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from . import BaseHandler
from .forms import SettingsForm
from . import _authenticate as authenticate
from classrank.database.tables import Account, Course, Student, Section, Rating
from classrank.database.wrapper import Query, NoResultFound, IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from tornado.web import authenticated

"""Handler for changing settings for a user."""

class SettingsHandler(BaseHandler):
    def get(self):
        email = self._get_current_user_email()

        # populate email field with pre-existing email from database
        # update_success is True when the page is reloaded upon a successful update
        return self.render("settings.html", email=email, errors={}, update_success=False)

    def post(self):
        errors = dict()
        success = False
        form = SettingsForm(self.request.arguments)
        current_user = self.decoded_username()

        if form.validate():
                current_password = self.get_argument('current_password')
                new_password = self.get_argument('new_password')
                new_password_confirm = self.get_argument('new_password_confirm')
                new_email = self.get_argument('new_email')

                # Do the updates in 2 seperate query sessions. The first session updates the
                # email address. If an exception occurs (i.e., duplicate email), we skip the second session,
                # causing nothing to update. If we did both updates in the same session, the password would
                # still update despite the duplicate email problem.
                with Query(self.db) as q:
                    # first, ensure that current_password is correct
                    user = q.query(self.db.account).filter_by(username=current_user).one()
                    h = user.password_hash
                    s = user.password_salt
                    email = user.email_address

                    if authenticate.hash_pw(current_password, s) == h:
                        user.email_address = new_email
                        errors['password'] = ["Incorrect password"]

                    email = new_email #snag it here (if no exception) so we can pass it in in the self.render(...) call

                    # if len is 0, they omitted the new password from the form, so no need to update
                    if len(new_password) > 0 and authenticate.hash_pw(current_password, s) == h:
                        with Query(self.db) as q:
                            user.password_hash, user.password_salt = authenticate.create_password(new_password)

                if len(errors) == 0:
                    success = True

            except IntegrityError as e:
                errors['email'] = ["A user with that email address already exists"]
            # Invalid forms-- have to re-query the old email address to prepopulate it
            errors = form.errors
            email = self._get_current_user_email()

        return self.render("settings.html", email=email, errors=errors, update_success=success)

    def _get_current_user_email(self):
        current_user = self.decoded_username()
        with Query(self.db) as q:
            user = q.query(self.db.account).filter_by(username=current_user).one()
            return user.email_address