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Test Coverage
# User stories completed
* As a director, I want to create a “production”, so I can associate artists and notes with the “production” .
* As a director, I want to be able to create a "profile" for an an artist, so I can associate notes with artists. (ON SEPARATE BRANCH - This user story is completed but we will be expanding more on it in the next iteration, so we left it in the branch.)
* As a director, I want to create notes for an artist, so I can archive details about the artist. (updated)
* As a director, I want to be able to view my OWN notes for an artist, so I can retrieve details about the artist.
* As a director, I want to be able to search my notes, so I can see details about a specific query. 
* As a director, I want to be able to view information (opening date, director, company) about a specific production, so I can see details easily.

# Other items completed
* UI Improvements (pending)
* Input sanitization and consistency
* Fixed delete bug

# Next iteration
* As a user I want to be able to connect my LinkedIn and Facebook accounts so that I can use the app under one identity.