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Test Coverage
### Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC.

Generated by [`auto-changelog`](

#### [2.1.1](

- Upgraded deps [`#66`](
- Bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 [`#63`](
- Bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 [`#64`](
- Bump nth-check from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 [`#65`](

#### [v2.1.0](

> 21 June 2021

- Added new files to npm ignore [`#62`](
- Upgraded deps [`#61`](
- Ported the library to TypeScript. [`#53`](
- Prettier and lint fixes. [`20580bc`](
- Revised build process to include type generation. [`e585428`](
- Revise build process. [`59ddef3`](

#### [v2.0.0](

> 24 January 2021

- BREAKING: Migrate to react-leaflet v3 [`#51`](

#### [v2.0.0-0](

> 21 January 2021

- Migrate to react-leaflet v3 (redo) [`#50`](
- Migrate TextPath to utilize react-leaflet v3.0.0. [`7842b8a`](
- Cleanup, removing getOptions and extraneous testing code. [`3e48fda`](
- Updated prettier config [`593fd85`](

#### [v1.0.9](

> 27 December 2020

- Upgraded deps [`#47`](
- Bump node-notifier from 8.0.0 to 8.0.1 [`#46`](
- Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7 [`#45`](
- Upgraded deps [`#44`](
- Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 [`#42`](

#### [v1.0.8](

> 19 May 2020

- Upgraded deps [`#41`](
- Upgraded deps [`#40`](
- Upgraded deps [`#38`](
- Upgraded deps [`#33`](

#### [v1.0.7](

> 19 December 2019

- Upgraded deps [`#32`](
- Upgraded deps [`#30`](
- Upgraded deps [`#29`](
- Bump eslint-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.2 [`#28`](
- Upgraded deps [`#27`](
- Greenkeeper/eslint plugin react 7.14.2 [`#26`](
- Update eslint to the latest version 🚀 [`#24`](
- Bump js-yaml from 3.13.0 to 3.13.1 [`#23`](
- Upgraded deps [`#22`](
- chore(package): update lockfile package-lock.json [`7b10913`](
- chore(package): update lockfile package-lock.json [`e4f7a75`](
- chore(package): update eslint-plugin-react to version 7.14.2 [`479b6e8`](

#### [v1.0.6](

> 12 May 2019

- Upgraded deps to close #19 [`#20`](
- Update np to the latest version 🚀 [`#18`](
- Upgraded deps [`#17`](
- Merge pull request #20 from clementallen/deps [`#19`](
- chore(package): update lockfile package-lock.json [`d686ff5`](
- chore(package): update np to version 5.0.0 [`bbe33d4`](

#### [v1.0.5](

> 31 March 2019

- Upgraded deps [`#16`](

#### [v1.0.4](

> 10 March 2019

- Upgraded deps [`#14`](
- Deps [`#12`](
- Upgraded deps [`#9`](
- Upgraded eslint [`bfd2311`](

#### [v1.0.2](

> 4 February 2019

- Upgraded deps [`#8`](
- Upgraded deps [`#7`](
- Upgraded deps [`#6`](
- Update np to the latest version 🚀 [`#5`](
- chore(package): update lockfile package-lock.json [`b16837c`](
- chore(package): update np to version 4.0.0 [`1397927`](

#### [v1.0.1](

> 20 January 2019

- Update latlngs and style if props change [`#4`](

### [v1.0.0](

> 15 January 2019

- Added library details to readme [`#3`](
- Add Greenkeeper badge 🌴 [`#2`](
- Forward parameters to plugin and added tests [`#1`](
- Added tests for TextPath component [`43c0242`](
- Added info to readme [`22f0ac3`](
- Forward props to plugin [`faf41c4`](

#### v0.1.0

> 13 January 2019

- Initial commit [`b138369`](