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# cc_licenseable
[![Code Climate](](

This gem provides a simple way of associating ActiveRecord model instances with Creative Commons licenses.  Assets, translations and even form helpers are either already available or will be in the future.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'cc_licenseable'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install cc_licenseable
Finally, copy over and run the migrations:

rake cc_licenseable:install:migrations
rake db:migrate

## Usage

Before you can begin using the gem, create a migration to add the `cc_license_id` column to your model's table.
Then, add the call to `cc_licenseable` to your model:

class Cartoon < ActiveRecord::Base
Once included, each Cartoon instance can be associated with a single license, allowing you to display information that helps users properly identify and follow the individual terms of the associated license.

The following examples use our simple `Cartoon` model:

by = CcLicenseable::CcLicense.find_by_abbreviation('BY')
cartoon =
license = cartoon.cc_license

The following comes out of the box:

### I18n-backed attributes:
Each license comes with a translate(able) title and description based on the current locale:

=> "Attribution"
=> "This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work…"

At the moment, only english strings are included. The plan is to incorporate all languages currently available on the [Creative Commons]( website.

### Links to License Summary And Deed:
The creative commons licenses are described in depth at  Use them to link to the online summaries and deeds:

=> ""
=> ""

### Assets
Logo(s), icons, buttons are all packaged, and can be easily used in conjunction with the asset pipeline and the `image_tag` helper:

=> "cc_licenseable/buttons/small/by-nc-sa.svg"
=> "cc_licenseable/buttons/med/by-nc-sa.svg"

### Helpers
To include a dropdown of Creative Commons licenses when creating/updating cartoons, you can use a custom form helper like so:

<%= form_for @cartoon do |f| %>
    <%= f.text_field :name %>
    <%= f.cc_license_selector %>
<% end %>

## TODO:
Full support of all I18n material from
Deploy Dummy app to Heroku

## Contributing

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request

## License and Trademark Information
Please consult the full Creative Commons [policy]( concerning use of their license badges and corporate trademark(s) before use.

The engine code itself is licensed under the terms and conditions of the MIT License.