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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see

'use strict';

const fs = require( 'fs' );
const path = require( 'upath' );
const chalk = require( 'chalk' );
const shell = require( '../utils/shell' );

module.exports = {
    name: 'sync',

    get helpMessage() {
        const {
            gray: g,
            magenta: m,
            underline: u
        } = chalk;

        return `
    ${ u( 'Description:' ) }
        Updates all packages. For packages that contain uncommitted changes, the update process is aborted.
        If some package is missed, it will be installed automatically.

        The update process executes following commands:

            * Checks whether repository can be updated. If the repository contains uncommitted changes,
              the process is aborted.
            * Fetches changes from the remote.
            * Checks out on the branch or particular commit that is specified in "mrgit.json" file.
            * Pulls the changes if the repository is not detached at some commit.

    ${ u( 'Options:' ) }
        ${ m( '--recursive' ) } (-r)            Whether to install dependencies recursively. Only packages matching these
                                    patterns will be cloned recursively.
                                    ${ g( 'Default: false' ) }

     * @param {CommandData} data
     * @returns {Promise}
    execute( data ) {
        const log = require( '../utils/log' )();
        const execCommand = require( './exec' );

        if ( !data.isRootRepository ) {
            const destinationPath = path.join( data.toolOptions.packages, );

            // Package is not cloned.
            if ( !fs.existsSync( destinationPath ) ) {
       `Package "${ data.packageName }" was not found. Cloning...` );

                return this._clonePackage( {
                    path: destinationPath,
                    name: data.packageName,
                    url: data.repository.url,
                    branch: data.repository.branch,
                    tag: data.repository.tag
                }, data.toolOptions, { log } );

        return execCommand.execute( getExecData( 'git status -s' ) )
            .then( async response => {
                const stdout = '\n' ).trim();

                if ( stdout ) {
                    throw new Error( `Package "${ data.packageName }" has uncommitted changes. Aborted.` );

                return execCommand.execute( getExecData( 'git fetch' ) );
            } )
            .then( response => {
                log.concat( response.logs );
            } )
            .then( async () => {
                let checkoutValue;

                if ( !data.repository.tag ) {
                    checkoutValue = data.repository.branch;
                } else if ( data.repository.tag === 'latest' ) {
                    const commandOutput = await execCommand.execute(
                        getExecData( 'git log --tags --simplify-by-decoration --pretty="%S"' )

                    if ( ! ) {
                        throw new Error( `Can't check out the latest tag as package "${ data.packageName }" has no tags. Aborted.` );

                    const latestTag =[ 0 ].trim().split( '\n' ).shift();

                    checkoutValue = 'tags/' + latestTag.trim();
                } else {
                    checkoutValue = 'tags/' + data.repository.tag;

                return execCommand.execute( getExecData( `git checkout "${ checkoutValue }"` ) );
            } )
            .then( response => {
                log.concat( response.logs );
            } )
            .then( () => {
                return execCommand.execute( getExecData( 'git branch' ) );
            } )
            .then( response => {
                const stdout = '\n' ).trim();
                const isOnBranchRegexp = /HEAD detached at+/;

                // If on a detached commit, mrgit must not pull the changes.
                if ( isOnBranchRegexp.test( stdout ) ) {
           `Package "${ data.packageName }" is on a detached commit.` );

                    return { logs: log.all() };

                return execCommand.execute( getExecData( `git pull origin "${ data.repository.branch }"` ) )
                    .then( response => {
                        log.concat( response.logs );

                        return { logs: log.all() };
                    } );
            } )
            .catch( commandResponseOrError => {
                if ( commandResponseOrError instanceof Error ) {
                    log.error( commandResponseOrError.message );
                } else {
                    log.concat( commandResponseOrError.logs );

                return Promise.reject( { logs: log.all() } );
            } );

        function getExecData( command ) {
            return Object.assign( {}, data, {
                arguments: [ command ]
            } );

