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Test Coverage
# Pull Request Template

Please try to complete the below as best as possible. Some of the fields
may not be necessary so feel free to add or edit as you see fit.

## Checklist

_Confirm you have completed the following actions prior to submitting this PR._

- [ ] There is an existing issue report for this PR.
- [ ] I have forked this project.
- [ ] I have created a feature branch.
- [ ] My changes have been committed.
- [ ] I have pushed my changes to the branch.

## Title

_Give your PR a short title summarising the patch, bug fix or feature._

## Description

_Ensure the PR description clearly describes the problem and solution and provide as much relevant information as possible._

## Issue Resolution

_Tell us which issue this PR fixes._

This Pull Request fixes #

## Proposed Changes

_List your proposed changes below._

- This PR fixes a bug relating to...
- Adding a patch that enhances the project.
- Various bug fixes.

## New or Changed Features

_Does this PR provide new or changed features or enhancements? If so, what is included in this PR?_

* Enhancement to the templates.
* Adds a new feature that does x, y and z.
* Solves a long-standing bug that affects a, b and c.