background:#f00;margin:1px;'
     * **Note**: This method supports normalized styles if defined.
     *        // Enable 'margin' shorthand processing:
     * addMarginRules );
     *        styles.set( 'margin' , '1px' );
     *        styles.set( 'background', '#f00' );
     *        styles.remove( 'margin-top' );
     *        styles.remove( 'margin-right' );
     *        styles.toString(); // -> 'background:#f00;margin-bottom:1px;margin-left:1px;'
     * @returns {String}
    toString() {
        if ( this.isEmpty ) {
            return '';

        return this._getStylesEntries()
            .map( arr => arr.join( ':' ) )
            .join( ';' ) + ';';

     * Returns property as a value string or undefined if property is not set.
     *        // Enable 'margin' shorthand processing:
     * addMarginRules );
     *        const styles = new Styles();
     *        styles.setTo( 'margin:1px;' );
     *        styles.set( 'margin-bottom', '3em' );
     *        styles.getAsString( 'margin' ); // -> 'margin: 1px 1px 3em;'
     * Note, however, that all sub-values must be set for the longhand property name to return a value:
     *        const styles = new Styles();
     *        styles.setTo( 'margin:1px;' );
     *        styles.remove( 'margin-bottom' );
     *        styles.getAsString( 'margin' ); // -> undefined
     * In the above scenario, it is not possible to return a `margin` value, so `undefined` is returned.
     * Instead, you should use:
     *        const styles = new Styles();
     *        styles.setTo( 'margin:1px;' );
     *        styles.remove( 'margin-bottom' );
     *        for ( const styleName of styles.getStyleNames() ) {
     *            console.log( styleName, styles.getAsString( styleName ) );
     *        }
     *        // 'margin-top', '1px'
     *        // 'margin-right', '1px'
     *        // 'margin-left', '1px'
     * In general, it is recommend to iterate over style names like in the example above. This way, you will always get all
     * the currently set style values. So, if all the 4 margin values would be set
     * the for-of loop above would yield only `'margin'`, `'1px'`:
     *        const styles = new Styles();
     *        styles.setTo( 'margin:1px;' );
     *        for ( const styleName of styles.getStyleNames() ) {
     *            console.log( styleName, styles.getAsString( styleName ) );
     *        }
     *        // 'margin', '1px'
     * **Note**: To get a normalized version of a longhand property use the {@link #getNormalized `#getNormalized()`} method.
     * @param {String} propertyName
     * @returns {String|undefined}
    getAsString( propertyName ) {
        if ( this.isEmpty ) {

        if ( this._styles[ propertyName ] && !isObject( this._styles[ propertyName ] ) ) {
            // Try return styles set directly - values that are not parsed.
            return this._styles[ propertyName ];

        const styles = this._styleProcessor.getReducedForm( propertyName, this._styles );

        const propertyDescriptor = styles.find( ( [ property ] ) => property === propertyName );

        // Only return a value if it is set;
        if ( Array.isArray( propertyDescriptor ) ) {
            return propertyDescriptor[ 1 ];

     * Returns style property names as they would appear when using {@link #toString `#toString()`}.
     * @returns {Array.<String>}
    getStyleNames() {
        if ( this.isEmpty ) {
            return [];

        const entries = this._getStylesEntries();

        return ( [ key ] ) => key );

     * Removes all styles.
    clear() {
        this._styles = {};

     * Returns normalized styles entries for further processing.
     * @private
     * @returns {Array.<module:engine/view/stylesmap~PropertyDescriptor>}
    _getStylesEntries() {
        const parsed = [];

        const keys = Object.keys( this._styles );

        for ( const key of keys ) {
            parsed.push( ...this._styleProcessor.getReducedForm( key, this._styles ) );

        return parsed;

     * Removes empty objects upon removing an entry from internal object.
     * @param {String} path
     * @private
    _cleanEmptyObjectsOnPath( path ) {
        const pathParts = path.split( '.' );
        const isChildPath = pathParts.length > 1;

        if ( !isChildPath ) {

        const parentPath = pathParts.splice( 0, pathParts.length - 1 ).join( '.' );

        const parentObject = get( this._styles, parentPath );

        if ( !parentObject ) {

        const isParentEmpty = !Array.from( Object.keys( parentObject ) ).length;

        if ( isParentEmpty ) {
            this.remove( parentPath );

