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package monocular

import (

    log ""

const (
    helmEndpointType          = "helm"
    helmHubEndpointType       = "hub"
    helmRepoEndpointType      = "repo"
    stratosPrefix             = "/pp/v1/"
    kubeReleaseNameEnvVar     = "STRATOS_HELM_RELEASE"
    cacheFolderEnvVar         = "HELM_CACHE_FOLDER"
    defaultCacheFolder        = "./.helm-cache"
    artifactHubDisabledEnvVar = "ARTIFACT_HUB_DISABLED"
    artifactHubDisabled       = "artifactHubDisabled"

// Monocular is a plugin for Monocular
type Monocular struct {
    portalProxy     interfaces.PortalProxy
    chartSvcRoutes  http.Handler
    ChartStore      store.ChartStore
    FoundationDBURL string
    SyncServiceURL  string
    devSyncPID      int
    CacheFolder     string

type HelmHubChart struct {
    Attributes *ChartVersion `json:"attributes"`

type HelmHubChartResponse struct {
    Data HelmHubChart `json:"data"`

func init() {
    interfaces.AddPlugin("monocular", []string{"kubernetes"}, Init)

// Init creates a new Monocular
func Init(portalProxy interfaces.PortalProxy) (interfaces.StratosPlugin, error) {
    return &Monocular{portalProxy: portalProxy}, nil

// Init performs plugin initialization
func (m *Monocular) Init() error {
    log.Debug("Monocular init .... ")

    if val, ok := m.portalProxy.Env().Lookup(artifactHubDisabledEnvVar); ok {
        m.portalProxy.GetConfig().PluginConfig[artifactHubDisabled] = val
    } else {
        m.portalProxy.GetConfig().PluginConfig[artifactHubDisabled] = "false"

    m.CacheFolder = m.portalProxy.Env().String(cacheFolderEnvVar, defaultCacheFolder)
    folder, err := filepath.Abs(m.CacheFolder)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    m.CacheFolder = folder
    log.Infof("Using Cache folder: %s", m.CacheFolder)

    // Check that the folder exists - try to make it, if not
    if _, err := os.Stat(m.CacheFolder); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        log.Info("Helm Cache folder does not exist - creating")
        if err := os.MkdirAll(m.CacheFolder, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
            log.Warn("Could not create folder for Helm Cache")
            return err

    store, err := store.NewHelmChartDBStore(m.portalProxy.GetDatabaseConnection())
    if err != nil {
        log.Errorf("Can not get Helm Chart store: %s", err)
        return err

    m.ChartStore = store

    return nil

// Destroy does any cleanup for the plugin on exit
func (m *Monocular) Destroy() {
    log.Debug("Monocular plugin .. destroy")

func (m *Monocular) syncOnStartup() {
    // Always sync all repositories on startup

    // Get all of the helm endpoints
    endpoints, err := m.portalProxy.ListEndpoints()
    if err != nil {
        log.Errorf("Chart Repository Startup: Unable to sync repositories: %v+", err)

    helmRepos := make(map[string]bool)
    for _, ep := range endpoints {
        if ep.CNSIType == helmEndpointType {
            if ep.SubType == helmRepoEndpointType {
                helmRepos[ep.GUID] = true
                m.Sync(interfaces.EndpointRegisterAction, ep)
            } else {
                metadata := "{}"
                m.portalProxy.UpdateEndpointMetadata(ep.GUID, metadata)

    // Delete any endpoints left in the chart store that are no longer registered
    // Get all of the endpoints that we have in the Database Chart Store
    existing, err := m.ChartStore.GetEndpointIDs()
    if err == nil {
        for _, id := range existing {
            if _, ok := helmRepos[id]; !ok {
                log.Warnf("Endpoint ID %s exists in the Chart Store but does not exist as an endpoint - deleting", id)

// ArrayContainsString checks the string array to see if it contains the specifed value
func arrayContainsString(a []string, x string) bool {
    for _, n := range a {
        if x == n {
            return true
    return false

// OnEndpointNotification handles notification that endpoint has been remoevd
func (m *Monocular) OnEndpointNotification(action interfaces.EndpointAction, endpoint *interfaces.CNSIRecord) {
    if endpoint.CNSIType == helmEndpointType && endpoint.SubType == helmRepoEndpointType {
        m.Sync(action, endpoint)
    } else if endpoint.CNSIType == helmEndpointType && endpoint.SubType == helmHubEndpointType && action == 1 {
        log.Debugf("Deleting Artifact Hub Cache: %s", endpoint.Name)

