package cnsis
import (
log ""
var listCNSIs = `SELECT guid, name, cnsi_type, api_endpoint, auth_endpoint, token_endpoint, doppler_logging_endpoint, skip_ssl_validation, client_id, client_secret, sso_allowed, sub_type, meta_data, creator
FROM cnsis`
var listCNSIsByUser = `SELECT c.guid,, c.cnsi_type, c.api_endpoint, c.doppler_logging_endpoint, t.user_guid, t.token_expiry, c.skip_ssl_validation, t.disconnected, t.meta_data, c.sub_type, c.meta_data as endpoint_metadata, c.creator
FROM cnsis c, tokens t
WHERE c.guid = t.cnsi_guid AND t.token_type=$1 AND t.user_guid=$2 AND t.disconnected = '0'`
var listCNSIsByCreator = `SELECT guid, name, cnsi_type, api_endpoint, auth_endpoint, token_endpoint, doppler_logging_endpoint, skip_ssl_validation, client_id, client_secret, sso_allowed, sub_type, meta_data, creator
FROM cnsis
WHERE creator=$1`
var findCNSI = `SELECT guid, name, cnsi_type, api_endpoint, auth_endpoint, token_endpoint, doppler_logging_endpoint, skip_ssl_validation, client_id, client_secret, sso_allowed, sub_type, meta_data, creator
FROM cnsis
WHERE guid=$1`
var findCNSIByAPIEndpoint = `SELECT guid, name, cnsi_type, api_endpoint, auth_endpoint, token_endpoint, doppler_logging_endpoint, skip_ssl_validation, client_id, client_secret, sso_allowed, sub_type, meta_data, creator
FROM cnsis
WHERE api_endpoint=$1`
var saveCNSI = `INSERT INTO cnsis (guid, name, cnsi_type, api_endpoint, auth_endpoint, token_endpoint, doppler_logging_endpoint, skip_ssl_validation, client_id, client_secret, sso_allowed, sub_type, meta_data, creator)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14)`
var deleteCNSI = `DELETE FROM cnsis WHERE guid = $1`
// Update some of the endpoint metadata
var updateCNSI = `UPDATE cnsis SET name = $1, skip_ssl_validation = $2, sso_allowed = $3, client_id = $4, client_secret = $5 WHERE guid = $6`
// Update the metadata
var updateCNSIMetadata = `UPDATE cnsis SET meta_data = $1 WHERE guid = $2`
var countCNSI = `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cnsis WHERE guid=$1`
// PostgresCNSIRepository is a PostgreSQL-backed CNSI repository
type PostgresCNSIRepository struct {
db *sql.DB
// NewPostgresCNSIRepository will create a new instance of the PostgresCNSIRepository
func NewPostgresCNSIRepository(dcp *sql.DB) (interfaces.EndpointRepository, error) {
return &PostgresCNSIRepository{db: dcp}, nil
// InitRepositoryProvider - One time init for the given DB Provider
func InitRepositoryProvider(databaseProvider string) {
// Modify the database statements if needed, for the given database type
listCNSIs = datastore.ModifySQLStatement(listCNSIs, databaseProvider)
listCNSIsByUser = datastore.ModifySQLStatement(listCNSIsByUser, databaseProvider)
listCNSIsByCreator = datastore.ModifySQLStatement(listCNSIsByCreator, databaseProvider)
findCNSI = datastore.ModifySQLStatement(findCNSI, databaseProvider)
findCNSIByAPIEndpoint = datastore.ModifySQLStatement(findCNSIByAPIEndpoint, databaseProvider)
saveCNSI = datastore.ModifySQLStatement(saveCNSI, databaseProvider)
deleteCNSI = datastore.ModifySQLStatement(deleteCNSI, databaseProvider)
updateCNSI = datastore.ModifySQLStatement(updateCNSI, databaseProvider)
updateCNSIMetadata = datastore.ModifySQLStatement(updateCNSIMetadata, databaseProvider)
countCNSI = datastore.ModifySQLStatement(countCNSI, databaseProvider)
// List - Returns a list of CNSI Records
func (p *PostgresCNSIRepository) List(encryptionKey []byte) ([]*interfaces.CNSIRecord, error) {
rows, err := p.db.Query(listCNSIs)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to retrieve CNSI records: %v", err)
defer rows.Close()
var cnsiList []*interfaces.CNSIRecord
cnsiList = make([]*interfaces.CNSIRecord, 0)
for rows.Next() {
var (
pCNSIType string
pURL string
cipherTextClientSecret []byte
subType sql.NullString
metadata sql.NullString
cnsi := new(interfaces.CNSIRecord)
