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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see

'use strict';

const fs = require( 'fs' );
const path = require( 'upath' );
const chalk = require( 'chalk' );
const createForkPool = require( './utils/createforkpool' );
const displayLog = require( './utils/displaylog' );
const getOptions = require( './utils/getoptions' );
const getPackageNames = require( './utils/getpackagenames' );
const getCommandInstance = require( './utils/getcommandinstance' );
const getCwd = require( './utils/getcwd' );
const { addRootRepositorySuffix } = require( './utils/rootrepositoryutils' );

const CHILD_PROCESS_PATH = require.resolve( './utils/child-process' );

 * @param {Array.<String>} args Arguments that the user provided.
 * @param {Options} options The options object. It will be extended with the default options.
module.exports = function( args, options ) {
    const command = getCommandInstance( args[ 0 ] );

    if ( !command ) {

    const cwd = getCwd();
    const startTime = process.hrtime();
    const toolOptions = getOptions( options, cwd );
    const repositoryResolver = require( toolOptions.resolverPath );
    const forkPool = createForkPool( CHILD_PROCESS_PATH );

    if ( shouldBreakProcess( toolOptions ) ) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
            `When the "${ chalk.bold( '$rootRepository' ) }" option is used, the configuration file must be located inside a git repository.`
        ) );

        process.exit( 1 );

    const mainPkgJsonPath = path.resolve( cwd, 'package.json' );
    const mainPackageName = fs.existsSync( mainPkgJsonPath ) ? require( mainPkgJsonPath ).name : '';

    if ( command.beforeExecute ) {
        try {
            command.beforeExecute( args, toolOptions );
        } catch ( error ) {
            console.log( error.message ) );

            process.exit( 1 );

    const processedPackages = new Set();
    const commandResponses = new Set();
    const packagesWithError = new Set();
    const packageNames = getPackageNames( toolOptions, command );

    let allPackagesNumber = packageNames.length;
    let donePackagesNumber = 0;

    if ( allPackagesNumber === 0 ) {
        console.log( chalk.yellow( 'No packages found that match to specified criteria.' ) );

        return onDone();

    for ( const item of packageNames ) {
        enqueue( item );

    function enqueue( packageName ) {
        if ( processedPackages.has( packageName ) ) {

        // Do not enqueue main package even if other package from dependencies require it.
        if ( packageName === mainPackageName ) {

        const isRootRepository = packageName.startsWith( '$' );
        packageName = packageName.replace( /^\$/, '' );

        processedPackages.add( packageName );

        const data = {
            commandPath: command.path,
            arguments: args.slice( 1 ),
            repository: repositoryResolver( packageName, toolOptions, isRootRepository )

        forkPool.enqueue( data )
            .then( returnedData => {
                donePackagesNumber += 1;

                if ( Array.isArray( returnedData.packages ) ) {
                    returnedData.packages.forEach( item => {
                        if ( processedPackages.has( item ) ) {

                        allPackagesNumber += 1;
                        enqueue( item );
                    } );

                if ( returnedData.response ) {
                    commandResponses.add( returnedData.response );

                if ( returnedData.logs ) {
                    if ( data.isRootRepository ) {
                        packageName = addRootRepositorySuffix( packageName );

                    if ( returnedData.logs.error.length ) {
                        packagesWithError.add( packageName );

                    displayLog( packageName, returnedData.logs, {
                        current: donePackagesNumber,
                        all: allPackagesNumber,
                        skipCounter: command.skipCounter,
                        colorizeOutput: command.colorizeOutput
                    } );

                if ( forkPool.isDone ) {
                    return onDone();
            } )
            .catch( error => {
                console.log( error.stack ) );

                process.exit( 1 );
            } );

    function onDone() {
        return forkPool.killAll()
            .then( () => {
                if ( command.afterExecute ) {
                    command.afterExecute( processedPackages, commandResponses, toolOptions );

                const endTime = process.hrtime( startTime );

                console.log( chalk.cyan( `Execution time: ${ endTime[ 0 ] }s${ endTime[ 1 ].toString().substring( 0, 3 ) }ms.` ) );

                if ( packagesWithError.size ) {
                    const repositoryForm = packagesWithError.size === 1 ? 'repository' : 'repositories';
                    let message = `\nā—ā—ā— The command failed to execute in ${ packagesWithError.size } ${ repositoryForm }:\n`;
                    message += [ ...packagesWithError ].map( pkgName => `  - ${ pkgName }` ).join( '\n' );
                    message += '\n';

                    console.log( message ) );
                    process.exit( 1 );
            } );

    function shouldBreakProcess( toolOptions ) {
        if ( options.skipRoot ) {
            return false;

        if ( !toolOptions.$rootRepository ) {
            return false;

        if ( fs.existsSync( path.join( cwd, '.git' ) ) ) {
            return false;

        return true;