// GetMiddlewarePlugin gets the middleware plugin for this plugin
func (m *Monocular) GetMiddlewarePlugin() (interfaces.MiddlewarePlugin, error) {
    return nil, errors.New("Not implemented")

// GetEndpointPlugin gets the endpoint plugin for this plugin
func (m *Monocular) GetEndpointPlugin() (interfaces.EndpointPlugin, error) {
    return m, nil

// GetRoutePlugin gets the route plugin for this plugin
func (m *Monocular) GetRoutePlugin() (interfaces.RoutePlugin, error) {
    return m, nil

// AddAdminGroupRoutes adds the admin routes for this plugin to the Echo server
func (m *Monocular) AddAdminGroupRoutes(echoGroup *echo.Group) {
    // no-op

// AddSessionGroupRoutes adds the session routes for this plugin to the Echo server
func (m *Monocular) AddSessionGroupRoutes(echoGroup *echo.Group) {

    // ArtifactHub Icon - always get a specific version
    echoGroup.Any("/monocular/:guid/chartsvc/v1/hub/assets/:repo/:name/:version/logo", m.artifactHubGetIcon)

    echoGroup.Any("/monocular/values/:endpoint/:repo/:name/:version", m.getChartValues)

    // API for Helm Chart Repositories - sync and sync status
    echoGroup.POST("/chartrepos/:guid", m.syncRepo)
    echoGroup.POST("/chartrepos/status", m.getRepoStatuses)

    // Routes for Chart Store
    chartSvcGroup := echoGroup.Group("/chartsvc")

    // Routes for the internal chart store

    // Get specific chart version file (used for values.yaml)
    chartSvcGroup.GET("/v1/assets/:repo/:name/versions/:version/:filename", m.getChartAndVersionFile)

    // Get specific chart version file
    chartSvcGroup.GET("/v1/charts/:repo/:name/versions/:version/files/:filename", m.getChartAndVersionFile)

    // Get specific chart version of a chart
    chartSvcGroup.GET("/v1/charts/:repo/:name/versions/:version", m.getChartVersion)

    // Get chart versions
    chartSvcGroup.GET("/v1/charts/:repo/:name/versions", m.getChartVersions)

    // Get a chart
    chartSvcGroup.GET("/v1/charts/:repo/:name", m.getChart)

    // // Get list of charts
    chartSvcGroup.GET("/v1/charts", m.listCharts)

    // Get the chart icon for a specific version
    chartSvcGroup.GET("/v1/assets/:repo/:chartName/:version/logo", m.getIcon)

    // Get the chart icon
    chartSvcGroup.GET("/v1/assets/:repo/:chartName/logo", m.getIcon)

    // ArtifactHub
    chartSvcGroup.Any("/v1/hub/:endpoint/:repo/:name/:version/:file", m.artifactHubGetChartFile)


// isExternalMonocularRequest .. Should this request go out to an external monocular instance? IF so returns external monocular endpoint
func (m *Monocular) isExternalMonocularRequest(c echo.Context) (*interfaces.CNSIRecord, error) {
    cnsiList := strings.Split(c.Request().Header.Get("x-cap-cnsi-list"), ",")

    // If this has a cnsi then test if it for an external monocular instance
    if len(cnsiList) == 1 && len(cnsiList[0]) > 0 {
        return m.validateExternalMonocularEndpoint(cnsiList[0])

    return nil, nil

// validateExternalMonocularEndpoint .. Is this endpoint related to an external moncular instance (not stratos's)
func (m *Monocular) validateExternalMonocularEndpoint(cnsi string) (*interfaces.CNSIRecord, error) {
    endpoint, err := m.portalProxy.GetCNSIRecord(cnsi)
    if err != nil {
        err := errors.New("Failed to fetch endpoint")
        return nil, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error())

    if endpoint.CNSIType == helmEndpointType && endpoint.SubType != helmRepoEndpointType {
        return &endpoint, nil

    if m.portalProxy.GetConfig().PluginConfig[artifactHubDisabled] != "true" {
        return nil, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError, errors.New("Artifact Hub is disabled"))

    return nil, nil