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6 hrs
Test Coverage
package main

import (

    log ""


const cfSessionCookieName = "JSESSIONID"

// Header to communicate the configured Cookie Domain
const StratosDomainHeader = "x-stratos-domain"

// Header to communicate any error during SSO
const StratosSSOErrorHeader = "x-stratos-sso-error"

// APIKeySkipperContextKey - name of a context key that indicates that valid API key was supplied
const APIKeySkipperContextKey = "valid_api_key"

// APIKeyHeader - API key authentication header name
const APIKeyHeader = "Authentication"

// APIKeyAuthScheme - API key authentication scheme
const APIKeyAuthScheme = "Bearer"

func handleSessionError(config interfaces.PortalConfig, c echo.Context, err error, doNotLog bool, msg string) error {

    if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "dial tcp") {
        return interfaces.NewHTTPShadowError(
            "Service is currently unavailable",
            "Service is currently unavailable: %v", err,

    if doNotLog {
        return interfaces.NewHTTPShadowError(
            msg, msg,

    var logMessage = msg + ": %v"

    return interfaces.NewHTTPShadowError(
        msg, logMessage, err,

type (
    // Skipper - skipper function for middlewares
    Skipper func(echo.Context) bool

    // MiddlewareConfig defines the config for the middleware.
    MiddlewareConfig struct {
        // Skipper defines a function to skip middleware.
        Skipper Skipper

func (p *portalProxy) sessionMiddleware() echo.MiddlewareFunc {

    return p.sessionMiddlewareWithConfig(MiddlewareConfig{})

func (p *portalProxy) clearSessionCookie(c echo.Context, setCookieDomain bool) {
    if setCookieDomain {
        // Tell the frontend what the Cookie Domain is so it can check if sessions will work
        // (used in verifySession)
        c.Response().Header().Set(StratosDomainHeader, p.Config.CookieDomain)

    // Clear any session cookie
    cookie := new(http.Cookie)
    cookie.Name = p.SessionCookieName
    cookie.Value = ""
    cookie.Expires = time.Now().Add(-24 * time.Hour)
    cookie.Domain = p.SessionStoreOptions.Domain
    cookie.HttpOnly = p.SessionStoreOptions.HttpOnly
    cookie.Secure = p.SessionStoreOptions.Secure
    cookie.Path = p.SessionStoreOptions.Path
    cookie.MaxAge = 0

func (p *portalProxy) sessionMiddlewareWithConfig(config MiddlewareConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
    // Default skipper function always returns false
    if config.Skipper == nil {
        config.Skipper = func(c echo.Context) bool { return false }

    return func(h echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
        return func(c echo.Context) error {

            if config.Skipper(c) {
                log.Debug("Skipping sessionMiddleware")
                return h(c)


            userID, err := p.GetSessionValue(c, "user_id")
            if err == nil {
                c.Set("user_id", userID)
                return h(c)

            p.clearSessionCookie(c, false)
            return handleSessionError(p.Config, c, err, false, "User session could not be found")

func (p *portalProxy) xsrfMiddleware() echo.MiddlewareFunc {
    return p.xsrfMiddlewareWithConfig(MiddlewareConfig{})

func (p *portalProxy) xsrfMiddlewareWithConfig(config MiddlewareConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
    // Default skipper function always returns false
    if config.Skipper == nil {
        config.Skipper = func(c echo.Context) bool { return false }

    return func(h echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
        return func(c echo.Context) error {

            if config.Skipper(c) {
                log.Debug("Skipping xsrfMiddleware")
                return h(c)

            // Only do this for mutating requests - i.e. we can ignore for GET or HEAD requests
            if c.Request().Method == "GET" || c.Request().Method == "HEAD" {
                return h(c)

            // Routes registered with /apps are assumed to be web apps that do their own XSRF
            if strings.HasPrefix(c.Request().URL.String(), "/pp/v1/apps/") {
                return h(c)

            errMsg := "Failed to get stored XSRF token from user session"
            token, err := p.GetSessionStringValue(c, XSRFTokenSessionName)
            if err == nil {
                // Check the token against the header
                requestToken := c.Request().Header.Get(XSRFTokenHeader)
                if len(requestToken) > 0 {
                    if compareTokens(requestToken, token) {
                        return h(c)
                    errMsg = "Supplied XSRF Token does not match"
                } else {
                    errMsg = "XSRF Token was not supplied in the header"
            return interfaces.NewHTTPShadowError(
                "XSRF Token could not be found or does not match",
                "XSRF Token error: %s", errMsg,

func compareTokens(a, b string) bool {
    if len(a) != len(b) {
        return false
    return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(a), []byte(b)) == 1

func sessionCleanupMiddleware(h echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
    return func(c echo.Context) error {
        err := h(c)
        req := c.Request()

        return err

// This middleware is not required if Echo is upgraded to v3
func (p *portalProxy) urlCheckMiddleware(h echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
    return func(c echo.Context) error {
        requestPath := c.Request().URL.Path
        if strings.Contains(requestPath, "../") {
            err := "Invalid path"
            return interfaces.NewHTTPShadowError(
        return h(c)

func (p *portalProxy) setStaticCacheContentMiddleware(h echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
    return func(c echo.Context) error {
        c.Response().Header().Set("cache-control", "no-cache")
        c.Response().Header().Set("pragma", "no-cache")
        return h(c)

func (p *portalProxy) setSecureCacheContentMiddleware(h echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
    return func(c echo.Context) error {
        c.Response().Header().Set("cache-control", "no-store")
        c.Response().Header().Set("pragma", "no-cache")
        return h(c)

func (p *portalProxy) adminMiddleware(h echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
    return func(c echo.Context) error {
        // if user is an admin, passthrough request

        // get the user guid
        userID, err := p.GetSessionValue(c, "user_id")
        if err == nil {
            // check their admin status in UAA
            u, err := p.StratosAuthService.GetUser(userID.(string))
            if err != nil {
                return c.NoContent(http.StatusUnauthorized)

            if u.Admin == true {
                return h(c)

        return handleSessionError(p.Config, c, errors.New("Unauthorized"), false, "You must be a Stratos admin to access this API")

// endpointAdminMiddleware - checks if user is admin or endpointadmin
func (p *portalProxy) endpointAdminMiddleware(h echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
    return func(c echo.Context) error {

        userID, err := p.GetSessionValue(c, "user_id")
        if err != nil {
            return c.NoContent(http.StatusUnauthorized)

        u, err := p.StratosAuthService.GetUser(userID.(string))
        if err != nil {
            return c.NoContent(http.StatusUnauthorized)

        endpointAdmin := strings.Contains(strings.Join(u.Scopes, ""), "stratos.endpointadmin")

        if endpointAdmin == false && u.Admin == false {
            return handleSessionError(p.Config, c, errors.New("Unauthorized"), false, "You must be a Stratos admin or endpointAdmin to access this API")

        return h(c)

// endpointUpdateDeleteMiddleware - checks if user has necessary permissions to modify endpoint
func (p *portalProxy) endpointUpdateDeleteMiddleware(h echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
    return func(c echo.Context) error {
        userID, err := p.GetSessionValue(c, "user_id")
        if err != nil {
            return c.NoContent(http.StatusUnauthorized)

        u, err := p.StratosAuthService.GetUser(userID.(string))
        if err != nil {
            return c.NoContent(http.StatusUnauthorized)

        endpointID := c.Param("id")

        cnsiRecord, err := p.GetCNSIRecord(endpointID)
        if err != nil {
            return c.NoContent(http.StatusUnauthorized)

        // endpoint created by admin when no id is saved
        adminEndpoint := len(cnsiRecord.Creator) == 0

        if adminEndpoint && !u.Admin {
            return handleSessionError(p.Config, c, errors.New("Unauthorized"), false, "You must be Stratos admin to modify this endpoint.")

        if !adminEndpoint && !u.Admin && cnsiRecord.Creator != userID.(string) {
            return handleSessionError(p.Config, c, errors.New("Unauthorized"), false, "EndpointAdmins are not allowed to modify endpoints created by other endpointAdmins.")

        return h(c)

func errorLoggingMiddleware(h echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
    return func(c echo.Context) error {
        err := h(c)
        if shadowError, ok := err.(interfaces.ErrHTTPShadow); ok {
            if len(shadowError.LogMessage) > 0 {
            return shadowError.HTTPError
        } else if jetstreamError, ok := err.(interfaces.JetstreamError); ok {
            return jetstreamError.HTTPErrorInContext(c)

        return err

func bindToEnv(f func(echo.HandlerFunc, *env.VarSet) echo.HandlerFunc, e *env.VarSet) func(echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
    return func(h echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
        return f(h, e)

func retryAfterUpgradeMiddleware(h echo.HandlerFunc, env *env.VarSet) echo.HandlerFunc {

    upgradeVolume, noUpgradeVolumeOK := env.Lookup(UpgradeVolume)
    upgradeLockFile, noUpgradeLockFileNameOK := env.Lookup(UpgradeLockFileName)

    // If any of those properties are not set, disable upgrade middleware
    if !noUpgradeVolumeOK || !noUpgradeLockFileNameOK {
        return func(c echo.Context) error {
            return h(c)

    return func(c echo.Context) error {
        if _, err := os.Stat(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", upgradeVolume, upgradeLockFile)); err == nil {
            c.Response().Header().Add("Retry-After", "10")
            return c.NoContent(http.StatusServiceUnavailable)

        return h(c)

func getAPIKeyFromHeader(c echo.Context) (string, error) {
    header := c.Request().Header.Get(APIKeyHeader)

    l := len(APIKeyAuthScheme)
    if len(header) > l+1 && header[:l] == APIKeyAuthScheme {
        return header[l+1:], nil

    return "", errors.New("No API key in the header")

func (p *portalProxy) apiKeyMiddleware(h echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
    return func(c echo.Context) error {

        // skipping thise middleware if API keys are disabled
        if p.Config.APIKeysEnabled == config.APIKeysConfigEnum.Disabled {
            log.Debugf("apiKeyMiddleware: API keys are disabled, skipping")
            return h(c)

        apiKeySecret, err := getAPIKeyFromHeader(c)
        if err != nil {
            log.Debugf("apiKeyMiddleware: %v", err)
            return h(c)

        apiKey, err := p.APIKeysRepository.GetAPIKeyBySecret(apiKeySecret)
        if err != nil {
            switch {
            case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
                log.Debug("apiKeyMiddleware: Invalid API key supplied")
                log.Errorf("apiKeyMiddleware: %v", err)

            return h(c)

        // checking if user is an admin if API keys are enabled for admins only
        if p.Config.APIKeysEnabled == config.APIKeysConfigEnum.AdminOnly {
            user, err := p.StratosAuthService.GetUser(apiKey.UserGUID)
            if err != nil {
                log.Errorf("apiKeyMiddleware: %v", err)
                return h(c)

            if !user.Admin {
                log.Debugf("apiKeyMiddleware: user isn't admin, skipping")
                return h(c)

        c.Set(APIKeySkipperContextKey, true)
        c.Set("user_id", apiKey.UserGUID)

        // some endpoints check not only the context store, but also the contents of the session store
        sessionValues := make(map[string]interface{})
        sessionValues["user_id"] = apiKey.UserGUID
        p.setSessionValues(c, sessionValues)

        err = p.APIKeysRepository.UpdateAPIKeyLastUsed(apiKey.GUID)
        if err != nil {
            log.Errorf("apiKeyMiddleware: %v", err)

        return h(c)

func (p *portalProxy) apiKeySkipper(c echo.Context) bool {
    return c.Get(APIKeySkipperContextKey) != nil && c.Get(APIKeySkipperContextKey).(bool) == true