     * @param {Set} parsedPackages Collection of processed packages.
    afterExecute( parsedPackages, commandResponses, toolOptions ) {
        console.log( chalk.cyan( `${ parsedPackages.size } packages have been processed.` ) );

        const repositoryResolver = require( toolOptions.resolverPath );

        const repositoryDirectories = Object.keys( toolOptions.dependencies )
            .map( packageName => {
                const repository = repositoryResolver( packageName, toolOptions );

                return path.join( toolOptions.packages, );
            } );

        const skippedPackages = fs.readdirSync( toolOptions.packages )
            .map( directoryName => {
                const absolutePath = path.join( toolOptions.packages, directoryName );

                if ( !directoryName.startsWith( '@' ) ) {
                    return absolutePath;

                return fs.readdirSync( absolutePath ).map( directoryName => path.join( absolutePath, directoryName ) );
            } )
            // TODO: Array.prototype.flat would be awesome here... But it isn't supported in Node yet.
            .reduce( ( pathsCollection, pathOrArrayPaths ) => {
                if ( Array.isArray( pathOrArrayPaths ) ) {
                    pathsCollection.push( ...pathOrArrayPaths );
                } else {
                    pathsCollection.push( pathOrArrayPaths );

                return pathsCollection;
            }, [] )
            .filter( pathOrDirectory => {
                if ( !fs.lstatSync( pathOrDirectory ).isDirectory() ) {
                    return false;

                return !repositoryDirectories.includes( pathOrDirectory );
            } );

        if ( skippedPackages.length ) {
                chalk.yellow( 'Paths to directories listed below are skipped by mrgit because they are not defined in "mrgit.json":' )

            skippedPackages.forEach( absolutePath => {
                console.log( chalk.yellow( `  - ${ absolutePath }` ) );
            } );

     * @private
     * @param {Object} packageDetails
     * @param {String} A name of the package.
     * @param {String} packageDetails.url A url that will be cloned.
     * @param {String} packageDetails.path An absolute path where the package should be cloned.
     * @param {String} packageDetails.branch A branch on which the repository will be checked out after cloning.
     * @param {Options} toolOptions Options resolved by mrgit.
     * @param {Object} options Additional options which aren't related to mrgit.
     * @param {Logger} options.log Logger
     * @param {Boolean} [options.doNotTryAgain=false] If set to `true`, bootstrap command won't be executed again.
     * @returns {Promise}
    _clonePackage( packageDetails, toolOptions, options ) {
        const log = options.log;

        return shell( `git clone --progress "${ packageDetails.url }" "${ packageDetails.path }"` )
            .then( async output => {
       output );

                let checkoutValue;

                if ( !packageDetails.tag ) {
                    checkoutValue = packageDetails.branch;
                } else if ( packageDetails.tag === 'latest' ) {
                    const commandOutput = await shell(
                        `cd "${ packageDetails.path }" && git log --tags --simplify-by-decoration --pretty="%S"`
                    const latestTag = commandOutput.trim().split( '\n' ).shift();

                    checkoutValue = 'tags/' + latestTag.trim();
                } else {
                    checkoutValue = 'tags/' + packageDetails.tag;

                return shell( `cd "${ packageDetails.path }" && git checkout --quiet "${ checkoutValue }"` );
            } )
            .then( () => {
                const commandOutput = {
                    logs: log.all()

                if ( toolOptions.recursive ) {
                    const packageJson = require( path.join( packageDetails.path, 'package.json' ) );
                    const packages = [];

                    if ( packageJson.dependencies ) {
                        packages.push( ...Object.keys( packageJson.dependencies ) );

                    if ( packageJson.devDependencies ) {
                        packages.push( ...Object.keys( packageJson.devDependencies ) );

                    commandOutput.packages = packages;

                return commandOutput;
            } )
            .catch( error => {
                /* istanbul ignore else */
                if ( isRemoteHungUpError( error ) && !options.doNotTryAgain ) {
                    return delay( 5000 ).then( () => {
                        return this._clonePackage( packageDetails, toolOptions, { log, doNotTryAgain: true } );
                    } );

                log.error( error );

                return Promise.reject( { logs: log.all() } );
            } );

// See:
function isRemoteHungUpError( error ) {
    if ( typeof error != 'string' ) {
        error = error.toString();

    const fatalErrors = error.split( '\n' )
        .filter( message => message.startsWith( 'fatal:' ) )
        .map( message => message.trim() );

    return fatalErrors[ 0 ] && fatalErrors[ 0 ].match( /fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly/i );

function delay( ms ) {
    return new Promise( resolve => {
        setTimeout( resolve, ms );
    } );