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Test Coverage
 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see

'use strict';

const chalk = require( 'chalk' );

    ci: 'commit',
    co: 'checkout',
    st: 'status'

 * @param {String} commandName An alias or fully command name that should be used.
 * @returns {Command|null}
module.exports = function getCommandInstance( commandName ) {
    try {
        // Find full command name if used an alias or just use specified name.
        const resolvedCommandName = ( COMMAND_ALIASES[ commandName ] || commandName ).replace( /-/g, '' );

        const commandPath = require.resolve( '../commands/' + resolvedCommandName );
        const commandInstance = require( commandPath );

        commandInstance.path = commandPath;

        return commandInstance;
    } catch ( err ) {
        const message = `Command "${ commandName }" does not exist. Type: "mrgit --help" in order to see available commands.`;

        console.error( message ) );

    process.exitCode = 1;

    return null;

 * @typedef {Object} Command
 * @property {String} path An absolute path to the file that keeps the command.
 * @property {String} helpMessage A message that explains how to use specified command.
 * @property {Function} execute A function that is called on every repository that match to specified criteria. It receives an object
 * as an argument that contains following properties
 * @property {Boolean} [skipCounter=false] A flag that allows hiding the progress bar (number of package and number of all
 * packages to process) on the screen.
 * @property {String} name A name of the command. Used for aliases and handling root package logic.
 * @property {Function} [beforeExecute] A function that is called by mrgit automatically before executing the main command's method.
 * This function is called once. It receives two parameters:
 *     - an array of arguments typed by a user (including called command name).
 *     - an options object (`Options`) which contains options resolved by mrgit.
 * @property {Function} execute The main function of command.
 * It receives single argument (`CommandData`) that represents an input provided by a user.
 * It must returns an instance of `Promise`. The promise must resolve an object that can contains following properties:
 *     - `logs` - an object that matches to `Logs` object definition.
 *     - `response` - the entire `response` object is added to a collection that will be passed as second argument to `#afterExecute`
 *       function.
 *     - `packages` - an array of packages that mrgit should process as well.
 * @property {Function} [afterExecute] A function that is called by mrgit automatically after executing the main command's method.
 * This function is called once. It receives three parameters:
 *   - a collection (`Set`) that contains all processed packages by mrgit.
 *   - a collection (`Set`) that contains responses returned by `#execute` function.
 *   - an options object (`Options`) which contains options resolved by mrgit.

 * @typedef {Object} CommandData
 * @property {String} packageName A name of package.
 * @property {Options} toolOptions Options resolved by mrgit.
 * @property {String} commandPath An absolute path to the file that keeps the command.
 * @property {Array.<String>} arguments Arguments provided by the user via CLI.
 * @property {Repository|null} repository An object that keeps data about repository for specified package.