 * Style processor is responsible for writing and reading a normalized styles object.
export class StylesProcessor {
     * Creates StylesProcessor instance.
     * @private
    constructor() {
        this._normalizers = new Map();
        this._extractors = new Map();
        this._reducers = new Map();
        this._consumables = new Map();

     * Parse style string value to a normalized object and appends it to styles object.
     *        const styles = {};
     *        stylesProcessor.toNormalizedForm( 'margin', '1px', styles );
     *        // styles will consist: { margin: { top: '1px', right: '1px', bottom: '1px', left: '1px; } }
     * **Note**: To define normalizer callbacks use {@link #setNormalizer}.
     * @param {String} name Name of style property.
     * @param {String} propertyValue Value of style property.
     * @param {Object} styles Object holding normalized styles.
    toNormalizedForm( name, propertyValue, styles ) {
        if ( isObject( propertyValue ) ) {
            appendStyleValue( styles, toPath( name ), propertyValue );


        if ( this._normalizers.has( name ) ) {
            const normalizer = this._normalizers.get( name );

            const { path, value } = normalizer( propertyValue );

            appendStyleValue( styles, path, value );
        } else {
            appendStyleValue( styles, name, propertyValue );

     * Returns a normalized version of a style property.
     *        const styles = {
     *            margin: { top: '1px', right: '1px', bottom: '1px', left: '1px; },
     *            background: { color: '#f00' }
     *        };
     *        stylesProcessor.getNormalized( 'background' );
     *        // will return: { color: '#f00' }
     *        stylesProcessor.getNormalized( 'margin-top' );
     *        // will return: '1px'
     * **Note**: In some cases extracting single value requires defining an extractor callback {@link #setExtractor}.
     * @param {String} name Name of style property.
     * @param {Object} styles Object holding normalized styles.
     * @returns {*}
    getNormalized( name, styles ) {
        if ( !name ) {
            return merge( {}, styles );

        // Might be empty string.
        if ( styles[ name ] !== undefined ) {
            return styles[ name ];

        if ( this._extractors.has( name ) ) {
            const extractor = this._extractors.get( name );

            if ( typeof extractor === 'string' ) {
                return get( styles, extractor );

            const value = extractor( name, styles );

            if ( value ) {
                return value;

        return get( styles, toPath( name ) );

     * Returns a reduced form of style property form normalized object.
     * For default margin reducer, the below code:
     *        stylesProcessor.getReducedForm( 'margin', {
     *            margin: { top: '1px', right: '1px', bottom: '2px', left: '1px; }
     *        } );
     * will return:
     *        [
     *            [ 'margin', '1px 1px 2px' ]
     *        ]
     * because it might be represented as a shorthand 'margin' value. However if one of margin long hand values is missing it should return:
     *        [
     *            [ 'margin-top', '1px' ],
     *            [ 'margin-right', '1px' ],
     *            [ 'margin-bottom', '2px' ]
     *            // the 'left' value is missing - cannot use 'margin' shorthand.
     *        ]
     * **Note**: To define reducer callbacks use {@link #setReducer}.
     * @param {String} name
     * @param {String} name Name of style property.
     * @param {Object} styles Object holding normalized styles.
     * @returns {Array.<module:engine/view/stylesmap~PropertyDescriptor>}
    getReducedForm( name, styles ) {
        const normalizedValue = this.getNormalized( name, styles );

        // Might be empty string.
        if ( normalizedValue === undefined ) {
            return [];

        if ( this._reducers.has( name ) ) {
            const reducer = this._reducers.get( name );

            return reducer( normalizedValue );

        return [ [ name, normalizedValue ] ];

     * Returns related style names.
     *        stylesProcessor.getRelatedStyles( 'margin' );
     *        // will return: [ 'margin-top', 'margin-right', 'margin-bottom', 'margin-left' ];
     *        stylesProcessor.getRelatedStyles( 'margin-top' );
     *        // will return: [ 'margin' ];
     * **Note**: To define new style relations load an existing style processor or use
     * {@link module:engine/view/stylesmap~StylesProcessor#setStyleRelation `StylesProcessor.setStyleRelation()`}.
     * @param {String} name
     * @returns {Array.<String>}
    getRelatedStyles( name ) {
        return this._consumables.get( name ) || [];

