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25 mins
Test Coverage
package kubernetes

import (

    // Import the OIDC auth plugin
    _ ""


// KubeProxyError represents error when a proxied request to the Kube API failes
type KubeProxyError struct {
    Name string

// KubeProxyFunc represents a function to proxy to the Kube API
type KubeProxyFunc func(*interfaces.ConnectedEndpoint, chan KubeProxyResponse)

// KubeProxyResponse represents a response from a proxy request to the Kube API
type KubeProxyResponse struct {
    Endpoint string
    Result   interface{}
    Error    *KubeProxyError

// KubeProxyResponses represents response from multiple proxy requests to the Kube API
type KubeProxyResponses map[string]interface{}

// ProxyKubernetesAPI proxies an API request to all of the user's connected Kubernetes endpoints
func (c *KubernetesSpecification) ProxyKubernetesAPI(userID string, f KubeProxyFunc) (KubeProxyResponses, error) {

    var p = c.portalProxy
    k8sList := make([]*interfaces.ConnectedEndpoint, 0)
    eps, err := p.ListEndpointsByUser(userID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not get endpints Client for endpoint: %v+", err)

    // Get all connected k8s endpoints for the user
    for _, endpoint := range eps {
        if endpoint.CNSIType == "k8s" {
            k8sList = append(k8sList, endpoint)

    mapMutex := sync.RWMutex{}

    // Check that we actually have some
    // TODO
    done := make(chan KubeProxyResponse)
    for _, endpoint := range k8sList {
        go f(endpoint, done)

    responses := make(KubeProxyResponses)
    for range k8sList {
        res := <-done
        if res.Error == nil {
            responses[res.Endpoint] = res.Result
        } else {
            responses[res.Endpoint] = res.Error

    return responses, nil