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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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 * @module enter/shiftentercommand

import Command from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-core/src/command';
import { getCopyOnEnterAttributes } from './utils';

 * ShiftEnter command. It is used by the {@link module:enter/shiftenter~ShiftEnter ShiftEnter feature} to handle
 * the <kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Enter</kbd> keystroke.
 * @extends module:core/command~Command
export default class ShiftEnterCommand extends Command {
     * @inheritDoc
    execute() {
        const model = this.editor.model;
        const doc = model.document;

        model.change( writer => {
            softBreakAction( model, writer, doc.selection );
   'afterExecute', { writer } );
        } );

    refresh() {
        const model = this.editor.model;
        const doc = model.document;

        this.isEnabled = isEnabled( model.schema, doc.selection );

// Checks whether the ShiftEnter command should be enabled in the specified selection.
// @param {module:engine/model/schema~Schema} schema
// @param {module:engine/model/selection~Selection|module:engine/model/documentselection~DocumentSelection} selection
function isEnabled( schema, selection ) {
    // At this moment it is okay to support single range selections only.
    // But in the future we may need to change that.
    if ( selection.rangeCount > 1 ) {
        return false;

    const anchorPos = selection.anchor;

    // Check whether the break element can be inserted in the current selection anchor.
    if ( !anchorPos || !schema.checkChild( anchorPos, 'softBreak' ) ) {
        return false;

    const range = selection.getFirstRange();
    const startElement = range.start.parent;
    const endElement = range.end.parent;

    // Do not modify the content if selection is cross-limit elements.
    if ( ( isInsideLimitElement( startElement, schema ) || isInsideLimitElement( endElement, schema ) ) && startElement !== endElement ) {
        return false;

    return true;

// Creates a break in the way that the <kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Enter</kbd> keystroke is expected to work.
// @param {module:engine/model~Model} model
// @param {module:engine/model/writer~Writer} writer
// @param {module:engine/model/selection~Selection|module:engine/model/documentselection~DocumentSelection} selection
// Selection on which the action should be performed.
function softBreakAction( model, writer, selection ) {
    const isSelectionEmpty = selection.isCollapsed;
    const range = selection.getFirstRange();
    const startElement = range.start.parent;
    const endElement = range.end.parent;
    const isContainedWithinOneElement = ( startElement == endElement );

    if ( isSelectionEmpty ) {
        const attributesToCopy = getCopyOnEnterAttributes( model.schema, selection.getAttributes() );
        insertBreak( model, writer, range.end );

        writer.removeSelectionAttribute( selection.getAttributeKeys() );
        writer.setSelectionAttribute( attributesToCopy );
    } else {
        const leaveUnmerged = !( range.start.isAtStart && range.end.isAtEnd );
        model.deleteContent( selection, { leaveUnmerged } );

        // Selection within one element:
        // <h>x[xx]x</h>        -> <h>x^x</h>            -> <h>x<br>^x</h>
        if ( isContainedWithinOneElement ) {
            insertBreak( model, writer, selection.focus );
        // Selection over multiple elements.
        // <h>x[x</h><p>y]y<p>    -> <h>x^</h><p>y</p>    -> <h>x</h><p>^y</p>
        // We chose not to insert a line break in this case because:
        // * it's not a very common scenario,
        // * it actually surprised me when I saw the "expected behavior" in real life.
        // It's ok if the user will need to be more specific where they want the <br> to be inserted.
        else {
            // Move the selection to the 2nd element (last step of the example above).
            if ( leaveUnmerged ) {
                writer.setSelection( endElement, 0 );

function insertBreak( model, writer, position ) {
    const breakLineElement = writer.createElement( 'softBreak' );

    model.insertContent( breakLineElement, position );
    writer.setSelection( breakLineElement, 'after' );

// Checks whether the specified `element` is a child of the limit element.
// Checking whether the `<p>` element is inside a limit element:
//   - <$root><p>Text.</p></$root> => false
//   - <$root><limitElement><p>Text</p></limitElement></$root> => true
// @param {module:engine/model/element~Element} element
// @param {module:engine/schema~Schema} schema
// @returns {Boolean}
function isInsideLimitElement( element, schema ) {
    // `$root` is a limit element but in this case is an invalid element.
    if ( 'rootElement' ) ) {
        return false;

    return schema.isLimit( element ) || isInsideLimitElement( element.parent, schema );