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# ProMotion

[![Gem Version](](

ProMotion was created by me, Jamon Holmgren. While you're welcome to use ProMotion, please note that it's no longer maintained!

(And yes -- I created it long before [Apple launched their own ProMotion](

## iPhone Apps, Ruby-style

ProMotion is a RubyMotion gem that makes iOS development more like Ruby and less like Objective-C.
It introduces a clean, Ruby-style syntax for building screens that is easy to learn and remember and
abstracts a ton of boilerplate UIViewController, UINavigationController, and other iOS code into a
simple, Ruby-like DSL.

# app/app_delegate.rb
class AppDelegate < PM::Delegate
  status_bar true, animation: :fade

  def on_load(app, options)
    open RootScreen

# app/screens/root_screen.rb
class RootScreen < PM::Screen
  title "Root Screen"
  nav_bar true

  def on_load
    set_nav_bar_button :right, title: "Help", action: :open_help_screen

  def open_help_screen
    open HelpScreen

# app/screens/help_screen.rb
class HelpScreen < PM::TableScreen
  title "Table Screen"

  def table_data
      title: "Help",
      cells: [
        { title: "About this app", action: :tapped_about },
        { title: "Log out", action: :log_out }

  def tapped_about(args={})
    open AboutScreen

  def log_out
    # Log out!

## Features

|Screens|Navigation Bars|Tab Bars|
|[![ProMotion Screen](](|[![ProMotion Nav Bar](](|[![ProMotion Tabs](](|

|Table Screens|Grouped Tables|Searchable|Refreshable|
|[![ProMotion TableScreen](](|[![Grouped Table Screen](](|[![Searchable](](|[![Refreshable](](|

|SplitScreens|Map Screens|Web Screens|
|[![ProMotion SplitScreens](](|[![MapScreen](](|[![ProMotion WebScreen](](|

#### ...and much more.

## Getting Started

1. Check out the [Getting Started Guide](
2. Watch the excellent [MotionInMotion screencast about ProMotion]( (very reasonably priced subscription required)
3. Follow a tutorial: [Building an ESPN app using RubyMotion, ProMotion, and TDD](
4. Read the [Documentation](

## Changelog

[See Releases page](

## Apps built on ProMotion

[Apps built on ProMotion](

## Your app

Open a pull request! We love adding new ProMotion-built apps.

## API Reference

We have comprehensive documentation with code examples, usage examples, and API reference.

### [ProMotion Documentation](

## Screencasts

* Watch Jamon Holmgren give a talk about ProMotion at [RubyMotion #inspect2014]( (video)
* Watch the [September 2013 Motion Meetup]( where Gant Laborde
interviews Jamon Holmgren about ProMotion

## Help

We're no longer supporting ProMotion and it's mostly retired. If you need help, feel free to file an issue, but I may not see it.

## Contributing

See [](

## Core Team (inactive)

* Jamon Holmgren: [@jamonholmgren](
* Andrew Havens: [@misbehavens](
* Mark Rickert: [@markrickert](
* Ryan Linton: [@ryanlntn](
* Silas Matson: [@silasjmatson](
* David Larrabee: [@squidpunch](

## Other Contributors

* [Many others](