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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see

'use strict';

const chalk = require( 'chalk' );
const buildOptions = require( 'minimist-options' );
const minimist = require( 'minimist' );

module.exports = {
    name: 'close',

    get helpMessage() {
        const {
            italic: i,
            gray: g,
            magenta: m,
            underline: u
        } = chalk;

        return `
    ${ u( 'Description:' ) }
        Merges specified branch with the current which on the repository is checked out.

        Merge is executed only on repositories where specified branch exists.

        The merge commit will be made using following message: "${ i( 'Merge branch \'branch-name\'' ) }".

        After merging, specified branch will be removed from the remote and local registry.

    ${ u( 'Options:' ) }
        ${ m( '--message' ) } (-m)            An additional description for merge commit. It will be
                                  appended to the default message. E.g.:
                                  ${ g( '> mrgit merge develop -- -m "Some description about merged changes."' ) }

    beforeExecute( args ) {
        if ( !args[ 1 ] ) {
            throw new Error( 'Missing branch to merge. Use: mrgit close [branch].' );

     * @param {CommandData} data
     * @returns {Promise}
    execute( data ) {
        const log = require( '../utils/log' )();
        const execCommand = require( './exec' );
        const branch = data.arguments[ 0 ];

        return execCommand.execute( getExecData( `git branch --list ${ branch }` ) )
            .then( async execResponse => {
                const branchExists = Boolean([ 0 ] );

                if ( !branchExists ) {
           'Branch does not exist.' );

                    return {
                        logs: log.all()

                const commandResponse = await execCommand.execute( getExecData( 'git branch --show-current' ) );
                const detachedHead = ![ 0 ];

                if ( detachedHead ) {
           'This repository is currently in detached head mode - skipping.' );

                    return {
                        logs: log.all()

                const mergeMessage = this._getMergeMessage( data.toolOptions, data.arguments );
                const commitTitle = `Merge branch '${ branch }'`;

                let mergeCommand = `git merge ${ branch } --no-ff -m "${ commitTitle }"`;

                if ( mergeMessage.length ) {
                    mergeCommand += ' ' + message => `-m "${ message }"` ).join( ' ' );

                return execCommand.execute( getExecData( mergeCommand ) )
                    .then( execResponse => {
                        log.concat( execResponse.logs );
               `Removing "${ branch }" branch from the local registry.` );

                        return execCommand.execute( getExecData( `git branch -d ${ branch }` ) );
                    } )
                    .then( execResponse => {
                        log.concat( execResponse.logs );
               `Removing "${ branch }" branch from the remote.` );

                        return execCommand.execute( getExecData( `git push origin :${ branch }` ) );
                    } )
                    .then( execResponse => {
                        log.concat( execResponse.logs );

                        return { logs: log.all() };
                    } );
            } );

        function getExecData( command ) {
            return Object.assign( {}, data, {
                arguments: [ command ]
            } );

     * @private
     * @param {options} toolOptions Options resolved by mrgit.
     * @param {Array.<String>>} argv List of arguments provided by the user via CLI.
     * @returns {Array.<String>}
    _getMergeMessage( toolOptions, argv ) {
        const cliOptions = this._parseArguments( argv );

        let message;

        if ( toolOptions.message ) {
            message = toolOptions.message;
        } else if ( cliOptions.message ) {
            message = cliOptions.message;
        } else {
            return [];

        /* istanbul ignore else */
        if ( !Array.isArray( message ) ) {
            message = [ message ].filter( Boolean );

        return message;

     * @private
     * @param {Array.<String>} argv List of arguments provided by the user via CLI.
     * @returns {Object}
    _parseArguments( argv ) {
        return minimist( argv, buildOptions( {
            message: {
                type: 'string',
                alias: 'm'
        } ) );