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package store

// ChartStore is the Helm Chart Store repository
type ChartStore interface {
    // This will add or update the given chart
    Save(chart ChartStoreRecord, batchID string) error

    // Delete chart versions for a given batch
    DeleteBatch(endpoint, chart, batchID string) error

    // Delete all charts for the given endpoint
    DeleteForEndpoint(endpoint string) error

    // RenameEndpoint renames an endpoint (==renames helm repository)
    RenameEndpoint(endpointID, name string) error

    // GetLatestCharts gets all of the latest charts
    GetLatestCharts() ([]*ChartStoreRecord, error)

    // Version is optional - empty means get latest
    GetChart(repo, name, version string) (*ChartStoreRecord, error)

    // Get Chart Versions
    GetChartVersions(repo, name string) ([]*ChartStoreRecord, error)

    // Get Endopoint IDs stored in the chart store
    GetEndpointIDs() ([]string, error)