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package cloudfoundryhosting

import (

    uuid ""
    log ""


// Constants
const (
    VCapApplication                = "VCAP_APPLICATION"
    CFApiURLOverride               = "CF_API_URL"
    CFApiForceSecure               = "CF_API_FORCE_SECURE"
    cfSessionCookieName            = "JSESSIONID"
    ForceEnablePersistenceFeatures = "FORCE_ENABLE_PERSISTENCE_FEATURES"
    SkipAutoRegister               = "SKIP_AUTO_REGISTER"
    SQLiteProviderName             = "sqlite"
    defaultSessionSecret           = "wheeee!"

// Module init will register plugin
func init() {
    interfaces.AddPlugin("cloudfoundryhosting", nil, Init)

// CFHosting is a plugin to configure Stratos when hosted in Cloud Foundry
type CFHosting struct {
    portalProxy  interfaces.PortalProxy
    endpointType string

// Package initialization
func init() {

// ConfigInit updates the config if needed
func ConfigInit(envLookup *env.VarSet, jetstreamConfig *interfaces.PortalConfig) {

    // Check we are deployed in Cloud Foundry
    if !envLookup.IsSet(VCapApplication) {
    isSQLite := jetstreamConfig.DatabaseProviderName == SQLiteProviderName
    // If session secret is default, make sure we change it
    if jetstreamConfig.SessionStoreSecret == defaultSessionSecret {
        if isSQLite {
            // If SQLIte - create a random value to use, since each app instance has its own DB
            // and sessions should not be accessible across different instances
            jetstreamConfig.SessionStoreSecret = uuid.NewV4().String()
        // If not SQLite then we are using a shared DB
        // Just drop through and we'll later use a random value and log a warning
        // This means each instance has a different session secret - this is not a problem
        // due to session affinity - it means if the instance a user is bound to goes away, their session
        // will also be lost and they will need to log in again
    } else {
        // Else, if not default and is SQLlite - add the App Index to the secret
        // This makes sure we use a different Session Secret per App Instance IF using SQLite
        // Since this is not a shared database across application instances
        if isSQLite && envLookup.IsSet("CF_INSTANCE_INDEX") {
            appInstanceIndex, ok := envLookup.Lookup("CF_INSTANCE_INDEX")
            if ok {
                jetstreamConfig.SessionStoreSecret = jetstreamConfig.SessionStoreSecret + "_" + appInstanceIndex
                log.Infof("Updated session secret for Cloud Foundry App Instance: %s", appInstanceIndex)

    // Update Database migration status depending on app instance index and SQLite
    if !isSQLite && envLookup.IsSet("CF_INSTANCE_INDEX") {
        if appInstanceIndex, ok := envLookup.Lookup("CF_INSTANCE_INDEX"); ok {
            if index, err := strconv.Atoi(appInstanceIndex); err == nil {
                jetstreamConfig.CanMigrateDatabaseSchema = (index == 0)
                log.Infof("Skipping DB migration => not index 0 (%d)", index)

// Init creates a new CFHosting plugin
func Init(portalProxy interfaces.PortalProxy) (interfaces.StratosPlugin, error) {

    return &CFHosting{portalProxy: portalProxy}, nil

// GetMiddlewarePlugin gets the middleware plugin for this plugin
func (ch *CFHosting) GetMiddlewarePlugin() (interfaces.MiddlewarePlugin, error) {
    if ch.portalProxy.Env().IsSet(VCapApplication) {
        return ch, nil
    return nil, errors.New("Not running as a Cloud Foundry application")

// GetEndpointPlugin gets the endpoint plugin for this plugin
func (ch *CFHosting) GetEndpointPlugin() (interfaces.EndpointPlugin, error) {
    return nil, errors.New("Not implemented")

// GetRoutePlugin gets the route plugin for this plugin
func (ch *CFHosting) GetRoutePlugin() (interfaces.RoutePlugin, error) {
    return nil, errors.New("Not implemented")

// Init performs plugin initialization
func (ch *CFHosting) Init() error {

    // Determine if we are running CF by presence of env var "VCAP_APPLICATION" and configure appropriately
    if ch.portalProxy.Env().IsSet(VCapApplication) {
        log.Info("Detected that Console is deployed as a Cloud Foundry Application")

        // Record that we are deployed in Cloud Foundry
        ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().IsCloudFoundry = true

        ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().ConsoleConfig = new(interfaces.ConsoleConfig)

        // We are using the CF UAA - so the Console must use the same Client and Secret as CF
        ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().ConsoleConfig.ConsoleClient = ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().CFClient
        ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().ConsoleConfig.ConsoleClientSecret = ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().CFClientSecret

        //Set the auth endpoint type for the console
        ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().ConsoleConfig.AuthEndpointType = ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().AuthEndpointType

        // Ensure that the identifier for an admin is the standard Cloud Foundry one
        ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().ConsoleConfig.ConsoleAdminScope = ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().CFAdminIdentifier

        // Allow Console Application manifest to override the Admin Scope if really desired
        stratosAdminScope, ok := ch.portalProxy.Env().Lookup("STRATOS_ADMIN_SCOPE")
        if ok {
            ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().ConsoleConfig.ConsoleAdminScope = stratosAdminScope
            log.Infof("Overriden Console Admin Scope to: %s", stratosAdminScope)

        // Need to run as HTTP on the port we were told to use
        ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().HTTPS = false

        port, ok := ch.portalProxy.Env().Lookup("PORT")
        if ok {
            ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().TLSAddress = ":" + port
            log.Infof("Updated Console address to: %s", ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().TLSAddress)