     * Adds a normalizer method for a style property.
     * A normalizer returns describing how the value should be normalized.
     * For instance 'margin' style is a shorthand for four margin values:
     * - 'margin-top'
     * - 'margin-right'
     * - 'margin-bottom'
     * - 'margin-left'
     * and can be written in various ways if some values are equal to others. For instance `'margin: 1px 2em;'` is a shorthand for
     * `'margin-top: 1px;margin-right: 2em;margin-bottom: 1px;margin-left: 2em'`.
     * A normalizer should parse various margin notations as a single object:
     *        const styles = {
     *            margin: {
     *                top: '1px',
     *                right: '2em',
     *                bottom: '1px',
     *                left: '2em'
     *            }
     *        };
     * Thus a normalizer for 'margin' style should return an object defining style path and value to store:
     *        const returnValue = {
     *            path: 'margin',
     *            value: {
     *                top: '1px',
     *                right: '2em',
     *                bottom: '1px',
     *                left: '2em'
     *            }
     *        };
     * Additionally to fully support all margin notations there should be also defined 4 normalizers for longhand margin notations. Below
     * is an example for 'margin-top' style property normalizer:
     *        stylesProcessor.setNormalizer( 'margin-top', valueString => {
     *            return {
     *                path: '',
     *                value: valueString
     *            }
     *        } );
     * @param {String} name
     * @param {Function} callback
    setNormalizer( name, callback ) {
        this._normalizers.set( name, callback );

     * Adds a extractor callback for a style property.
     * Most normalized style values are stored as one level objects. It is assumed that `'margin-top'` style will be stored as:
     *        const styles = {
     *            margin: {
     *                top: 'value'
     *            }
     *        }
     * However, some styles can have conflicting notations and thus it might be harder to extract a style value from shorthand. For instance
     * the 'border-top-style' can be defined using `'border-top:solid'`, `'border-style:solid none none none'` or by `'border:solid'`
     * shorthands. The default border styles processors stores styles as:
     *        const styles = {
     *            border: {
     *                style: {
     *                    top: 'solid'
     *                }
     *            }
     *        }
     * as it is better to modify border style independently from other values. On the other part the output of the border might be
     * desired as `border-top`, `border-left`, etc notation.
     * In the above example a reducer should return a side border value that combines style, color and width:
     *        styleProcessor.setExtractor( 'border-top', styles => {
     *            return {
     *                color:,
     *                style:,
     *                width:
     *            }
     *        } );
     * @param {String} name
     * @param {Function|String} callbackOrPath Callback that return a requested value or path string for single values.
    setExtractor( name, callbackOrPath ) {
        this._extractors.set( name, callbackOrPath );

     * Adds a reducer callback for a style property.
     * Reducer returns a minimal notation for given style name. For longhand properties it is not required to write a reducer as
     * by default the direct value from style path is taken.
     * For shorthand styles a reducer should return minimal style notation either by returning single name-value tuple or multiple tuples
     * if a shorthand cannot be used. For instance for a margin shorthand a reducer might return:
     *        const marginShortHandTuple = [
     *            [ 'margin', '1px 1px 2px' ]
     *        ];
     * or a longhand tuples for defined values:
     *        // Considering margin.bottom and margin.left are undefined.
     *        const marginLonghandsTuples = [
     *            [ 'margin-top', '1px' ],
     *            [ 'margin-right', '1px' ]
     *        ];
     * A reducer obtains a normalized style value:
     *        // Simplified reducer that always outputs 4 values which are always present:
     *        stylesProcessor.setReducer( 'margin', margin => {
     *            return [
     *                [ 'margin', `${ } ${ margin.right } ${ margin.bottom } ${ margin.left }` ]
     *            ]
     *        } );
     * @param {String} name
     * @param {Function} callback
    setReducer( name, callback ) {
        this._reducers.set( name, callback );

     * Defines a style shorthand relation to other style notations.
     *        stylesProcessor.setStyleRelation( 'margin', [
     *            'margin-top',
     *            'margin-right',
     *            'margin-bottom',
     *            'margin-left'
     *        ] );
     * This enables expanding of style names for shorthands. For instance, if defined,
     * {@link module:engine/conversion/viewconsumable~ViewConsumable view consumable} items are automatically created
     * for long-hand margin style notation alongside the `'margin'` item.
     * This means that when an element being converted has a style `margin`, a converter for `margin-left` will work just
     * fine since the view consumable will contain a consumable `margin-left` item (thanks to the relation) and
     * `element.getStyle( 'margin-left' )` will work as well assuming that the style processor was correctly configured.
     * However, once `margin-left` is consumed, `margin` will not be consumable anymore.
     * @param {String} shorthandName
     * @param {Array.<String>} styleNames
    setStyleRelation( shorthandName, styleNames ) {
        this._mapStyleNames( shorthandName, styleNames );

        for ( const alsoName of styleNames ) {
            this._mapStyleNames( alsoName, [ shorthandName ] );

