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Test Coverage
  # increase timeout for cases when tests run in parallel with linters
  timeout: 20m
  # which dirs to skip: they won't be analyzed;
    - vendor
    - pkg
  modules-download-mode: vendor

    # report about shadowed variables
    check-shadowing: true
    # minimal code complexity to report
    min-complexity: 10
    line-length: 512

  disable-all: true

  # Here is a list of linters we explicitly don't want to enable
  # Used for doc and ci purposes. Ignored by golangci-lint
  - name: durationcheck
    desc: |
      durationcheck complains about *any* multiplication of time.Durations, as
      *some* might be incorrect. Unfortunately we do need to perform some of
      those multiplications.

  - name: errname
    desc: |
      error types should be [xX]xxError. error vars should be errXxx.

  - name: exhaustivestruct [deprecated]
    desc: |
      exhaustivestruct is meant for special checking only. It verifies that all
      fields are set in struct construction, and so is not useful for us

  - name: exhaustruct
    desc: |
      see exhaustivestruct

  - name: funlen
    desc: |
      funlen is annoying

  - name: godot
    desc: |
      godot requires that top-level comments end with a dot. This is useful for
      documentation purposes when documentation is generated automatically.
      However, we do not document our code and therefore this linter has no
      value for us.

  - name: goerr113
    desc: |
      goerr113 requires to not use errors.New, instead it wants us to define
      package-level errors and wrap them. This feels to be an overkill so we
      are skipping it for now.

  - name: gofumpt
    desc: |
      gofumpt also includes gofumports. These are a stricter version of gofmt
      and goimports respectively. By enabling them we also wanted to include
      them in our vim configurations to be run on save. Unfortunately this
      makes vim.coc report errors very slowly, or not at all. If we decide to
      enable them back we should also make sure that they work in our vim

  - name: gomoddirectives
    desc: |
      gomoddirectives allows only some or outright bans all replace directives
      in the go.mod files. Since importing kubernetes packages is a nighmare we
      actually need the replace directive.

  - name: interfacer [deprecated]
    desc: |
      interfacer is deprecated

  - name: maligned [deprecated]
    desc: |
      maligned is deprecated

  - name: noctx
    desc: |
      noctx requires using a context when constructing an http.Request.
      However, as for the time being we are not passing contexts to our
      functions, so just using `context.Background` to make the linter happy
      does not really make sense

  - name: paralleltest
    desc: |
      paralleltest seems to think all tests should be parallel. We'll let
      ginkgo decide that.

  - name: scopelint [deprecated]
    desc: |
      scopelint is deprecated

  - name: tagliatelle
    desc: |
      complains about our json and yaml tags not being in camel case. Changing
      these would be a massive pain

  - name: unparam
    desc: |
      Didn't like it complaining about always using port 8080 in a function

  - name: wrapcheck
    desc: |
      we don't believe in wrapping all errors, especially from our interfaces

  - name: golint [deprecated]
    desc: |
      deprecated as of 1.41.0, replaced by revive

  - name: tenv
    desc: |
      this linter would only make sense if we were using gotest

  - name: varnamelen
    desc: |
      the linter is too agressive

  - name: ireturn
    desc: |
      lots of k8s libraries return interfaces so wrapping them is annoyingly reported by this linter

  - name: nolintlint
    desc: |
      nilerr is disabled while linters catch up with go-1.18, and then nolintlint complains about
      where we've ignored nilerr. So turn it off for now. Can be re-enabled when nilerr is no
      longer ignored for go-1.18

  - name: execinquery
    desc: |
      we don't use SQL

  - name: nonamedreturns
    desc: |
      we use named returns sometimes

  - name: nosprintfhostport
    desc: |
      we do not construct urls in the production code

  - name: nosnakecase
    desc: |
      we don't mind underscores in package names

    - asasalint
    - asciicheck
    - bidichk
    - bodyclose
    - containedctx
    - contextcheck
    - cyclop
    - decorder
    - depguard
    - dogsled
    - dupl
    - errcheck
    - errchkjson
    - errorlint
    - exhaustive
    - exportloopref
    - forbidigo
    - forcetypeassert
    - gci
    - gochecknoglobals
    - gochecknoinits
    - gocognit
    - goconst
    - gocritic
    - gocyclo
    - godox
    - gofmt
    - goheader
    - goimports
    - gomnd
    - gomodguard
    - goprintffuncname
    - gosec
    - gosimple
    - govet
    - grouper
    - importas
    - ineffassign
    - lll
    - maintidx
    - makezero
    - misspell
    - nakedret
    - nestif
    - nilerr
    - nilnil
    - nlreturn
    - prealloc
    - predeclared
    - promlinter
    - revive
    - rowserrcheck
    - sqlclosecheck
    - staticcheck
    - stylecheck
    - testpackage
    - thelper
    - tparallel
    - typecheck
    - unconvert
    - unused
    - usestdlibvars
    - wastedassign
    - whitespace
    - wsl

    - "exported (method|function|type|const|var) (.+) should have comment"
    - "comment on exported (method|function|type|const|var) (.+) should be of the form"
    - path: _test\.go
      - goconst
      - dupl
      - gomnd
      - gochecknoglobals
      - gosec
      - forcetypeassert
    - path: _suite_test\.go
      - gochecknoglobals
    - path: tests/.*\.go
      - gomnd
      - funlen
      - gosec
      - golint
      - stylecheck
      - revive
    - path: util/lager_logr.go
      - ireturn
  # Maximum issues count per one linter. Set to 0 to disable.
  max-per-linter: 0

  # Maximum count of issues with the same text. Set to 0 to disable
  max-same: 0

  # Show only new issues
  new: false