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Test Coverage
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from email.utils import parsedate_to_datetime
from typing import NewType, Tuple, Union

import anyio
from async_generator import async_generator, asynccontextmanager, yield_
from asks.response_objects import Response

__all__ = (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: A type to denote rate limit buckets.
Bucket = NewType('Bucket', Union[Tuple[str, str], str])

class CooldownBucket:
    """Wraps around a request bucket to handle rate limits.

    Instances of this class should be handled by :class:``.
    They are constantly updated updated by :meth:`~CooldownBucket.update` given
    :class:`Response<asks:asks.response_objects.Response>` objects.

    CooldownBuckets extract rate limit information from headers and provide
    properties and methods that make it easy to deal with them.

    bucket : Union[Tuple[str, str], str]
        The bucket for the route that should be covered.
    response : :class:`Response<asks:asks.response_objects.Response>`
        The initial response object to initialize this class with.

    bucket : Union[Tuple[str, str], str]
        The bucket for the route that should be covered.
    lock : :class:`~Lock<>`
        The lock that is used when cooling down a route.

    __slots__ = ('bucket', '_date', '_remaining', '_reset', 'lock')

    def __init__(self, bucket: Bucket, response: Response):
        self.bucket = bucket

        # These values will be set later.
        self._date = None
        self._remaining = 0
        self._reset = None

        self.lock = anyio.create_lock()


    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return '<CooldownBucket bucket={}>'.format(
            ' '.join((self.bucket,) if isinstance(self.bucket, str) else self.bucket)

    def will_rate_limit(self) -> bool:
        """Whether the next request is going to exhaust a rate limit or not."""

        return self._remaining == 0

    def update(self, response: Response):
        """Updates this instance given a response that holds rate limit headers.

        response : :class:`Response<asks:asks.response_objects.Response>`
            The response object for the most recent request to the bucket
            this instance holds.

        headers = response.headers

        # Rate limit headers is basically all or nothing.
        # If one of the headers is missing, this applies
        # to the other headers as well.
        # Therefore it is sufficient to check for one header.
        if 'X-RateLimit-Remaining' not in headers:

        self._date = parsedate_to_datetime(headers.get('Date'))
        self._remaining = int(headers.get('X-RateLimit-Remaining'))
        self._reset = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(headers.get('X-RateLimit-Reset')), timezone.utc)

    async def cooldown(self) -> float:
        """Cools down the bucket this instance holds.

            The duration the bucket has been cooled down for.

        delay = (self._reset - self._date).total_seconds() + .5
        logger.debug('Cooling bucket %s for %d seconds', self, delay)
        await anyio.sleep(delay)

        return delay

class RateLimiter:
    """A rate limiter to keep track of per-bucket rate limits.

    This is responsible for updating and cooling down buckets
    before another request is made.
    :meth:`RateLimiter.update_bucket` and :meth:`RateLimiter.cooldown_bucket`
    can be used for that. It can also be used as an async

    Buckets are stored in a dictionary as literal bucket and
    :class:`` objects.

    .. code-block:: python3

        buckets = {
            ('GET', '/channels/1234'): <CooldownBucket bucket=GET /channels/1234>,
            ('PATCH', '/users/@me'): <CooldownBucket bucket=PATCH /users/@me>,


    .. code-block:: python3

        limiter = RateLimiter()


        # Option 1:

        # Make sure no global rate limit is exhausted.
        async with limiter.global_lock:

        await limiter.cooldown_bucket(bucket)  # Blocks if rate limit is exhausted.
        response = await asks.request(bucket[0],
                                      '' + bucket[1], ...)
        await limiter.update_bucket(bucket, response)

        # Option 2:

        async with limiter(bucket):
            response = await asks.request(bucket[0],
                                          '' + bucket[1], ...)
            await limiter.update_bucket(bucket, response)

    global_lock : :class:`Lock<>`
        Separate lock for global rate limits.

    def __init__(self):
        self._buckets = {}
        self.global_lock = anyio.create_lock()

    async def __call__(self, bucket: Bucket):
        # If a global rate limit occurred, this is going to block
        # until the lock has been released after a cooldown.
        # If no global limit is exhausted, the lock will be
        # released immediately.
        async with self.global_lock:

            if await self.cooldown_bucket(bucket) > 0:
                logger.debug('Bucket %s cooled down', bucket)

            await yield_(self)

    def buckets(self) -> dict:
        """The buckets this instance holds."""

        return self._buckets

    async def cooldown_bucket(self, bucket: Bucket) -> float:
        """Cools down a given bucket.

        If no rate limit is exhausted, this returns immediately.

        .. note::

            This acquires the lock the bucket holds.

        bucket : Union[Tuple[str, str], str]
            The bucket to cool down.

            The duration this bucket has been cooled down for.

        if bucket in self._buckets:
            async with self._buckets[bucket].lock:
                if self._buckets[bucket].will_rate_limit:
                    return await self._buckets[bucket].cooldown()

        return 0.0

    async def update_bucket(self, bucket: Bucket, response: Response):
        """Updates a bucket by a given response.

        .. note::

            This also checks for global rate limits
            and handles them if necessary.

        bucket : Union[Tuple[str, str], str]
            The bucket to update.
        response : :class:`Response<asks:asks.response_objects.Response>`
            The response object to extract rate limit headers from.

        if 'X-RateLimit-Global' in response.headers:
            async with self.global_lock:
                await anyio.sleep(
                    int(response.headers.get('Retry-After')) / 1000.0

        if bucket in self._buckets:
            self._buckets[bucket] = CooldownBucket(bucket, response)