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package monocular

import (

    yaml ""

    uuid ""
    log ""

type syncResult struct {
    Charts []store.ChartStoreRecord
    Latest store.ChartStoreRecord

func (m *Monocular) syncHelmRepository(endpointID, repoName, url string) error {

    // Add index.yaml to the URL
    var downloadURL string

    // Append "index.yaml" to the Chart Repository URL
    if strings.HasSuffix(url, "/") {
        downloadURL = fmt.Sprintf("%sindex.yaml", url)
    } else {
        downloadURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s/index.yaml", url)

    // Read the index.html file from the repository
    httpClient := m.portalProxy.GetHttpClient(false)
    resp, err := httpClient.Get(downloadURL)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("Could not download Helm Repository Index: %s", err)
    if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
        return fmt.Errorf("Could not download Helm Repository Index: %s", resp.Status)

    defer resp.Body.Close()

    // Marshal to the index structure
    var index IndexFile

    decoder := yaml.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
    err = decoder.Decode(&index)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("Error marshalling Helm Repository Index: %+v", err)

    var latestCharts []store.ChartStoreRecord
    var allCharts []store.ChartStoreRecord

    log.Infof("Helm Repository sync started for %s", repoName)
    start := time.Now()

    // Iterate over each chart in the index
    for name, chartVersions := range index.Entries {
        log.Debugf("Helm Repository Sync: Processing chart: %s", name)
        syncRsult := m.procesChartVersions(endpointID, url, repoName, name, chartVersions)
        latestCharts = append(latestCharts, syncRsult.Latest)
        allCharts = append(allCharts, syncRsult.Charts...)

    // Cache latest charts
    if err = m.cacheCharts(latestCharts); err != nil {
        log.Warnf("Error caching helm charts: %+v", err)

    // Finally, delete all files that are no longer referenced in the database
    if err = m.cleanCacheFiles(endpointID, allCharts); err != nil {
        log.Errorf("%s", err)

    elapsed := time.Since(start).Round(time.Second)
    log.Infof("Helm Repository sync completed for %s (%s)", repoName, elapsed)

    return nil

func (m *Monocular) procesChartVersions(endpoint, repoURL, repoName, name string, chartVersions []IndexFileMetadata) syncResult {

    result := syncResult{}

    // Find the newest version
    var latestSemVer *store.SemanticVersion
    for _, chartVersion := range chartVersions {
        sv := store.NewSemanticVersion(chartVersion.Version)
        if sv.LessThanReleaseVersions(latestSemVer) {
            latestSemVer = &sv

    latestVersion := latestSemVer.Text

    // Generate a new batch update id - we use this to remove any charts that we not updated in this sync - these
    // will have an old batch update id afetr processing
    batchID := uuid.NewV4().String()

    // Write all versions database
    for _, chartVersion := range chartVersions {
        if len(chartVersion.URLs) == 0 {
            log.Warnf("Can not index Chart %s, Version %s - Chart does not have any Chart URLs", chartVersion.Name, chartVersion.Version)
        } else {
            if len(chartVersion.URLs) > 1 {
                log.Warnf("Chart %s, Version %s - Chart has more than 1 Chart URL - only using the first URL", chartVersion.Name, chartVersion.Version)

            // Create a record for the Chart Version that we will store in the database
            record := store.ChartStoreRecord{
                EndpointID:  endpoint,
                Name:        chartVersion.Name,
                Repository:  repoName,
                Version:     chartVersion.Version,
                AppVersion:  chartVersion.AppVersion,
                Description: chartVersion.Description,
                IconURL:     chartVersion.Icon,
                ChartURL:    chartVersion.URLs[0],
                Sources:     chartVersion.Sources,
                Created:     chartVersion.Created,
                Digest:      chartVersion.Digest,
                IsLatest:    chartVersion.Version == latestVersion,

            // Make sure Chart URL is absolute
            if urlDoesNotContainSchema(record.ChartURL) {
                record.ChartURL = joinURL(repoURL, record.ChartURL)

            result.Charts = append(result.Charts, record)
            if record.IsLatest {
                result.Latest = record

            if err := m.ChartStore.Save(record, batchID); err != nil {
                log.Warnf("Error saving Chart %s, Version %s to the database: %+v", record.Name, record.Version, err)

            // Small delay mainly for SQLite so we don't hog the database connection
            time.Sleep(2 * time.Millisecond)

    // Delete versions not updated in this batch
    if err := m.ChartStore.DeleteBatch(endpoint, name, batchID); err != nil {
        log.Warnf("Error deleting old Chart batches: Name %s, Batch ID %s, error: %+v", name, batchID, err)

    return result