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Test Coverage
@import '~@angular/material/theming';
@import './all-theme';

// Import the theme
@import '~@stratosui/theme';

$stratos-dark-theme-supported: false !default;

// Themes - stratos-theme() function must be supplied by the theme
$stratos-themes: stratos-theme();

// stratos-theme() can return a single theme rather than a map of default and dark themes
@if not map-has-key($stratos-themes, 'default') {
  $tmp: $stratos-themes;
  $stratos-themes: (
    default: $tmp

// Import any custom scss that the theme defines
// This import defines the mixin 'apply-theme'
@import '~@stratosui/theme/extensions';

// Default theme ( = light theme)
$stratos-theme: map-get($stratos-themes, default);
$theme: map-get($stratos-theme, theme);

@if map-has-key($stratos-themes, 'dark') {
  $stratos-dark-theme-supported: true;
  $dark-stratos-theme: map-get($stratos-themes, dark);
  $dark-theme: map-get($dark-stratos-theme, theme);

  body.stratos {
    .dark-theme {
      @include angular-material-theme($dark-theme);
      @include app-theme($dark-stratos-theme);
      // Apply theme to extensions
      @include apply-theme($dark-stratos-theme);

.default {
  @include angular-material-theme($theme);
  @include app-theme($stratos-theme);
  // Apply theme to extensions
  @include apply-theme($stratos-theme);

// Import mat-core
@include mat-core;