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 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see

'use strict';

const fs = require( 'fs' );
const path = require( 'upath' );
const shell = require( 'shelljs' );

 * @param {Object} callOptions Call options.
 * @param {String} cwd An absolute path to the directory where `mrgit.json` is available.
 * @returns {Options} The options object.
module.exports = function getOptions( callOptions, cwd ) {
    const mrgitJsonPath = path.resolve( cwd, 'mrgit.json' );

    // Default options.
    let options = {
        packages: 'packages',
        resolverPath: path.resolve( __dirname, '..', 'default-resolver.js' ),
        resolverUrlTemplate: '${ path }.git',
        resolverTargetDirectory: 'git',
        resolverDefaultBranch: 'master',
        ignore: null,
        scope: null,
        skipRoot: false,
        packagesPrefix: [],
        overrideDirectoryNames: {},
        baseBranches: []

    if ( fs.existsSync( mrgitJsonPath ) ) {
        options = Object.assign( options, require( mrgitJsonPath ), options );

    options = Object.assign( options, callOptions );

    options.packages = path.resolve( cwd, options.packages );

    if ( !Array.isArray( options.packagesPrefix ) ) {
        options.packagesPrefix = [ options.packagesPrefix ];

    // Check if under specified `cwd` path, the git repository exists.
    // If so, find a branch name that the repository is checked out. See #103.
    if ( fs.existsSync( path.join( cwd, '.git' ) ) ) {
        const response = shell.exec( 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', { silent: true } );

        options.cwdPackageBranch = response.stdout.trim();

    if ( !options.preset ) {
        return options;

    if ( !options.presets || !options.presets[ options.preset ] ) {
        throw new Error( `Preset "${ options.preset }" is not defined in "mrgit.json" file.` );

    if ( options.presets[ options.preset ].$rootRepository ) {
        options.$rootRepository = options.presets[ options.preset ].$rootRepository;

        delete options.presets[ options.preset ].$rootRepository;

    if ( options.dependencies ) {
        options.dependencies = Object.assign( options.dependencies, options.presets[ options.preset ] );

    return options;

 * @typedef {Object} Options
 * @property {String} cwd An absolute path to the directory which contains `mrgit.json` file.
 * @property {String} [packages='<cwd>/packages/'] Directory to which all repositories will be cloned.
 * @property {String} [resolverPath='@mrgit/lib/default-resolver.js'] Path to a custom repository resolver function.
 * @property {String} [resolverUrlTemplate='${ path }.git'] Template used to generate repository URL out of a
 * simplified 'organization/repository' format of the dependencies option.
 * @property {String} [resolverTargetDirectory='git'] Defines how the target directory (where the repository will be cloned)
 * is resolved. Supported options are: 'git' (default), 'npm'.
 * * If 'git' was specified, then the directory name will be extracted from
 * the git URL (e.g. for '' it will be 'b').
 * * If 'npm' was specified, then the package name will be used as a directory name.
 * This option can be useful when scoped npm packages are used and one wants to decide
 * whether the repository will be cloned to packages/@scope/pkgname' or 'packages/pkgname'.
 * @property {String} [resolverDefaultBranch='master'] The branch name to use if not specified in mrgit.json dependencies.
 * @property {String|null} [ignore=null] Ignores packages with names matching the given glob.
 * @property {String|null} [scope=null] Restricts the scope to package names matching the given glob.
 * @property {Boolean} [skipRoot=false] Allows skipping root repository when executing command,
 * if "$rootRepository" is defined in the config file.
 * @property {Boolean|undefined} [recursive=undefined] Whether to install dependencies recursively.
 * @property {Boolean|String|undefined} [branch=undefined] If a bool: whether to use branch names as an input data.
 * If a string: name of branch that should be created.
 * @property {Boolean|undefined} [hash=undefined] Whether to use current commit hashes as an input data.
 * @property {Object} [overrideDirectoryNames={}] A map that allows renaming directories where packages will be cloned.
 * @property {String|Array.<String>} [packagesPrefix=[]] Prefix or prefixes which will be removed from packages' names during
 * printing the summary of the "status" command.
 * @property {Array.<String>} [baseBranches=[]] Name of branches that are allowed to check out (based on a branch in main repository)
 * if specified package does not have defined a branch.
 * @property {String} [cwdPackageBranch] If the main repository is a git repository, this variable keeps
 * a name of a current branch of the repository. The value is required for `baseBranches` option.