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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
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 * @module list/utils

import { getFillerOffset } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-engine/src/view/containerelement';
import ButtonView from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-ui/src/button/buttonview';

 * Creates a list item {@link module:engine/view/containerelement~ContainerElement}.
 * @param {module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter} writer The writer instance.
 * @returns {module:engine/view/containerelement~ContainerElement}
export function createViewListItemElement( writer ) {
    const viewItem = writer.createContainerElement( 'li' );

    viewItem.getFillerOffset = getListItemFillerOffset;

    return viewItem;

 * Helper function that creates a `<ul><li></li></ul>` or (`<ol>`) structure out of the given `modelItem` model `listItem` element.
 * Then, it binds the created view list item (<li>) with the model `listItem` element.
 * The function then returns the created view list item (<li>).
 * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item} modelItem Model list item.
 * @param {module:engine/conversion/upcastdispatcher~UpcastConversionApi} conversionApi Conversion interface.
 * @returns {module:engine/view/containerelement~ContainerElement} View list element.
export function generateLiInUl( modelItem, conversionApi ) {
    const mapper = conversionApi.mapper;
    const viewWriter = conversionApi.writer;
    const listType = modelItem.getAttribute( 'listType' ) == 'numbered' ? 'ol' : 'ul';
    const viewItem = createViewListItemElement( viewWriter );

    const viewList = viewWriter.createContainerElement( listType, null );

    viewWriter.insert( viewWriter.createPositionAt( viewList, 0 ), viewItem );

    mapper.bindElements( modelItem, viewItem );

    return viewItem;

 * Helper function that inserts a view list at a correct place and merges it with its siblings.
 * It takes a model list item element (`modelItem`) and a corresponding view list item element (`injectedItem`). The view list item
 * should be in a view list element (`<ul>` or `<ol>`) and should be its only child.
 * See comments below to better understand the algorithm.
 * @param {module:engine/view/item~Item} modelItem Model list item.
 * @param {module:engine/view/containerelement~ContainerElement} injectedItem
 * @param {module:engine/conversion/upcastdispatcher~UpcastConversionApi} conversionApi Conversion interface.
 * @param {module:engine/model/model~Model} model The model instance.
export function injectViewList( modelItem, injectedItem, conversionApi, model ) {
    const injectedList = injectedItem.parent;
    const mapper = conversionApi.mapper;
    const viewWriter = conversionApi.writer;

    // The position where the view list will be inserted.
    let insertPosition = mapper.toViewPosition( model.createPositionBefore( modelItem ) );

    // 1. Find the previous list item that has the same or smaller indent. Basically we are looking for the first model item
    // that is a "parent" or "sibling" of the injected model item.
    // If there is no such list item, it means that the injected list item is the first item in "its list".
    const refItem = getSiblingListItem( modelItem.previousSibling, {
        sameIndent: true,
        smallerIndent: true,
        listIndent: modelItem.getAttribute( 'listIndent' )
    } );
    const prevItem = modelItem.previousSibling;

    if ( refItem && refItem.getAttribute( 'listIndent' ) == modelItem.getAttribute( 'listIndent' ) ) {
        // There is a list item with the same indent - we found the same-level sibling.
        // Break the list after it. The inserted view item will be added in the broken space.
        const viewItem = mapper.toViewElement( refItem );
        insertPosition = viewWriter.breakContainer( viewWriter.createPositionAfter( viewItem ) );
    } else {
        // There is no list item with the same indent. Check the previous model item.
        if ( prevItem && == 'listItem' ) {
            // If it is a list item, it has to have a lower indent.
            // It means that the inserted item should be added to it as its nested item.
            insertPosition = mapper.toViewPosition( model.createPositionAt( prevItem, 'end' ) );
        } else {
            // The previous item is not a list item (or does not exist at all).
            // Just map the position and insert the view item at the mapped position.
            insertPosition = mapper.toViewPosition( model.createPositionBefore( modelItem ) );

    insertPosition = positionAfterUiElements( insertPosition );

    // Insert the view item.
    viewWriter.insert( insertPosition, injectedList );

    // 2. Handle possible children of the injected model item.
    if ( prevItem && == 'listItem' ) {
        const prevView = mapper.toViewElement( prevItem );

        const walkerBoundaries = viewWriter.createRange( viewWriter.createPositionAt( prevView, 0 ), insertPosition );
        const walker = walkerBoundaries.getWalker( { ignoreElementEnd: true } );

        for ( const value of walker ) {
            if ( 'li' ) ) {
                const breakPosition = viewWriter.breakContainer( viewWriter.createPositionBefore( value.item ) );
                const viewList = value.item.parent;

                const targetPosition = viewWriter.createPositionAt( injectedItem, 'end' );
                mergeViewLists( viewWriter, targetPosition.nodeBefore, targetPosition.nodeAfter );
                viewWriter.move( viewWriter.createRangeOn( viewList ), targetPosition );

