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Test Coverage
package userinfo

import (

    log ""


// UaaUserInfo for UAA User Info
type UaaUserInfo struct {
    portalProxy interfaces.PortalProxy
    echo        echo.Context

// InitUaaUserInfo creates a new UAA user info provider
func InitUaaUserInfo(portalProxy interfaces.PortalProxy, c echo.Context) Provider {
    return &UaaUserInfo{portalProxy: portalProxy, echo: c}

// GetUserInfo gets info for the specified user
func (userInfo *UaaUserInfo) GetUserInfo(id string) (int, []byte, *http.Header, error) {
    target := fmt.Sprintf("Users/%s", id)
    return userInfo.uaa(target, nil)

// UpdateUserInfo updates the user's info
func (userInfo *UaaUserInfo) UpdateUserInfo(profile *uaaUser) (int, error) {
    target := fmt.Sprintf("Users/%s", profile.ID)
    statusCode, _, _, err := userInfo.uaa(target, profile.Raw)
    return statusCode, err

// UpdatePassword updates the user's password
func (userInfo *UaaUserInfo) UpdatePassword(id string, passwordInfo *passwordChangeInfo) (int, error) {
    target := fmt.Sprintf("Users/%s/password", id)
    statusCode, _, _, err := userInfo.uaa(target, passwordInfo.Raw)
    return statusCode, err

func (userInfo *UaaUserInfo) uaa(target string, body []byte) (int, []byte, *http.Header, error) {
    log.Debug("uaa request")

    // Check session
    _, err := userInfo.portalProxy.GetSessionInt64Value(userInfo.echo, "exp")
    if err != nil {
        msg := "Could not find session date"
        return http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusForbidden, msg)

    sessionUser, err := userInfo.portalProxy.GetSessionStringValue(userInfo.echo, "user_id")
    if err != nil {
        msg := "Could not find user_id in Session"
        return http.StatusForbidden, nil, nil, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusForbidden, msg)

    uaaEndpoint := userInfo.portalProxy.GetConfig().ConsoleConfig.UAAEndpoint

    // Now get the URL of the request and remove the path to give the path of the API that is being requested
    url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", uaaEndpoint, target)

    username, err := userInfo.portalProxy.GetStratosAuthService().GetUsername(sessionUser)
    if err != nil {
        return http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, nil, err

    // Check for custom header - if present, verify the user's password before making the request
    password := userInfo.echo.Request().Header.Get("x-stratos-password")
    if len(password) > 0 {
        // Need to verify the user's login
        err := userInfo.portalProxy.RefreshUAALogin(username, password, false)
        if err != nil {
            return http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, nil, err

    statusCode, body, headers, err := userInfo.doAPIRequest(sessionUser, url, userInfo.echo.Request(), body)
    if err != nil {
        return http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, nil, err

    // Refresh the access token
    if statusCode == 401 {
        _, err := userInfo.portalProxy.RefreshUAAToken(sessionUser)
        if err != nil {
            return http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, nil, err
        statusCode, body, headers, err = userInfo.doAPIRequest(sessionUser, url, userInfo.echo.Request(), body)
        if err != nil {
            return http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, nil, err

    // If we have the user's password, log them in again
    // This is used when the API call that is being made revokes the current access and refresh tokens
    if len(password) > 0 {
        newPassword := userInfo.echo.Request().Header.Get("x-stratos-password-new")
        if len(newPassword) > 0 {
            password = newPassword
        err := userInfo.portalProxy.RefreshUAALogin(username, password, true)
        if err != nil {
            return http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, nil, err

    return statusCode, body, headers, nil


func (userInfo *UaaUserInfo) doAPIRequest(sessionUser string, url string, echoReq *http.Request, body []byte) (int, []byte, *http.Header, error) {
    // Proxy the request to the UAA on behalf of the user
    log.Debugf("doAPIRequest: %s", url)

    tokenRec, err := userInfo.portalProxy.GetUAATokenRecord(sessionUser)
    if err != nil {
        log.Debug("Can not locate token for user")
        return 0, nil, nil, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusForbidden, "Can not locate token for user")

    // Proxy the request
    var res *http.Response
    var req *http.Request

    req, err = http.NewRequest(echoReq.Method, url, bytes.NewReader(body))
    if err != nil {
        return 0, nil, nil, err

    // Add the authorization header
    req.Header.Set("Authorization", "bearer "+tokenRec.AuthToken)
    if echoReq.Method == http.MethodPost || echoReq.Method == http.MethodPut {
        req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
        req.Header.Set("Accept", "application/json")
        copyHeaderIfSet(echoReq, req, "If-Match")
        copyHeaderIfSet(echoReq, req, "X-Identity-Zone-Id")
        copyHeaderIfSet(echoReq, req, "X-Identity-Zone-Subdomain")

    client := userInfo.portalProxy.GetHttpClient(userInfo.portalProxy.GetConfig().ConsoleConfig.SkipSSLValidation)
    res, err = client.Do(req)
    if err != nil {
        log.Debugf("Request failed: %v", err)
        return 0, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Request failed: %v", err)

    data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
    defer res.Body.Close()

    log.Debug("User profile request completed OK")
    return res.StatusCode, data, &res.Header, err

func copyHeaderIfSet(src *http.Request, dest *http.Request, name string) {
    if value, ok := src.Header[name]; ok {
        if len(value) > 0 {
            // We only expect headers to be single valued
            dest.Header.Set(name, value[0])

func fwdResponseHeaders(src *http.Header, dest http.Header) {

    if src == nil {

    for k, headers := range *src {
        switch {
        // Skip these
        //  - "Referer" causes CF to fail with a 403
        //  - "Connection", "x-cap-*" and "Cookie" are consumed by us
        case k == "Connection", k == "Cookie", k == "Referer", k == "Accept-Encoding",
            strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(k), "x-cap-"),
            strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(k), "x-forwarded-"):

        // Forwarding everything else
            for _, h := range headers {
                dest.Add(k, h)