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package api

import (

const (
    RunningState            = "RUNNING"
    PendingState            = "CLAIMED"
    ErrorState              = "UNCLAIMED"
    CrashedState            = "CRASHED"
    UnknownState            = "UNKNOWN"
    InsufficientMemoryError = "Insufficient resources: memory"

type LRPIdentifier struct {
    GUID, Version string

func (i *LRPIdentifier) ProcessGUID() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", i.GUID, i.Version)

// An LRP, or long-running-process, is a stateless process
// where the scheduler should attempt to keep N copies running,
// killing and recreating as needed to maintain that guarantee.
type LRP struct {
    ProcessType            string
    AppName                string
    AppGUID                string
    OrgName                string
    OrgGUID                string
    SpaceName              string
    SpaceGUID              string
    Image                  string
    Command                []string
    Sidecars               []Sidecar
    PrivateRegistry        *PrivateRegistry
    Env                    map[string]string
    Health                 Healthcheck
    Ports                  []int32
    TargetInstances        int
    RunningInstances       int
    MemoryMB               int64
    DiskMB                 int64
    CPUWeight              uint8
    VolumeMounts           []VolumeMount
    LRP                    string
    LastUpdated            string
    UserDefinedAnnotations map[string]string

type Sidecar struct {
    Name     string
    Command  []string
    MemoryMB int64
    Env      map[string]string

type PrivateRegistry struct {
    Server   string
    Username string
    Password string

type VolumeMount struct {
    MountPath string
    ClaimName string

type Instance struct {
    Index          int
    Since          int64
    State          string
    PlacementError string

type Healthcheck struct {
    Type      string
    Port      int32
    Endpoint  string
    TimeoutMs uint

// A Task is a one-off process that is run exactly once and returns a
// result.
type Task struct {
    GUID               string
    Name               string
    Image              string
    CompletionCallback string
    PrivateRegistry    *PrivateRegistry
    Env                map[string]string
    Command            []string
    AppName            string
    AppGUID            string
    OrgName            string
    OrgGUID            string
    SpaceName          string
    SpaceGUID          string
    MemoryMB           int64
    DiskMB             int64
    CPUWeight          uint8