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// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// constant conversions

package const1

    mi = ^int(0)
    mu = ^uint(0)
    mp = ^uintptr(0)

    logSizeofInt     = uint(mi>>8&1 + mi>>16&1 + mi>>32&1)
    logSizeofUint    = uint(mu>>8&1 + mu>>16&1 + mu>>32&1)
    logSizeofUintptr = uint(mp>>8&1 + mp>>16&1 + mp>>32&1)

const (
    minInt8 = -1<<(8<<iota - 1)
    minInt = -1<<(8<<logSizeofInt - 1)

const (
    maxInt8 = 1<<(8<<iota - 1) - 1
    maxInt = 1<<(8<<logSizeofInt - 1) - 1

const (
    maxUint8 = 1<<(8<<iota) - 1
    maxUint    = 1<<(8<<logSizeofUint) - 1
    maxUintptr = 1<<(8<<logSizeofUintptr) - 1

const (
    smallestFloat32 = 1.0 / (1<<(127 - 1 + 23))
    smallestFloat64 = 1.0 / (1<<(1023 - 1 + 52))

const (
    _ = assert(smallestFloat32 > 0)
    _ = assert(smallestFloat64 > 0)

const (
    maxFloat32 = 1<<127 * (1<<24 - 1) / (1.0<<23)
    maxFloat64 = 1<<1023 * (1<<53 - 1) / (1.0<<52)

const (
    _ int8 = minInt8 /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
    _ int8 = minInt8
    _ int8 = maxInt8
    _ int8 = maxInt8 /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
    _ int8 = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

    _ = int8(minInt8 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
    _ = int8(minInt8)
    _ = int8(maxInt8)
    _ = int8(maxInt8 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
    _ = int8(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
    _ int16 = minInt16 /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
    _ int16 = minInt16
    _ int16 = maxInt16
    _ int16 = maxInt16 /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
    _ int16 = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

    _ = int16(minInt16 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
    _ = int16(minInt16)
    _ = int16(maxInt16)
    _ = int16(maxInt16 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
    _ = int16(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
    _ int32 = minInt32 /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
    _ int32 = minInt32
    _ int32 = maxInt32
    _ int32 = maxInt32 /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
    _ int32 = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

    _ = int32(minInt32 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
    _ = int32(minInt32)
    _ = int32(maxInt32)
    _ = int32(maxInt32 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
    _ = int32(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
    _ int64 = minInt64 /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
    _ int64 = minInt64
    _ int64 = maxInt64
    _ int64 = maxInt64 /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
    _ int64 = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

    _ = int64(minInt64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
    _ = int64(minInt64)
    _ = int64(maxInt64)
    _ = int64(maxInt64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
    _ = int64(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
    _ int = minInt /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
    _ int = minInt
    _ int = maxInt
    _ int = maxInt /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
    _ int = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

    _ = int(minInt /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
    _ = int(minInt)
    _ = int(maxInt)
    _ = int(maxInt /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
    _ = int(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
    _ uint8 = 0 /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
    _ uint8 = 0
    _ uint8 = maxUint8
    _ uint8 = maxUint8 /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
    _ uint8 = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

    _ = uint8(0 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
    _ = uint8(0)
    _ = uint8(maxUint8)
    _ = uint8(maxUint8 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
    _ = uint8(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
    _ uint16 = 0 /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
    _ uint16 = 0
    _ uint16 = maxUint16
    _ uint16 = maxUint16 /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
    _ uint16 = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

    _ = uint16(0 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
    _ = uint16(0)
    _ = uint16(maxUint16)
    _ = uint16(maxUint16 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
    _ = uint16(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
    _ uint32 = 0 /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
    _ uint32 = 0
    _ uint32 = maxUint32
    _ uint32 = maxUint32 /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
    _ uint32 = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

    _ = uint32(0 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
    _ = uint32(0)
    _ = uint32(maxUint32)
    _ = uint32(maxUint32 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
    _ = uint32(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
    _ uint64 = 0 /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
    _ uint64 = 0
    _ uint64 = maxUint64
    _ uint64 = maxUint64 /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
    _ uint64 = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

