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Test Coverage
package metrics

import (

    log ""


var (
    cellQueryAllowList = []string{

// Metrics endpoints - non-admin - for a Cloud Foundry Application
func (m *MetricsSpecification) getCloudFoundryAppMetrics(c echo.Context) error {
    // We need to go and fetch the CF App, to make sure that the user is permitted to access it
    // We'll do this synchronously here for now - this can be done optimistically in parallel in the future
    // Use the passthrough mechanism to get the App metadata from Cloud Foundry
    appID := c.Param("appId")
    prometheusOp := c.Param("op")
    appURL, _ := url.Parse("/v2/apps/" + appID)
    responses, err := m.portalProxy.ProxyRequest(c, appURL)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // For an application, we only support the query operation
    if prometheusOp != "query" && prometheusOp != "query_range" {
        return errors.New("Only 'query' or 'query_range' is supported for a Cloud Foundry application")

    // Now make the metrics requests to the appropriate metrics endpoint
    var cnsiList []string
    for k, v := range responses {
        // Check Status Code was ok
        if v.StatusCode < 400 {
            cnsiList = append(cnsiList, k)

    return m.makePrometheusRequest(c, cnsiList, "application_id=\""+appID+"\"")

func makePrometheusRequestInfos(c echo.Context, userGUID string, metrics map[string]EndpointMetricsRelation, prometheusOp string, queries string, addJob bool) []interfaces.ProxyRequestInfo {
    // Construct the metadata for proxying
    requests := make([]interfaces.ProxyRequestInfo, 0)
    for _, metric := range metrics {
        req := interfaces.ProxyRequestInfo{}
        req.UserGUID = userGUID
        req.ResultGUID = metric.endpoint.GUID
        req.EndpointGUID = metric.metrics.EndpointGUID
        req.Method = c.Request().Method

        addQueries := queries
        if len(addQueries) > 0 {
            addQueries = addQueries + ","

        if addJob {
            if metric.metrics.Job != "" {
                // stratos-metrics configures the firehose exporter to tag metrics with `job`
                addQueries = addQueries + "job=\"" + metric.metrics.Job + "\""
            } else if metric.metrics.Environment != "" {
                // prometheus-boshrelease deployed firehose exporter tags metrics with `environment`
                addQueries = addQueries + "environment=\"" + metric.metrics.Environment + "\""

        req.URI = makePrometheusRequestURI(c, prometheusOp, addQueries)
        requests = append(requests, req)
    return requests

func makePrometheusRequestURI(c echo.Context, prometheusOp string, modify string) *url.URL {
    uri := getEchoURL(c)
    uri.Path = "/api/v1/" + prometheusOp
    values := uri.Query()
    query := values.Get("query")
    if len(query) > 0 {
        parts := strings.SplitAfter(query, "{")
        if len(parts) <= 2 {
            modified := parts[0]
            if len(parts) == 1 {
                modified = modified + "{" + modify + "}"
            } else {
                end := parts[1]
                if end != "}" && len(modify) > 0 {
                    end = "," + end
                modified = modified + modify + end
            values.Set("query", modified)
    uri.RawQuery = values.Encode()
    log.Debugf("Sending prometheus query: %+v", uri.String())
    return &uri

func getEchoURL(c echo.Context) url.URL {
    u := c.Request().URL
    return *u

// Metrics API endpoints - admin - for a Cloud Foundry deployment
func (m *MetricsSpecification) getCloudFoundryMetrics(c echo.Context) error {
    userGUID, err := m.portalProxy.GetSessionStringValue(c, "user_id")
    if err != nil {
        return errors.New("Could not find session user_id")
    cnsiList := strings.Split(c.Request().Header.Get("x-cap-cnsi-list"), ",")
    // User must be an admin of the Cloud Foundry
    // Check each in the list and if any is not, then return an error
    canAccessMetrics := true
    for _, endpointID := range cnsiList {
        // Get token for the UserID and EndpointID
        token, exists := m.portalProxy.GetCNSITokenRecord(endpointID, userGUID)
        if !exists {
            // Could not get a token for the user
            canAccessMetrics = false
        } else {
            userTokenInfo, err := m.portalProxy.GetUserTokenInfo(token.AuthToken)
            if err == nil {
                // Do they have they admin scope for Cloud Foundry?
                isAdmin := strings.Contains(strings.Join(userTokenInfo.Scope, ""), m.portalProxy.GetConfig().CFAdminIdentifier)
                if !isAdmin {
                    canAccessMetrics = false
            } else {
                // Could not decode the user's token to determine if they are an admin, so default is that they are not
                canAccessMetrics = false

    // Only proceed if the user is an Cloud Foundry admin of all of the endpoints we are requesting metrics for
    if !canAccessMetrics {
        return interfaces.NewHTTPShadowError(
            "You must be a Cloud Foundry admin to access CF-level metrics",
            "You must be a Cloud Foundry admin to access CF-level metrics")

    return m.makePrometheusRequest(c, cnsiList, "")

func (m *MetricsSpecification) makePrometheusRequest(c echo.Context, cnsiList []string, queries string) error {
    prometheusOp := c.Param("op")

    // get the user
    userGUID, err := m.portalProxy.GetSessionStringValue(c, "user_id")
    if err != nil {
        return errors.New("Could not find session user_id")

    // For each CNSI, find the metrics endpoint that we need to talk to
    metrics, err2 := m.getMetricsEndpoints(userGUID, cnsiList)
    if err2 != nil {
        return errors.New("Can not get metric endpoint metadata")

    // Construct the metadata for proxying
    requests := makePrometheusRequestInfos(c, userGUID, metrics, prometheusOp, queries, true)
    responses, err := m.portalProxy.DoProxyRequest(requests)
    return m.portalProxy.SendProxiedResponse(c, responses)

func isAllowedCellMetricsQuery(query string) bool {
    for _, allowListQuery := range cellQueryAllowList {
        if strings.Index(query, allowListQuery) == 0 {
            return true
    return false

// Metrics endpoints - cells - with white list of cell prometheus query values
func (m *MetricsSpecification) getCloudFoundryCellMetrics(c echo.Context) error {

    uri := getEchoURL(c)
    values := uri.Query()
    query := values.Get("query")

    // Fail all queries that are not of type 'cell'
    if !isAllowedCellMetricsQuery(query) {
        return errors.New("Unsupported prometheus query")

    cnsiList := strings.Split(c.Request().Header.Get("x-cap-cnsi-list"), ",")
    return m.makePrometheusRequest(c, cnsiList, "")