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2 hrs
Test Coverage
package datastore

import (

    log ""


// StratosMigration applies a migration step. Use with RegisterMigration()
type StratosMigration func(txn *sql.Tx, conf *goose.DBConf) error

// RegisterMigration registers a migration step. This should be called from an init() function
func RegisterMigration(version int64, name string, f StratosMigration) {
    migrationSteps = append(migrationSteps, StratosMigrationStep{
        Version: version,
        Name:    name,
        Apply:   f,

// StratosMigrationStep represents a migaration step
type StratosMigrationStep struct {
    Version int64
    Name    string
    Apply   StratosMigration

var migrationSteps []StratosMigrationStep

// GetOrderedMigrations returns an order list of migrations to run
func GetOrderedMigrations() []StratosMigrationStep {
    sort.Slice(migrationSteps, func(i, j int) bool {
        return migrationSteps[i].Version < migrationSteps[j].Version
    return migrationSteps

// SetMigrations replces the current list of migrations - used only by tests internally
func SetMigrations(steps []StratosMigrationStep) {
    migrationSteps = steps

// ApplyMigrations will perform the migrations
func ApplyMigrations(conf *goose.DBConf, db *sql.DB) error {
    current, err := goose.EnsureDBVersion(conf, db)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("Failed to get database version: %s", err.Error())

    log.Println("= Stratos DB Migration =")
    log.Printf("Database provider: %s", conf.Driver.Name)
    log.Printf("Current %d", current)

    stratosMigrations := GetOrderedMigrations()

    if len(stratosMigrations) == 0 {
        return fmt.Errorf("No Database Migrations found")

    // Target is always the last migration
    target := stratosMigrations[len(stratosMigrations)-1].Version
    log.Printf("Target: %d", target)

    log.Println("Running migrations ....")
    didRun := false
    for _, step := range stratosMigrations {
        if step.Version > current {
            log.Printf("Running migration: %d_%s", step.Version, step.Name)

            txn, err := db.Begin()
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("db.Begin:", err)
                return err

            err = step.Apply(txn, conf)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("Apply() failed:", err)
                return err

            err = goose.FinalizeMigration(conf, txn, true, step.Version)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("Commit() failed:", err)
                return err

            didRun = true
        } else {
            log.Printf("Skipping migration: %d", step.Version)

    if !didRun {
        log.Println("No migrations to run.")

    return nil