    _ = uint64(0 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
    _ = uint64(0)
    _ = uint64(maxUint64)
    _ = uint64(maxUint64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
    _ = uint64(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
    _ uint = 0 /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
    _ uint = 0
    _ uint = maxUint
    _ uint = maxUint /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
    _ uint = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

    _ = uint(0 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
    _ = uint(0)
    _ = uint(maxUint)
    _ = uint(maxUint /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
    _ = uint(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
    _ uintptr = 0 /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
    _ uintptr = 0
    _ uintptr = maxUintptr
    _ uintptr = maxUintptr /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
    _ uintptr = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

    _ = uintptr(0 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
    _ = uintptr(0)
    _ = uintptr(maxUintptr)
    _ = uintptr(maxUintptr /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
    _ = uintptr(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
    _ float32 = minInt64
    _ float64 = minInt64
    _ complex64 = minInt64
    _ complex128 = minInt64

    _ = float32(minInt64)
    _ = float64(minInt64)
    _ = complex64(minInt64)
    _ = complex128(minInt64)

const (
    _ float32 = maxUint64
    _ float64 = maxUint64
    _ complex64 = maxUint64
    _ complex128 = maxUint64

    _ = float32(maxUint64)
    _ = float64(maxUint64)
    _ = complex64(maxUint64)
    _ = complex128(maxUint64)

// TODO(gri) find smaller deltas below

const delta32 = maxFloat32/(1 << 23)

const (
    _ float32 = - /* ERROR "overflow" */ (maxFloat32 + delta32)
    _ float32 = -maxFloat32
    _ float32 = maxFloat32
    _ float32 = maxFloat32 /* ERROR "overflow" */ + delta32

    _ = float32(- /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ (maxFloat32 + delta32))
    _ = float32(-maxFloat32)
    _ = float32(maxFloat32)
    _ = float32(maxFloat32 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + delta32)

    _ = assert(float32(smallestFloat32) == smallestFloat32)
    _ = assert(float32(smallestFloat32/2) == 0)
    _ = assert(float32(smallestFloat64) == 0)
    _ = assert(float32(smallestFloat64/2) == 0)

const delta64 = maxFloat64/(1 << 52)

const (
    _ float64 = - /* ERROR "overflow" */ (maxFloat64 + delta64)
    _ float64 = -maxFloat64
    _ float64 = maxFloat64
    _ float64 = maxFloat64 /* ERROR "overflow" */ + delta64

    _ = float64(- /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ (maxFloat64 + delta64))
    _ = float64(-maxFloat64)
    _ = float64(maxFloat64)
    _ = float64(maxFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + delta64)

    _ = assert(float64(smallestFloat32) == smallestFloat32)
    _ = assert(float64(smallestFloat32/2) == smallestFloat32/2)
    _ = assert(float64(smallestFloat64) == smallestFloat64)
    _ = assert(float64(smallestFloat64/2) == 0)

const (
    _ complex64 = - /* ERROR "overflow" */ (maxFloat32 + delta32)
    _ complex64 = -maxFloat32
    _ complex64 = maxFloat32
    _ complex64 = maxFloat32 /* ERROR "overflow" */ + delta32

    _ = complex64(- /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ (maxFloat32 + delta32))
    _ = complex64(-maxFloat32)
    _ = complex64(maxFloat32)
    _ = complex64(maxFloat32 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + delta32)

const (
    _ complex128 = - /* ERROR "overflow" */ (maxFloat64 + delta64)
    _ complex128 = -maxFloat64
    _ complex128 = maxFloat64
    _ complex128 = maxFloat64 /* ERROR "overflow" */ + delta64

    _ = complex128(- /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ (maxFloat64 + delta64))
    _ = complex128(-maxFloat64)
    _ = complex128(maxFloat64)
    _ = complex128(maxFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + delta64)

// Initialization of typed constant and conversion are the same:
const (
    f32 = 1 + smallestFloat32
    x32 float32 = f32
    y32 = float32(f32)
    _ = assert(x32 - y32 == 0)

const (
    f64 = 1 + smallestFloat64
    x64 float64 = f64
    y64 = float64(f64)
    _ = assert(x64 - y64 == 0)