resource_name :sshd_service
property :name, String, name_property: true # ~FC108
property :username, String, required: true
property :password, String, required: true
property :service_username, String, required: true
default_action :config
action :config do
converge_by("Configuring SSH service to run under #{new_resource.service_username}") do
ssh_user_set = service_user_set?(, new_resource.service_username)
failed = false
cmd = powershell_out("$sshd_service = Get-WmiObject Win32_service | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq '#{}'}; $sshd_service.Change($Null,$Null,$Null,$Null,$Null,$Null,'#{new_resource.service_username}','#{new_resource.password}',$Null,$Null,$Null)")
if cmd.exitstatus != 0
Chef::Log.error("Failed to change ssh service user #{cmd.stderr}")
failed = true
cmd = powershell_out("(Get-WmiObject Win32_service | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq '#{}'}).StartName")
if !(cmd.stdout =~ /#{new_resource.username}/)
Chef::Log.error("Failed to change ssh service user to #{new_resource.username}")
failed = true
# if cmd.exitstatus == 0 and !ssh_user_set
unless ssh_user_set or failed
# cmd = powershell_out("c:/bin/cygwin/bin/bash --login -c 'chown -R #{new_resource.username} /var/empty && chown #{new_resource.username} /var/log/sshd.log /etc/ssh*\'; Stop-Process -ProcessName #{} -force; Stop-Service #{} -Force; Start-Service #{}; sleep 5; Start-Service #{}")
# We would much prefer to use the above because that wouldn't require another reboot, but in some cases the session dosen't get terminated from Mu. Throwing Chef::Application.fatal seems to work more reliably
cmd = powershell_out("c:/bin/cygwin/bin/bash --login -c 'chown -R #{new_resource.username} /var/empty && chown #{new_resource.username} /var/log/sshd.log /etc/ssh*\'")
# execute "kill ssh for reboot" do
# command "Taskkill /im sshd.exe /f /t"
# returns [0, 128, 1115]
# action :nothing
# end
reboot "Setting Cygwin ssh user to #{new_resource.username}" do
action :request_reboot
reason "Setting Cygwin ssh user to #{new_resource.username}"
# notifies :run, "execute[kill ssh for reboot]", :immediately
# kill_ssh