        // Get the cf_api value from the JSON
        var appData interfaces.VCapApplicationData
        vCapApp, _ := ch.portalProxy.Env().Lookup(VCapApplication)
        data := []byte(vCapApp)
        err := json.Unmarshal(data, &appData)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("Could not get the Cloud Foundry API URL: %+v", err)
            return nil

        log.Infof("CF API URL: %s", appData.API)

        // Allow the URL to be overridden by an application environment variable
        if ch.portalProxy.Env().IsSet(CFApiURLOverride) {
            apiUrl, _ := ch.portalProxy.Env().Lookup(CFApiURLOverride)
            appData.API = apiUrl
            log.Infof("Overriden CF API URL from environment variable %s", apiUrl)

        if ch.portalProxy.Env().IsSet(CFApiForceSecure) {
            // Force the API URL protocol to be https
            appData.API = strings.Replace(appData.API, "http://", "https://", 1)
            log.Infof("Ensuring that CF API URL is accessed over HTTPS")
        } else {
            log.Info("No forced override to HTTPS")

        // Ephemeral Database indicates if we are running with a DB like SQLite, which is Ephemeral
        // Only need to do this if the Database we are using is SQLite
        isSQLite := ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().DatabaseProviderName == SQLiteProviderName
        disablePersistenceFeatures := isSQLite
        if ch.portalProxy.Env().IsSet(ForceEnablePersistenceFeatures) {
            // Force the Endpoint Dashboard to be visible?
            disablePersistenceFeatures = !ch.portalProxy.Env().MustBool(ForceEnablePersistenceFeatures)
            if disablePersistenceFeatures {
                log.Info("Features requiring persistence have been DISABLED")
            } else {
                log.Info("Features requiring persistence have been ENABLED")
        ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().PluginConfig["disablePersistenceFeatures"] = strconv.FormatBool(disablePersistenceFeatures)
        log.Infof("Features requiring persistence: enabled: %s", strconv.FormatBool(!disablePersistenceFeatures))

        log.Infof("Using Cloud Foundry API URL: %s", appData.API)
        cfEndpointSpec, _ := ch.portalProxy.GetEndpointTypeSpec("cf")
        newCNSI, _, err := cfEndpointSpec.Info(appData.API, true)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("Could not get the info for Cloud Foundry: %+v", err)
            return nil

        // Override the configuration to set the authorization endpoint
        url, err := url.Parse(newCNSI.AuthorizationEndpoint)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("Invalid authorization endpoint URL %s %s", newCNSI.AuthorizationEndpoint, err)

        ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().ConsoleConfig.AuthorizationEndpoint = url

        // Override the configuration to set the authorization endpoint
        url, err = url.Parse(newCNSI.TokenEndpoint)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("Invalid token endpoint URL %s %s", newCNSI.TokenEndpoint, err)

        ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().ConsoleConfig.UAAEndpoint = url

        log.Infof("Cloud Foundry UAA is: %s", ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().ConsoleConfig.UAAEndpoint)

        // Not set in the environment and failed to read from the Secrets file
        // CHECK is this necessary to set here?
        ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().ConsoleConfig.SkipSSLValidation = ch.portalProxy.Env().MustBool("SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION")

        if !ch.portalProxy.Env().IsSet(SkipAutoRegister) {
            log.Info("Setting AUTO_REG_CF_URL config to ", appData.API)
            ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().AutoRegisterCFUrl = appData.API
        } else {
            log.Infof("Skipping auto-register of CF Endpoint - %s is set", SkipAutoRegister)

        // Store the space and id of the Console application - we can use these to prevent stop/delete in the front-end
        if ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().CloudFoundryInfo == nil {
            ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().CloudFoundryInfo = &interfaces.CFInfo{}
        ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().CloudFoundryInfo.SpaceGUID = appData.SpaceID
        ch.portalProxy.GetConfig().CloudFoundryInfo.AppGUID = appData.ApplicationID

        log.Info("All done for Cloud Foundry deployment")
    return nil

// EchoMiddleware is the Echo server middleware provided by this plugin
func (ch *CFHosting) EchoMiddleware(h echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
    return func(c echo.Context) error {

        // If request is a WebSocket request, don't do anything special
        upgrade := c.Request().Header.Get("Upgrade")
        webSocketKey := c.Request().Header.Get("Sec-Websocket-Key")

        if len(upgrade) > 0 && len(webSocketKey) > 0 {
            log.Infof("Not redirecting this request")
            return h(c)

        // Check that we are on HTTPS - redirect if not
        proto := c.Request().Header.Get("X-Forwarded-Proto")
        if len(proto) > 0 {
            if proto != "https" {
                redirect := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s%s", c.Request().Host, c.Request().RequestURI)
                return c.Redirect(301, redirect)
            return h(c)

        return interfaces.NewHTTPShadowError(
            "X-Forwarded-Proto not found and is required",
            "X-Forwarded-Proto not found and is required",

// SessionEchoMiddleware is the Echo server session middleware provided by this plugin
// For cloud foundry session affinity
// Ensure we add a cookie named "JSESSIONID" for Cloud Foundry session affinity
func (ch *CFHosting) SessionEchoMiddleware(h echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
    return func(c echo.Context) error {
        // Make sure there is a JSESSIONID cookie set to the session ID
        session, err := ch.portalProxy.GetSession(c)
        if err == nil {
            // We have a session
            guid, err := ch.portalProxy.GetSessionValue(c, cfSessionCookieName)
            if err != nil || guid == nil {
                guid = uuid.NewV4().String()
                session.Values[cfSessionCookieName] = guid
                ch.portalProxy.SaveSession(c, session)
            sessionGUID := fmt.Sprintf("%s", guid)
            // Set the JSESSIONID coolie for Cloud Foundry session affinity
            w := c.Response().Writer
            cookie := sessions.NewCookie(cfSessionCookieName, sessionGUID, session.Options)
            http.SetCookie(w, cookie)
        return h(c)