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package monocular

import (

    log ""

// Functions to provide a Monocular compatible API with our chart store

// List all helm Charts - gets the latest version for each Chart
func (m *Monocular) listCharts(c echo.Context) error {
    log.Debug("List Charts called")

    // Check if this is a request for Artifact Hub
    if handled, err := m.handleArtifactRequest(c, m.fetchChartsFromArtifactHub); handled {
        return err

    charts, err := m.ChartStore.GetLatestCharts()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Translate the list into an array of Charts
    var list APIListResponse
    for _, chart := range charts {
        list = append(list, m.translateToChartAPIResponse(chart, nil))

    meta := Meta{
        TotalPages: 1,

    body := BodyAPIListResponse{
        Data: &list,
        Meta: meta,

    return c.JSON(200, body)

func (m *Monocular) getHelmRepositoryURL(chart *store.ChartStoreRecord) (string, error) {

    endpoint, err := m.portalProxy.GetCNSIRecord(chart.EndpointID)
    if err != nil {
        return "", nil

    return endpoint.APIEndpoint.String(), nil

// Get chart and ensure the chart URL is an absolute URL with scheme
func (m *Monocular) getChartFromStore(repo, name, version string) (*store.ChartStoreRecord, error) {
    chart, err := m.ChartStore.GetChart(repo, name, version)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if urlDoesNotContainSchema(chart.ChartURL) {
        // Relative URL
        repoURL, err := m.getHelmRepositoryURL(chart)
        if err != nil {
            return chart, err
        chart.ChartURL = joinURL(repoURL, chart.ChartURL)

    return chart, nil

// Get the latest version of a given chart
func (m *Monocular) getChart(c echo.Context) error {
    log.Debug("Get Chart called")

    // Check if this is a request for Artifact Hub
    if handled, err := m.handleArtifactRequest(c, m.artifactHubGetChart); handled {
        return err

    repo := c.Param("repo")
    chartName := c.Param("name")

    chart, err := m.getChartFromStore(repo, chartName, "")
    if err != nil {
        return err

    chartYaml := m.getChartYaml(*chart)
    body := BodyAPIResponse{
        Data: *m.translateToChartAPIResponse(chart, chartYaml),
    return c.JSON(200, body)

func (m *Monocular) getIcon(c echo.Context) error {
    log.Debug("Get Icon called")

    // Process ArtifactHub request
    if handled, err := m.handleArtifactRequest(c, m.artifactHubGetIconHandler); handled {
        return err

    repo := c.Param("repo")
    chartName := c.Param("chartName")
    version := c.Param("version")

    if len(version) == 0 {
        log.Debugf("Get icon for %s/%s", repo, chartName)
    } else {
        log.Debugf("Get icon for %s/%s-%s", repo, chartName, version)

    chart, err := m.getChartFromStore(repo, chartName, version)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("Can not find chart")
        return errors.New("Error")

    // This will download and cache the icon if it is not already cached - it returns the local file path to the icon file
    // or an empty string if no icon is available or could not be downloaded
    iconFilePath, _ := m.cacheChartIcon(*chart)
    if len(iconFilePath) == 0 {
        // No icon or error downloading
        http.Redirect(c.Response().Writer, c.Request(), "/core/assets/custom/placeholder.png", http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
        return nil

    return nil

// /chartsvc/v1/charts/:repo/:name/versions/:version
// Get specific chart version
func (m *Monocular) getChartVersion(c echo.Context) error {
    log.Debug("getChartAndVersion called")

    // Process ArtifactHub request
    if handled, err := m.handleArtifactRequest(c, m.artifactHubGetChartVersion); handled {
        return err

    repo := c.Param("repo")
    chartName := c.Param("name")
    version := c.Param("version")

    chart, err := m.ChartStore.GetChart(repo, chartName, version)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    chartYaml := m.getChartYaml(*chart)
    if chartYaml == nil {
        // Error - could not get chart yaml
        return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusNotFound, fmt.Sprintf("Can not find Chart.yaml for %s/%s-%s", repo, chartName, version))

    body := BodyAPIResponse{
        Data: *m.translateToChartVersionAPIResponse(chart, chartYaml),
    return c.JSON(200, body)

// /chartsvc/v1/charts/:repo/:name/versions
// Get all chart versions for a given chart
func (m *Monocular) getChartVersions(c echo.Context) error {

    // Check if this is a request for Artifact Hub
    var err error
    externalMonocularEndpoint, err := m.isExternalMonocularRequest(c)
    if err != nil {
        return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error())

    repo := c.Param("repo")
    chartName := c.Param("name")

    var charts []*store.ChartStoreRecord
    if externalMonocularEndpoint != nil {
        charts, err = m.artifactHubGetChartVersions(c, externalMonocularEndpoint.GUID, repo, chartName)
    } else {
        // Get all versions for a given chart
        charts, err = m.ChartStore.GetChartVersions(repo, chartName)

