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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

 * @module engine/view/uielement

import Element from './element';
import CKEditorError from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/ckeditorerror';
import Node from './node';
import { keyCodes } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/keyboard';

 * UI element class. It should be used to represent editing UI which needs to be injected into the editing view
 * If possible, you should keep your UI outside the editing view. However, if that is not possible,
 * UI elements can be used.
 * How a UI element is rendered is in your control (you pass a callback to
 * {@link module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter#createUIElement `downcastWriter#createUIElement()`}).
 * The editor will ignore your UI element – the selection cannot be placed in it, it is skipped (invisible) when
 * the user modifies the selection by using arrow keys and the editor does not listen to any mutations which
 * happen inside your UI elements.
 * The limitation is that you cannot convert a model element to a UI element. UI elements need to be
 * created for {@link module:engine/model/markercollection~Marker markers} or as additinal elements
 * inside normal {@link module:engine/view/containerelement~ContainerElement container elements}.
 * To create a new UI element use the
 * {@link module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter#createUIElement `downcastWriter#createUIElement()`} method.
 * @extends module:engine/view/element~Element
export default class UIElement extends Element {
     * Creates new instance of UIElement.
     * Throws {@link module:utils/ckeditorerror~CKEditorError CKEditorError} `view-uielement-cannot-add` when third parameter is passed,
     * to inform that usage of UIElement is incorrect (adding child nodes to UIElement is forbidden).
     * @see module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter#createUIElement
     * @protected
     * @param {module:engine/view/document~Document} document The document instance to which this element belongs.
     * @param {String} name Node name.
     * @param {Object|Iterable} [attributes] Collection of attributes.
     * @param {module:engine/view/node~Node|Iterable.<module:engine/view/node~Node>} [children]
     * A list of nodes to be inserted into created element.
    constructor( document, name, attributes, children ) {
        super( document, name, attributes, children );

         * Returns `null` because filler is not needed for UIElements.
         * @method #getFillerOffset
         * @returns {null} Always returns null.
        this.getFillerOffset = getFillerOffset;

     * Checks whether this object is of the given.
     * 'uiElement' ); // -> true
     * 'element' ); // -> true
     * 'node' ); // -> true
     * 'view:uiElement' ); // -> true
     * 'view:element' ); // -> true
     * 'view:node' ); // -> true
     * 'model:element' ); // -> false
     * 'documentFragment' ); // -> false
     * Assuming that the object being checked is an ui element, you can also check its
     * {@link module:engine/view/uielement~UIElement#name name}:
     * 'span' ); // -> true if this is a span ui element
     * 'uiElement', 'span' ); // -> same as above
     * 'span' ); -> false
     * {@link module:engine/view/node~Node#is Check the entire list of view objects} which implement the `is()` method.
     * @param {String} type Type to check when `name` parameter is present.
     * Otherwise, it acts like the `name` parameter.
     * @param {String} [name] Element name.
     * @returns {Boolean}
    is( type, name = null ) {
        if ( !name ) {
            return type === 'uiElement' || type === 'view:uiElement' ||
                // From This is highly utilised method and cannot call super. See ckeditor/ckeditor5#6529.
                type === || type === 'view:' + ||
                type === 'element' || type === 'view:element' ||
                type === 'node' || type === 'view:node';
        } else {
            return name === && (
                type === 'uiElement' || type === 'view:uiElement' ||
                type === 'element' || type === 'view:element'

     * Overrides {@link module:engine/view/element~Element#_insertChild} method.
     * Throws {@link module:utils/ckeditorerror~CKEditorError CKEditorError} `view-uielement-cannot-add` to prevent adding any child nodes
     * to UIElement.
     * @protected
    _insertChild( index, nodes ) {
        if ( nodes && ( nodes instanceof Node || Array.from( nodes ).length > 0 ) ) {
             * Cannot add children to {@link module:engine/view/uielement~UIElement}.
             * @error view-uielement-cannot-add
            throw new CKEditorError( 'view-uielement-cannot-add: Cannot add child nodes to UIElement instance.', this );

