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Test Coverage
package userinvite

import (
    html "html/template"
    text "text/template"


    log ""

// SMTPConfig represents email configuration
type SMTPConfig struct {
    Auth        bool   `configName:"SMTP_AUTH"`
    FromAddress string `configName:"SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS"`
    Host        string `configName:"SMTP_HOST"`
    Password    string `configName:"SMTP_PASSWORD"`
    Port        int    `configName:"SMTP_PORT"`
    Username    string `configName:"SMTP_USER"`
    // Will always use TLS
    // UseTLS      bool   `configName:"SMTP_STARTTLS"`

// TemplateConfig configures the templates for sending emails
type TemplateConfig struct {
    TemplateDir       string `configName:"TEMPLATE_DIR"`
    HTMLTemplate      string `configName:"INVITE_USER_HTML_TEMPLATE"`
    PlainTextTemplate string `configName:"INVITE_USER_TEXT_TEMPLATE"`
    Subject           string `configName:"INVITE_USER_SUBJECT"`

// UAA Client details used to create uaa & cf user
type ClientConfig struct {
    ID     string `configName:"INVITE_USER_CLIENT_ID"`
    Secret string `configName:"INVITE_USER_CLIENT_SECRET"`

// Config represents the configuration required
type Config struct {
    SMTP              *SMTPConfig
    TemplateConfig    *TemplateConfig
    PlainTextTemplate *text.Template
    HTMLTemplate      *html.Template
    SubjectTemplate   *text.Template
    Client            *ClientConfig

const (
    defaultSMTPPort          = 25
    defaultHTMLTemplate      = "user-invite-email.html"
    defaultPlainTextTemplate = "user-invite-email.txt"
    defaultSubject           = "You have been invited to join a Cloud Foundry"

// LoadConfig loads the configuration for inviting users
func (userinvite *UserInvite) LoadConfig(env env.VarSet) (*Config, error) {

    c := &Config{}

    smtpConfig := &SMTPConfig{}
    if err := config.Load(smtpConfig, env.Lookup); err != nil {
        return c, fmt.Errorf("Unable to load SMTP configuration. %v", err)

    templateConfig := &TemplateConfig{}
    if err := config.Load(templateConfig, env.Lookup); err != nil {
        return c, fmt.Errorf("Unable to load Template configuration. %v", err)

    clientConfig := &ClientConfig{}
    if err := config.Load(clientConfig, env.Lookup); err != nil {
        return c, fmt.Errorf("Unable to load invite client configuration. %v", err)

    c.SMTP = smtpConfig
    c.TemplateConfig = templateConfig
    c.Client = clientConfig

    if c.SMTP.Port == 0 {
        c.SMTP.Port = defaultSMTPPort

    if len(c.TemplateConfig.Subject) == 0 {
        c.TemplateConfig.Subject = defaultSubject

    return c, nil

// ValidateConfig will validate that enough configuration is available
func (userinvite *UserInvite) ValidateConfig(c *Config) error {

    if len(c.TemplateConfig.HTMLTemplate) == 0 {
        c.TemplateConfig.HTMLTemplate = defaultHTMLTemplate

    if len(c.TemplateConfig.PlainTextTemplate) == 0 {
        c.TemplateConfig.PlainTextTemplate = defaultPlainTextTemplate

    err := userinvite.loadTemplates(c)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Check SMTP Configuration
    if len(c.SMTP.Host) == 0 {
        return errors.New("SMTP Server Host is not configured")

    if len(c.SMTP.FromAddress) == 0 {
        return errors.New("SMTP From Address is not configured")

    return nil

func (userinvite *UserInvite) loadTemplates(c *Config) error {

    var err error
    c.SubjectTemplate, err = text.New("subject").Parse(c.TemplateConfig.Subject)
    if err != nil {
        log.Warn("Could not parse template for User Invite Subject")

    textFile := path.Join(c.TemplateConfig.TemplateDir, c.TemplateConfig.PlainTextTemplate)
    log.Debugf("Loading plain text email template from: %s", textFile)
    textTmpl, err := text.ParseFiles(textFile)
    if err != nil {
        log.Warn("User Invite failed to load Plain Text template")
        return err
    c.PlainTextTemplate = textTmpl

    htmlFile := path.Join(c.TemplateConfig.TemplateDir, c.TemplateConfig.HTMLTemplate)
    log.Debugf("Loading HTML email template from: %s", htmlFile)
    htmlTmpl, err := html.ParseFiles(htmlFile)
    if err == nil {
        c.HTMLTemplate = htmlTmpl

    return nil