     * Set two-way binding of style names.
     * @param {String} name
     * @param {Array.<String>} styleNames
     * @private
    _mapStyleNames( name, styleNames ) {
        if ( !this._consumables.has( name ) ) {
            this._consumables.set( name, [] );

        this._consumables.get( name ).push( ...styleNames );

// Parses inline styles and puts property - value pairs into styles map.
// @param {String} stylesString Styles to parse.
// @returns {Map.<String, String>} stylesMap Map of parsed properties and values.
function parseInlineStyles( stylesString ) {
    // `null` if no quote was found in input string or last found quote was a closing quote. See below.
    let quoteType = null;
    let propertyNameStart = 0;
    let propertyValueStart = 0;
    let propertyName = null;

    const stylesMap = new Map();

    // Do not set anything if input string is empty.
    if ( stylesString === '' ) {
        return stylesMap;

    // Fix inline styles that do not end with `;` so they are compatible with algorithm below.
    if ( stylesString.charAt( stylesString.length - 1 ) != ';' ) {
        stylesString = stylesString + ';';

    // Seek the whole string for "special characters".
    for ( let i = 0; i < stylesString.length; i++ ) {
        const char = stylesString.charAt( i );

        if ( quoteType === null ) {
            // No quote found yet or last found quote was a closing quote.
            switch ( char ) {
                case ':':
                    // Most of time colon means that property name just ended.
                    // Sometimes however `:` is found inside property value (for example in background image url).
                    if ( !propertyName ) {
                        // Treat this as end of property only if property name is not already saved.
                        // Save property name.
                        propertyName = stylesString.substr( propertyNameStart, i - propertyNameStart );
                        // Save this point as the start of property value.
                        propertyValueStart = i + 1;


                case '"':
                case '\'':
                    // Opening quote found (this is an opening quote, because `quoteType` is `null`).
                    quoteType = char;


                case ';': {
                    // Property value just ended.
                    // Use previously stored property value start to obtain property value.
                    const propertyValue = stylesString.substr( propertyValueStart, i - propertyValueStart );

                    if ( propertyName ) {
                        // Save parsed part.
                        stylesMap.set( propertyName.trim(), propertyValue.trim() );

                    propertyName = null;

                    // Save this point as property name start. Property name starts immediately after previous property value ends.
                    propertyNameStart = i + 1;

        } else if ( char === quoteType ) {
            // If a quote char is found and it is a closing quote, mark this fact by `null`-ing `quoteType`.
            quoteType = null;

    return stylesMap;

// Return lodash compatible path from style name.
function toPath( name ) {
    return name.replace( '-', '.' );

// Appends style definition to the styles object.
// @param {String} nameOrPath
// @param {String|Object} valueOrObject
// @private
function appendStyleValue( stylesObject, nameOrPath, valueOrObject ) {
    let valueToSet = valueOrObject;

    if ( isObject( valueOrObject ) ) {
        valueToSet = merge( {}, get( stylesObject, nameOrPath ), valueOrObject );

    set( stylesObject, nameOrPath, valueToSet );

 * A CSS style property descriptor that contains tuplet of two strings:
 * - first string describes property name
 * - second string describes property value
 *        const marginDescriptor = [ 'margin', '2px 3em' ];
 *        const marginTopDescriptor = [ 'margin-top', '2px' ];
 * @typedef {Array.<String, String>} module:engine/view/stylesmap~PropertyDescriptor

 * An object describing values associated with the sides of a box, for instance margins, paddings,
 * border widths, border colors, etc.
 *        const margin = {
 *            top: '1px',
 *            right: '3px',
 *            bottom: '3px',
 *            left: '7px'
 *        };
 *        const borderColor = {
 *            top: 'red',
 *            right: 'blue',
 *            bottom: 'blue',
 *            left: 'red'
 *        };
 * @typedef {Object} module:engine/view/stylesmap~BoxSides
 * @property {String} top Top side value.
 * @property {String} right Right side value.
 * @property {String} bottom Bottom side value.
 * @property {String} left Left side value.