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BOSH Deployer is used to deploy a "micro BOSH".  The micro BOSH instance can be used standalone or to deploy additional BOSH instances.

Installing the bosh deployer includes an installation of the BOSH cli and a deployer cli plugin called 'micro'.

It is recommend that you install into an empty gemset (or similar).


  % apt-get -y install libsqlite3-dev genisoimage

  % cd bosh/deployer && rake install


For a minimal configuration example, see: deployer/spec/assets/test-bootstrap-config.yml

Note that 'disk_path' is 'BOSH_Deployer' rather than 'BOSH_Disks'.

A datastore folder other than 'BOSH_Disks' is required if your vCenter hosts other directors.

The disk_path folder needs to be created manually.

Commonly, configurations live inside a 'deployments' directory and follow the convention of having a $name subdir containing micro_bosh.yml,
where $name is your deployment name.  For example:

  % find deployments -name micro_bosh.yml

Deployment state is persisted to bosh-deployments.yml, in the present working directory.


First, be sure to read the CONFIGURATION section and cd into a useful directory to store deployment
state files.

== help

The bosh micro plugin help is display after the standard bosh command usage:

  % bosh help
    micro deployment [<name>] Choose micro deployment to work with
    micro status              Display micro BOSH deployment status
    micro deployments         Show the list of deployments
    micro deploy <stemcell>   Deploy a micro BOSH instance to the currently
                              selected deployment
                              --update   update existing instance
    micro delete              Delete micro BOSH instance (including
                              persistent disk)
    micro agent <args>        Send agent messages
    micro apply <spec>        Apply spec

== deployment

Set the micro bosh deployment to work with.  This can be done either by specifying a directory that
includes a deployment manifest called 'micro_bosh.yml', or by specifying a full relative path to a
micro bosh deployment manifest.

  % bosh micro deployment dev33
  Deployment set to '/var/vcap/deployments/dev33/micro_bosh.yml'


  % bosh micro deployment dev33/micro_bosh.yml
  Deployment set to '/var/vcap/deployments/dev33/micro_bosh.yml'

== deploy

Deploy a new micro BOSH instance and create a new persistent disk.

  % bosh micro deploy ~/cf/stemcells/micro-bosh-stemcell-0.4.2.tgz

== deploy --update

Update an existing micro BOSH instance.  The existing persistent disk will be attached to the new VM.

  % bosh micro deploy ~/cf/stemcells/micro-bosh-stemcell-0.4.5.tgz --update

== delete

The delete command will delete the VM, stemcell and persistent disk.


  % bosh micro delete

== status

The status command will show the persisted state for a given micro bosh instance.

  % bosh micro status
  Stemcell CID   sc-f2430bf9-666d-4034-9028-abf9040f0edf
  Stemcell name  micro-bosh-stemcell-0.4.5
  VM CID         vm-9cc859a4-2d51-43ca-8dd5-220425518fd8
  Disk CID       1
  Deployment     /var/vcap/deployments/dev33/micro_bosh.yml
  Target         micro ( Ver: 0.3.12 (00000000)

== deployments

Show the list of deployments, this is just a table view of deployments/bosh-deployments.yml.

 % bosh micro deployments

== apply

The bosh-stemcell includes an embedded apply_spec.yml.  This command can be used to apply a different spec to an existing instance.
The apply_spec.yml properties are merged with your deployment's network.ip and properties.

  % bosh micro apply apply_spec.yml

== agent

The cli can send agent messages over HTTP.


  % bosh micro agent ping


Once your micro BOSH instance is deployed, you can target its director:

  $ bosh micro status
  Target         micro ( Ver: 0.3.12 (00000000)

  $ bosh target
  Target set to 'micro ( Ver: 0.3.12 (00000000)'

  $ bosh status
  Updating director data... done

  Target         micro ( Ver: 0.3.12 (00000000)
  UUID           b599c640-7351-4717-b23c-532bb35593f0
  User           admin
  Deployment     not set

You can use micro BOSH as-is or to deploy new BOSH instances using micro BOSH: