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Test Coverage
package analysis

import (


    log ""

const (
    analsyisServicesAPIEnvVar = "ANALYSIS_SERVICES_API"

    // Allow specific engines to be enabled
    analysisEnginesAPIEnvVar = "ANALYSIS_ENGINES"

    // Names used to communicate settings info back to the front-end client
    analysisEnabledPluginConfigSetting = "analysisEnabled"
    analysisEnginesPluginConfigSetting = "analysisEngines"

    defaultEngines = "popeye"

// Analysis - Plugin to allow analysers to run over an endpoint cluster
type Analysis struct {
    portalProxy    interfaces.PortalProxy
    analysisServer string

func init() {
    interfaces.AddPlugin("analysis", []string{"kubernetes"}, Init)

// Init creates a new Analysis
func Init(portalProxy interfaces.PortalProxy) (interfaces.StratosPlugin, error) {
    return &Analysis{portalProxy: portalProxy}, nil

// GetMiddlewarePlugin gets the middleware plugin for this plugin
func (analysis *Analysis) GetMiddlewarePlugin() (interfaces.MiddlewarePlugin, error) {
    return nil, errors.New("Not implemented")

// GetEndpointPlugin gets the endpoint plugin for this plugin
func (analysis *Analysis) GetEndpointPlugin() (interfaces.EndpointPlugin, error) {
    return nil, errors.New("Not implemented")

// GetRoutePlugin gets the route plugin for this plugin
func (analysis *Analysis) GetRoutePlugin() (interfaces.RoutePlugin, error) {
    return analysis, nil

// AddAdminGroupRoutes adds the admin routes for this plugin to the Echo server
func (analysis *Analysis) AddAdminGroupRoutes(echoGroup *echo.Group) {
    // no-op

// AddSessionGroupRoutes adds the session routes for this plugin to the Echo server
func (analysis *Analysis) AddSessionGroupRoutes(echoGroup *echo.Group) {
    echoGroup.GET("/analysis/reports/:endpoint", analysis.listReports)
    echoGroup.GET("/analysis/reports/:endpoint/:id", analysis.getReport)
    echoGroup.GET("/analysis/reports/:endpoint/:id/:file", analysis.getReport)

    // Get completed reports for the given path
    echoGroup.GET("/analysis/completed/:endpoint/*", analysis.getReportsByPath)

    // Get latest report
    echoGroup.GET("/analysis/latest/:endpoint/*", analysis.getLatestReport)
    echoGroup.HEAD("/analysis/latest/:endpoint/*", analysis.getLatestReport)

    echoGroup.DELETE("/analysis/reports", analysis.deleteReports)

    // Run report
    echoGroup.POST("/analysis/run/:analyzer/:endpoint", analysis.runReport)

// Init performs plugin initialization
func (analysis *Analysis) Init() error {
    // Only enabled in tech preview
    if !analysis.portalProxy.GetConfig().EnableTechPreview {
        // This will set PluginsStatus[name] = false, which results in plugins[name] in the FE
        return errors.New("Requires tech preview")

    // Check env var
    if url, ok := analysis.portalProxy.Env().Lookup(analsyisServicesAPIEnvVar); ok {
        analysis.analysisServer = url

        // Start background status check

        if engines, ok := analysis.portalProxy.Env().Lookup(analysisEnginesAPIEnvVar); ok {
            analysis.portalProxy.GetConfig().PluginConfig[analysisEnginesPluginConfigSetting] = engines
        } else {
            analysis.portalProxy.GetConfig().PluginConfig[analysisEnginesPluginConfigSetting] = defaultEngines

        return nil

    return errors.New("Analysis services API Server not configured")

// OnEndpointNotification called when for endpoint events
func (analysis *Analysis) OnEndpointNotification(action interfaces.EndpointAction, endpoint *interfaces.CNSIRecord) {
    if action == interfaces.EndpointUnregisterAction {
        // An endpoint was unregistered, so remove all reports
        dbStore, err := store.NewAnalysisDBStore(analysis.portalProxy.GetDatabaseConnection())
        if err == nil {

            // Now ask the analysis engine to to delete all files on disk
            deleteURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/v1/report/%s", analysis.analysisServer, endpoint.GUID)
            r, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodDelete, deleteURL, nil)
            client := &http.Client{Timeout: 30 * time.Second}
            rsp, err := client.Do(r)
            if err != nil {
                log.Errorf("Failed deleting reports from Analyzer service: %v", err)

            if rsp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
                log.Errorf("Failed deleting reports from Analyzer service: %d", rsp.StatusCode)

            if rsp.Body != nil {
                defer rsp.Body.Close()
                _, err = ioutil.ReadAll(rsp.Body)
                if err != nil {
                    log.Errorf("Could not read response: %v", err)