     * Renders this {@link module:engine/view/uielement~UIElement} to DOM. This method is called by
     * {@link module:engine/view/domconverter~DomConverter}.
     * Do not use inheritance to create custom rendering method, replace `render()` method instead:
     *        const myUIElement = downcastWriter.createUIElement( 'span' );
     *        myUIElement.render = function( domDocument ) {
     *            const domElement = this.toDomElement( domDocument );
     *            domElement.innerHTML = '<b>this is ui element</b>';
     *            return domElement;
     *        };
     * If changes in your UI element should trigger some editor UI update you should call
     * the {@link module:core/editor/editorui~EditorUI#update `editor.ui.update()`} method
     * after rendering your UI element.
     * @param {Document} domDocument
     * @returns {HTMLElement}
    render( domDocument ) {
        return this.toDomElement( domDocument );

     * Creates DOM element based on this view UIElement.
     * Note that each time this method is called new DOM element is created.
     * @param {Document} domDocument
     * @returns {HTMLElement}
    toDomElement( domDocument ) {
        const domElement = domDocument.createElement( );

        for ( const key of this.getAttributeKeys() ) {
            domElement.setAttribute( key, this.getAttribute( key ) );

        return domElement;

 * This function injects UI element handling to the given {@link module:engine/view/document~Document document}.
 * A callback is added to {@link module:engine/view/document~Document#event:keydown document keydown event}.
 * The callback handles the situation when right arrow key is pressed and selection is collapsed before a UI element.
 * Without this handler, it would be impossible to "jump over" UI element using right arrow key.
 * @param {module:engine/view/view~View} view View controller to which the quirks handling will be injected.
export function injectUiElementHandling( view ) {
    view.document.on( 'keydown', ( evt, data ) => jumpOverUiElement( evt, data, view.domConverter ) );

// Returns `null` because block filler is not needed for UIElements.
// @returns {null}
function getFillerOffset() {
    return null;

// Selection cannot be placed in a `UIElement`. Whenever it is placed there, it is moved before it. This
// causes a situation when it is impossible to jump over `UIElement` using right arrow key, because the selection
// ends up in ui element (in DOM) and is moved back to the left. This handler fixes this situation.
function jumpOverUiElement( evt, data, domConverter ) {
    if ( data.keyCode == keyCodes.arrowright ) {
        const domSelection = data.domTarget.ownerDocument.defaultView.getSelection();
        const domSelectionCollapsed = domSelection.rangeCount == 1 && domSelection.getRangeAt( 0 ).collapsed;

        // Jump over UI element if selection is collapsed or shift key is pressed. These are the cases when selection would extend.
        if ( domSelectionCollapsed || data.shiftKey ) {
            const domParent = domSelection.focusNode;
            const domOffset = domSelection.focusOffset;

            const viewPosition = domConverter.domPositionToView( domParent, domOffset );

            // In case if dom element is not converted to view or is not mapped or something. Happens for example in some tests.
            if ( viewPosition === null ) {

            // Skip all following ui elements.
            let jumpedOverAnyUiElement = false;

            const nextViewPosition = viewPosition.getLastMatchingPosition( value => {
                if ( 'uiElement' ) ) {
                    // Remember that there was at least one ui element.
                    jumpedOverAnyUiElement = true;

                // Jump over ui elements, jump over empty attribute elements, move up from inside of attribute element.
                if ( 'uiElement' ) || 'attributeElement' ) ) {
                    return true;

                // Don't jump over text or don't get out of container element.
                return false;
            } );

            // If anything has been skipped, fix position.
            // This `if` could be possibly omitted but maybe it is better not to mess with DOM selection if not needed.
            if ( jumpedOverAnyUiElement ) {
                const newDomPosition = domConverter.viewPositionToDom( nextViewPosition );

                if ( domSelectionCollapsed ) {
                    // Selection was collapsed, so collapse it at further position.
                    domSelection.collapse( newDomPosition.parent, newDomPosition.offset );
                } else {
                    // Selection was not collapse, so extend it instead of collapsing.
                    domSelection.extend( newDomPosition.parent, newDomPosition.offset );