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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (c) 2003-2020, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

@import "../mixins/_focus.css";
@import "../mixins/_shadow.css";

:root {
    --ck-widget-outline-thickness: 3px;
    --ck-widget-handler-icon-size: 16px;
    --ck-widget-handler-animation-duration: 200ms;
    --ck-widget-handler-animation-curve: ease;

    --ck-color-widget-blurred-border: hsl(0, 0%, 87%);
    --ck-color-widget-hover-border: hsl(43, 100%, 62%);
    --ck-color-widget-editable-focus-background: var(--ck-color-base-background);
    --ck-color-widget-drag-handler-icon-color: var(--ck-color-base-background);

.ck .ck-widget {
    outline-width: var(--ck-widget-outline-thickness);
    outline-style: solid;
    outline-color: transparent;
    transition: outline-color var(--ck-widget-handler-animation-duration) var(--ck-widget-handler-animation-curve);

    &.ck-widget_selected:hover {
        outline: var(--ck-widget-outline-thickness) solid var(--ck-color-focus-border);

    &:hover {
        outline-color: var(--ck-color-widget-hover-border);

.ck .ck-editor__nested-editable {
    border: 1px solid transparent;

    /* The :focus style is applied before .ck-editor__nested-editable_focused class is rendered in the view.
    These styles show a different border for a blink of an eye, so `:focus` need to have same styles applied. */
    &:focus {
        @mixin ck-focus-ring;
        @mixin ck-box-shadow var(--ck-inner-shadow);

        background-color: var(--ck-color-widget-editable-focus-background);

.ck {
    & .ck-widget__selection-handle {
        padding: 4px;
        box-sizing: border-box;

        /* Background and opacity will be animated as the handler shows up or the widget gets selected. */
        background-color: transparent;
        opacity: 0;

        /* Transition:
           * background-color for the .ck-widget_selected state change,
           * visibility for hiding the handler,
           * opacity for the proper look of the icon when the handler disappears. */
            background-color var(--ck-widget-handler-animation-duration) var(--ck-widget-handler-animation-curve),
            visibility var(--ck-widget-handler-animation-duration) var(--ck-widget-handler-animation-curve),
            opacity var(--ck-widget-handler-animation-duration) var(--ck-widget-handler-animation-curve);

        /* Make only top corners round. */
        border-radius: var(--ck-border-radius) var(--ck-border-radius) 0 0;

        /* Place the drag handler outside the widget wrapper. */
        transform: translateY(-100%);
        left: calc(0px - var(--ck-widget-outline-thickness));

        & .ck-icon {
            /* Make sure the dimensions of the icon are independent of the fon-size of the content. */
            width: var(--ck-widget-handler-icon-size);
            height: var(--ck-widget-handler-icon-size);
            color: var(--ck-color-widget-drag-handler-icon-color);

            /* The "selected" part of the icon is invisible by default */
            & .ck-icon__selected-indicator {
                opacity: 0;

                /* Note: The animation is longer on purpose. Simply feels better. */
                transition: opacity 300ms var(--ck-widget-handler-animation-curve);

        /* Advertise using the look of the icon that once clicked the handler, the widget will be selected. */
        &:hover .ck-icon .ck-icon__selected-indicator {
            opacity: 1;

    /* Show the selection handler on mouse hover over the widget. */
    &:hover .ck-widget__selection-handle {
        opacity: 1;
        background-color: var(--ck-color-widget-hover-border);

    /* Show the selection handler when the widget is selected. */
    &.ck-widget_selected:hover {
        & .ck-widget__selection-handle {
            opacity: 1;
            background-color: var(--ck-color-focus-border);

            /* When the widget is selected, notify the user using the proper look of the icon. */
            & .ck-icon .ck-icon__selected-indicator {
                opacity: 1;

/* In a RTL environment, align the selection handler to the right side of the widget */
/* stylelint-disable-next-line no-descending-specificity */
.ck[dir="rtl"] .ck-widget__selection-handle {
    left: auto;
    right: calc(0px - var(--ck-widget-outline-thickness));

/* */ .ck-widget {
    /* Prevent the :hover outline from showing up because of the used outline-color transition. */
    transition: none;

    &:not(.ck-widget_selected) {
        /* Disable visual effects of hover/active widget when CKEditor is in readOnly mode.
        See: */
        --ck-widget-outline-thickness: 0;

    &.ck-widget_with-selection-handle {
        & .ck-widget__selection-handle,
        & .ck-widget__selection-handle:hover {
            background: var(--ck-color-widget-blurred-border);

/* Style the widget when it's selected but the editable it belongs to lost focus. */
/* stylelint-disable-next-line no-descending-specificity */ .ck-widget {
    &.ck-widget_selected:hover {
        outline-color: var(--ck-color-widget-blurred-border);

        &.ck-widget_with-selection-handle {
            & .ck-widget__selection-handle,
            & .ck-widget__selection-handle:hover {
                background: var(--ck-color-widget-blurred-border);
} >, blockquote > {
    /* Do not crop selection handler if a widget is a first-child in the blockquote or in the root editable.
    In fact, anything with overflow: hidden. */
    margin-top: calc(1em + var(--ck-widget-handler-icon-size));