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'use strict';

var _ = require('lodash');
var path = require('path');
var pointer = require('./parser');
var Resolver = require('./resolver');
var curl = require('./helpers/curl');
var JSONformatter = require('./formatters/json');
var exampleExtractor = require('./example-data-extractor');
var ObjectDefinition = require('./object-definition');
var chalk = require('chalk');

var throwError = function(e, msg) {
  var err = new Error(msg + '\n' +;
  err.stack = e.stack;
  throw err;

 * @param {Array} schemas
 * @param {Object} [options]
 * @constructor
var Transformer = function(schemas, options) {
  options = options || {};

  this.options = options;
  this.formatter = options.formatter || JSONformatter;
  this.schemas = schemas;
  var schemaPages = {};
  _.forEach(this.options.pages, function(page, pageIndex) {
    _.forEach(page.sections, function(section) {
      _.forEach(section.schemas, function(schema) {
        schemaPages[schema] = pageIndex;
  this.schemaPages = schemaPages;
  // Used for looking up references within URIs
  // (and maybe other things at some point?)
  this._resolver = new Resolver(_.values(schemas), options);

 * Perform the transform on the 'raw' resolved schemas
 * @returns {Object}
Transformer.prototype.transform = function() {
  return _.mapValues(this.schemas, this.transformSchema, this);

 * Extend a schema with composed data for rendering in a template
 * @param {Object} schema
 * @param {SchemaDriver} driver - used to resolve
 * @return {Object}
Transformer.prototype.transformSchema = function(schema, driver) {
  return _.extend(schema, {
    // HTML-ready identifier
    htmlID: this._sanitizeHTMLID(schema.title),
    // Links are the available HTTP endpoints to interact with the object(s)
    links: this.transformLinks(schema, schema.links || []),
    // Object definition. Provides name, type, description, example, etc. for the schema.
    objectDefinition: this.generateObjectDefinition(schema)

 * Prepare a string to serve as an HTML id attribute
 * @param {String} str
 * @return {String}
Transformer.prototype._sanitizeHTMLID = function(str) {
  return (str || '').toString().toLowerCase().replace(/[#\'\(\) ]+/gi, '-');

 * @param {Object} schema
 * @param {Array} links
 * @return {Array}
Transformer.prototype.transformLinks = function(schema, links) {
  return, _.bind(this.transformLink, this, schema));

 * Add additional metadata to the link object for API documentation
 * @param {Object} schema
 * @param {Array} link
Transformer.prototype.transformLink = function(schema, link) {
  try {
    return _.extend(link, {
      htmlID: this._sanitizeHTMLID(schema.title + '-' + link.title),
      uri: this.buildHref(link.href, schema),
      curl: this.buildCurl(link, schema),
      parameters: link.schema ? this.formatLinkParameters(link.schema, schema, link.required) : undefined,
      response: link.targetSchema ? this.formatData(this.generateExample(link.targetSchema, schema)) : undefined
  } catch (e) {
    throwError(e, 'Error building link for ' + chalk.yellow(;

 * Note: Only supports resolving references relative to the given schema
 * @param {String} href
 * @param {Object} schema
 * @param {Boolean} [withExampleData=false]
 * @return {String}
Transformer.prototype.buildHref = function(href, schema, withExampleData) {
  // This will pull out all {/schema/pointers}
  var pattern = /((?:{(?:#?(\/[\w\/]+))})+)+/g;
  var matches = href.match(pattern);

  try {
    return _.reduce(matches, function (str, match) {
      // Remove the brackets so we can find the definition
      var stripped = match.replace(/[{}]/g, '');
      // Resolve the reference within the schema
      var definition = this._resolver.get( + stripped);
      // Replace the match with either example data or the last component of the pointer
      var replacement = withExampleData ? exampleExtractor.getExampleDataFromItem(definition) : ':' + path.basename(stripped);
      // /my/{#/pointer} -> /my/example_value OR /my/:pointer
      return str.replace(match, replacement);
    }, href, this);
  } catch (e) {
    throwError(e, 'Could not build href: ' +;

 * Generates a cURL string containing example data for
 * a link of a given schema.
 * @param {Object} link
 * @param {String} link.href
 * @param {String} link.method
 * @param {Object} schema
 * @returns {String}
Transformer.prototype.buildCurl = function (link, schema) {
  var page = {};
  var headers = {};
  if (typeof this.schemaPages[] !== 'undefined') {
    page = this.options.pages[this.schemaPages[]];
  var baseUrl = _.get(page, 'curl.baseUrl') || '';
  var uri = baseUrl + this.buildHref(link.href, schema, true);

  if (_.get(page, 'curl.requestHeaders')) {
    headers = exampleExtractor.extract(_.get(page, 'curl.requestHeaders'), schema);
  if (link.requestHeaders) {
    headers = exampleExtractor.extract(link.requestHeaders, schema);

  var data = link.schemaExampleData;

  if (link.schema) {
    data = this.generateExample(link.schema, schema);
  // @TODO: Make this better
  curl.formatter = this.formatter;
  return curl.generate(uri, link.method, headers, data);

 * @param {*} data
 * @return {String}
Transformer.prototype.formatData = function(data) {
  return this.formatter.format(data);

 * Recursively build an object from a given schema component that is an example
 * representation of the object defined by the schema.
 * @param {Object} component - valid subschema of the root/parent
 * @param {Object} root - parent schema used as the base
 * @param {Object} [options] - options for generating example representations of a schema
 * @returns {Object}
Transformer.prototype.generateExample = function(component, root, options) {
  return exampleExtractor.extract(component, root, options);

 * Loop over each properties in the inputs, assigning to either
 * a required or optional list.
 * @param {Object} schema - Link inputs
 * @returns {ObjectDefinition}
Transformer.prototype.formatLinkParameters = function(schema, root, required) {
  var baseSchema = root;
  if (schema.rel !== 'self') {
    baseSchema = schema;
    baseSchema.required = required;
  return this.generateObjectDefinition(baseSchema);

 * @param schema
 * @returns {ObjectDefinition}
Transformer.prototype.generateObjectDefinition = function(schema) {
  return new ObjectDefinition(schema, {
    formatter: this.formatter

 * @module lib/transformer
 * @class Transformer
 * @type {Function}
module.exports = Transformer;