                walker.position = breakPosition;
    } else {
        const nextViewList = injectedList.nextSibling;

        if ( nextViewList && ( 'ul' ) || 'ol' ) ) ) {
            let lastSubChild = null;

            for ( const child of nextViewList.getChildren() ) {
                const modelChild = mapper.toModelElement( child );

                if ( modelChild && modelChild.getAttribute( 'listIndent' ) > modelItem.getAttribute( 'listIndent' ) ) {
                    lastSubChild = child;
                } else {

            if ( lastSubChild ) {
                viewWriter.breakContainer( viewWriter.createPositionAfter( lastSubChild ) );
                viewWriter.move( viewWriter.createRangeOn( lastSubChild.parent ), viewWriter.createPositionAt( injectedItem, 'end' ) );

    // Merge the inserted view list with its possible neighbor lists.
    mergeViewLists( viewWriter, injectedList, injectedList.nextSibling );
    mergeViewLists( viewWriter, injectedList.previousSibling, injectedList );

 * Helper function that takes two parameters that are expected to be view list elements, and merges them.
 * The merge happens only if both parameters are list elements of the same type (the same element name and the same class attributes).
 * @param {module:engine/view/downcastwriter~DowncastWriter} viewWriter The writer instance.
 * @param {module:engine/view/item~Item} firstList The first element to compare.
 * @param {module:engine/view/item~Item} secondList The second element to compare.
 * @returns {module:engine/view/position~Position|null} The position after merge or `null` when there was no merge.
export function mergeViewLists( viewWriter, firstList, secondList ) {
    // Check if two lists are going to be merged.
    if ( !firstList || !secondList || ( != 'ul' && != 'ol' ) ) {
        return null;

    // Both parameters are list elements, so compare types now.
    if ( != || firstList.getAttribute( 'class' ) !== secondList.getAttribute( 'class' ) ) {
        return null;

    return viewWriter.mergeContainers( viewWriter.createPositionAfter( firstList ) );

 * Helper function that for a given `view.Position`, returns a `view.Position` that is after all `view.UIElement`s that
 * are after the given position.
 * For example:
 * `<container:p>foo^<ui:span></ui:span><ui:span></ui:span>bar</container:p>`
 * For position ^, the position before "bar" will be returned.
 * @param {module:engine/view/position~Position} viewPosition
 * @returns {module:engine/view/position~Position}
export function positionAfterUiElements( viewPosition ) {
    return viewPosition.getLastMatchingPosition( value => 'uiElement' ) );

 * Helper function that searches for a previous list item sibling of a given model item that meets the given criteria
 * passed by the options object.
 * @param {module:engine/model/item~Item} modelItem
 * @param {Object} options Search criteria.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.sameIndent=false] Whether the sought sibling should have the same indentation.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.smallerIndent=false] Whether the sought sibling should have a smaller indentation.
 * @param {Number} [options.listIndent] The reference indentation.
 * @returns {module:engine/model/item~Item|null}
export function getSiblingListItem( modelItem, options ) {
    const sameIndent = !!options.sameIndent;
    const smallerIndent = !!options.smallerIndent;
    const indent = options.listIndent;

    let item = modelItem;

    while ( item && == 'listItem' ) {
        const itemIndent = item.getAttribute( 'listIndent' );

        if ( ( sameIndent && indent == itemIndent ) || ( smallerIndent && indent > itemIndent ) ) {
            return item;

        item = item.previousSibling;

    return null;

 * Helper method for creating a UI button and linking it with an appropriate command.
 * @private
 * @param {module:core/editor/editor~Editor} editor The editor instance to which the UI component will be added.
 * @param {String} commandName The name of the command.
 * @param {Object} label The button label.
 * @param {String} icon The source of the icon.
export function createUIComponent( editor, commandName, label, icon ) {
    editor.ui.componentFactory.add( commandName, locale => {
        const command = editor.commands.get( commandName );
        const buttonView = new ButtonView( locale );

        buttonView.set( {
            tooltip: true,
            isToggleable: true
        } );

        // Bind button model to command.
        buttonView.bind( 'isOn', 'isEnabled' ).to( command, 'value', 'isEnabled' );

        // Execute command.
        buttonView.on( 'execute', () => {
            editor.execute( commandName );
        } );

        return buttonView;
    } );

// Implementation of getFillerOffset for view list item element.
// @returns {Number|null} Block filler offset or `null` if block filler is not needed.
function getListItemFillerOffset() {
    const hasOnlyLists = !this.isEmpty && ( this.getChild( 0 ).name == 'ul' || this.getChild( 0 ).name == 'ol' );

    if ( this.isEmpty || hasOnlyLists ) {
        return 0;

    return this );