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package auth

import (

    log ""
    clientcmdapi ""

const AuthConnectTypeKubeToken = "k8s-token"

// KubeTokenAuth uses a token (e.g. service account token)
type KubeTokenAuth struct {
    portalProxy interfaces.PortalProxy

// InitKubeTokenAuth
func InitKubeTokenAuth(portalProxy interfaces.PortalProxy) KubeAuthProvider {
    return &KubeTokenAuth{portalProxy}

func (c *KubeTokenAuth) GetName() string {
    return AuthConnectTypeKubeToken

func (c *KubeTokenAuth) AddAuthInfo(info *clientcmdapi.AuthInfo, tokenRec interfaces.TokenRecord) error {
    log.Debug("AddAuthInfo: KubeTokenAuth")
    // Just add the token in
    info.Token = tokenRec.AuthToken
    return nil

func (c *KubeTokenAuth) FetchToken(cnsiRecord interfaces.CNSIRecord, ec echo.Context) (*interfaces.TokenRecord, *interfaces.CNSIRecord, error) {
    log.Debug("FetchToken (KubeTokenAuth)")
    token := ec.FormValue("token")
    tokenRecord := NewKubeTokenAuthTokenRecord(c.portalProxy, token)
    return tokenRecord, &cnsiRecord, nil

func NewKubeTokenAuthTokenRecord(portalProxy interfaces.PortalProxy, token string) *interfaces.TokenRecord {
    tokenRecord := portalProxy.InitEndpointTokenRecord(getLargeExpiryTime(), token, "__NONE__", false)
    tokenRecord.AuthType = AuthConnectTypeKubeToken
    return &tokenRecord

func (c *KubeTokenAuth) doTokenFlowRequest(cnsiRequest *interfaces.CNSIRequest, req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
    log.Debug("K8S Token auth: doTokenFlowRequest")

    authHandler := func(tokenRec interfaces.TokenRecord, cnsi interfaces.CNSIRecord) (*http.Response, error) {
        // Token auth has no token refresh or expiry - so much simpler than the OAuth flow
        req.Header.Set("Authorization", "bearer "+tokenRec.AuthToken)
        client := c.portalProxy.GetHttpClientForRequest(req, cnsi.SkipSSLValidation)
        return client.Do(req)
    return c.portalProxy.DoAuthFlowRequest(cnsiRequest, req, authHandler)

func (c *KubeTokenAuth) RegisterJetstreamAuthType(portal interfaces.PortalProxy) {
    // Register auth type with Jetstream
    c.portalProxy.AddAuthProvider(c.GetName(), interfaces.AuthProvider{
        Handler:  c.doTokenFlowRequest,
        UserInfo: c.GetUserFromToken,

func (c *KubeTokenAuth) GetUserFromToken(cnsiGUID string, tokenRecord *interfaces.TokenRecord) (*interfaces.ConnectedUser, bool) {
    log.Debug("GetUserFromToken (KubeTokenAuth)")

    // See if we can get token info - if we can, use it
    _, err := c.portalProxy.GetUserTokenInfo(tokenRecord.AuthToken)
    if err == nil {
        return c.portalProxy.GetCNSIUserFromOAuthToken(cnsiGUID, tokenRecord)

    parts := strings.Split(tokenRecord.AuthToken, ":")
    if len(parts) != 2 {
        log.Errorf("Could not get user information from token: %s", tokenRecord.TokenGUID)
        return nil, false

    return &interfaces.ConnectedUser{
        GUID:   parts[0],
        Name:   parts[0],
        Scopes: make([]string, 0),
    }, true