    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Translate the list into an array of Charts
    var list APIListResponse
    for _, chart := range charts {
        list = append(list, m.translateToChartVersionAPIResponse(chart, nil))

    body := BodyAPIListResponse{
        Data: &list,

    return c.JSON(200, body)

// Get a file such as the README or valyes for a given chart version
func (m *Monocular) getChartAndVersionFile(c echo.Context) error {
    log.Debug("Get Chart file called")

    repo := c.Param("repo")
    chartName := c.Param("name")
    version := c.Param("version")
    filename := c.Param("filename")

    if !isPermittedFile(filename) {
        return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusNotFound, fmt.Sprintf("Can not find file %s for the specified chart", filename))

    log.Debugf("Get chart file: %s", filename)

    chart, err := m.getChartFromStore(repo, chartName, version)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if m.cacheChart(*chart) == nil {
        return c.File(path.Join(m.getChartCacheFolder(*chart), filename))

    return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusNotFound, fmt.Sprintf("Can not find file %s for the specified chart", filename))

func (m *Monocular) getChartValues(c echo.Context) error {
    endpointID := c.Param("endpoint")
    repo := c.Param("repo")
    chartName := c.Param("name")
    version := c.Param("version")

    // Built in Monocular
    if endpointID == "default" {
        filename := "values.yaml"
        log.Debugf("Get chart file: %s", filename)
        chart, err := m.getChartFromStore(repo, chartName, version)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        if m.cacheChart(*chart) == nil {
            return c.File(path.Join(m.getChartCacheFolder(*chart), filename))
        return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusNotFound, fmt.Sprintf("Can not find file %s for the specified chart", filename))

    // Artifact Hub
    return m.artifactHubGetChartFileNamed(c, "values.yaml")

// This is the simpler version that returns just enough data needed for the Charts list view
// This is a slight cheat - the response is not as complete as the Monocular API, but includes
// enough for the UI and saves us having to pull out all of the Chart.yaml files
func (m *Monocular) translateToChartAPIResponse(record *store.ChartStoreRecord, chartYaml *ChartMetadata) *APIResponse {
    response := &APIResponse{
        ID:            fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", record.Repository, record.Name),
        Type:          "chart",
        Relationships: make(map[string]Rel),
        Attributes:    m.translateToChart(record, chartYaml),

    response.Relationships["latestChartVersion"] = Rel{
        Data: m.translateToChartVersion(record, chartYaml),
    return response

func (m *Monocular) translateToChart(record *store.ChartStoreRecord, chartYaml *ChartMetadata) Chart {
    chart := Chart{
        Name:        record.Name,
        Description: record.Description,
        Repo:        Repo{},
        Icon:        fmt.Sprintf("/v1/assets/%s/%s/%s/logo", record.Repository, record.Name, record.Version),
        Sources:     record.Sources,

    chart.Repo.Name = record.Repository

    if chartYaml != nil {
        chart.Keywords = chartYaml.Keywords
        // Prefer the Chart Yaml description if we have it (db one might be truncated)
        chart.Description = chartYaml.Description
        chart.Maintainers = make([]ChartMaintainer, len(chartYaml.Maintainers))
        for index, maintainer := range chartYaml.Maintainers {
            chart.Maintainers[index] = *maintainer

        chart.Home = chartYaml.Home

    return chart

func (m *Monocular) translateToChartVersion(record *store.ChartStoreRecord, chartYaml *ChartMetadata) ChartVersion {
    chartVersion := ChartVersion{
        Version:    record.Version,
        AppVersion: record.AppVersion,
        Digest:     record.Digest,
        Created:    record.Created,
        URLs:       make([]string, 1),
    chartVersion.URLs[0] = record.ChartURL
    if chartYaml != nil {
        // If we have the Chart yaml, then we already have the chart
        // Add in the files that are available
        cacheFolder := m.getChartCacheFolder(*record)
        chartVersion.Readme = getFileAssetURL(record.Repository, record.Name, record.Version, cacheFolder, "")
        chartVersion.Schema = getFileAssetURL(record.Repository, record.Name, record.Version, cacheFolder, "values.schema.json")
        chartVersion.Values = getFileAssetURL(record.Repository, record.Name, record.Version, cacheFolder, "values.yaml")

    return chartVersion

func (m *Monocular) translateToChartVersionAPIResponse(record *store.ChartStoreRecord, chartYaml *ChartMetadata) *APIResponse {
    response := &APIResponse{
        ID:            fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s-%s", record.Repository, record.Name, record.Version),
        Type:          "chartVersion",
        Relationships: make(map[string]Rel),
        Attributes:    m.translateToChartVersion(record, chartYaml),

    response.Relationships["chart"] = Rel{
        Data: m.translateToChart(record, chartYaml),
    return response

func getFileAssetURL(repo, name, version, folder, filename string) string {
    cachePath := path.Join(folder, filename)
    if _, err := os.Stat(cachePath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        return ""

    return fmt.Sprintf("/v1/assets/%s/%s/versions/%s/%s", repo, name, version, filename)