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Over 30 developers have contributed to ProMotion. We love it when ProMotion users become ProMotion contributors.

## Working on New Features

1. Clone the repo into `<My iOS Projects Folder>/ProMotion`
3. Run `bundle`
4. Run `rake clean` and then `bundle exec rake`
5. Contribute!

## Submitting a Pull Request

1. Fork the project
2. Create a feature branch
3. Code
4. Update or create new specs **NOTE: your PR is far more likely to be merged if you include comprehensive tests!**
5. Make sure tests are passing by running `bundle exec rake spec`
6. Update relevant documentation in `./docs`
7. Submit pull request to `master`
8. Make a million little nitpicky changes that @jamonholmgren wants
9. Merged, then fame, adoration, kudos everywhere