err := rows.Scan(&cnsi.GUID, &cnsi.Name, &pCNSIType, &pURL, &cnsi.AuthorizationEndpoint, &cnsi.TokenEndpoint, &cnsi.DopplerLoggingEndpoint, &cnsi.SkipSSLValidation, &cnsi.ClientId, &cipherTextClientSecret, &cnsi.SSOAllowed, &subType, &metadata, &cnsi.Creator)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to scan CNSI records: %v", err)
cnsi.CNSIType = pCNSIType
if cnsi.APIEndpoint, err = url.Parse(pURL); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse API Endpoint: %v", err)
if subType.Valid {
cnsi.SubType = subType.String
if metadata.Valid {
cnsi.Metadata = metadata.String
if len(cipherTextClientSecret) > 0 {
plaintextClientSecret, err := crypto.DecryptToken(encryptionKey, cipherTextClientSecret)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cnsi.ClientSecret = plaintextClientSecret
} else {
// Empty secret means there was none, so set the plain text to an empty string
cnsi.ClientSecret = ""
cnsiList = append(cnsiList, cnsi)
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to List CNSI records: %v", err)
return cnsiList, nil
// ListByUser - Returns a list of CNSIs registered by a user
func (p *PostgresCNSIRepository) ListByUser(userGUID string) ([]*interfaces.ConnectedEndpoint, error) {
rows, err := p.db.Query(listCNSIsByUser, "cnsi", userGUID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to retrieve CNSI records: %v", err)
defer rows.Close()
var clusterList []*interfaces.ConnectedEndpoint
clusterList = make([]*interfaces.ConnectedEndpoint, 0)
for rows.Next() {
var (
pCNSIType string
pURL string
disconnected bool
subType sql.NullString
metadata sql.NullString
cluster := new(interfaces.ConnectedEndpoint)
err := rows.Scan(&cluster.GUID, &cluster.Name, &pCNSIType, &pURL, &cluster.DopplerLoggingEndpoint, &cluster.Account, &cluster.TokenExpiry, &cluster.SkipSSLValidation,
&disconnected, &cluster.TokenMetadata, &subType, &metadata, &cluster.Creator)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to scan cluster records: %v", err)
if subType.Valid {
cluster.SubType = subType.String
if metadata.Valid {
cluster.EndpointMetadata = metadata.String
cluster.CNSIType = pCNSIType
if cluster.APIEndpoint, err = url.Parse(pURL); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse API Endpoint: %v", err)
// rows.Close()
clusterList = append(clusterList, cluster)
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to List cluster records: %v", err)
return clusterList, nil
// ListByCreator - Returns a list of CNSIs created by a user
func (p *PostgresCNSIRepository) ListByCreator(userGUID string, encryptionKey []byte) ([]*interfaces.CNSIRecord, error) {
return p.listBy(listCNSIsByCreator, userGUID, encryptionKey)
// ListByAPIEndpoint - Returns a a list of CNSIs with the same APIEndpoint
func (p *PostgresCNSIRepository) ListByAPIEndpoint(endpoint string, encryptionKey []byte) ([]*interfaces.CNSIRecord, error) {
return p.listBy(findCNSIByAPIEndpoint, endpoint, encryptionKey)
// listBy - Returns a list of CNSI Records found using the given query looking for match
func (p *PostgresCNSIRepository) listBy(query string, match string, encryptionKey []byte) ([]*interfaces.CNSIRecord, error) {
rows, err := p.db.Query(query, match)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to retrieve CNSI records: %v", err)
defer rows.Close()
var cnsiList []*interfaces.CNSIRecord
cnsiList = make([]*interfaces.CNSIRecord, 0)
for rows.Next() {
var (
pCNSIType string
pURL string
cipherTextClientSecret []byte
subType sql.NullString
metadata sql.NullString
cnsi := new(interfaces.CNSIRecord)
err := rows.Scan(&cnsi.GUID, &cnsi.Name, &pCNSIType, &pURL, &cnsi.AuthorizationEndpoint, &cnsi.TokenEndpoint, &cnsi.DopplerLoggingEndpoint, &cnsi.SkipSSLValidation, &cnsi.ClientId, &cipherTextClientSecret, &cnsi.SSOAllowed, &subType, &metadata, &cnsi.Creator)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to scan CNSI records: %v", err)
cnsi.CNSIType = pCNSIType
if cnsi.APIEndpoint, err = url.Parse(pURL); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse API Endpoint: %v", err)
if subType.Valid {
cnsi.SubType = subType.String
if metadata.Valid {
cnsi.Metadata = metadata.String
if len(cipherTextClientSecret) > 0 {
plaintextClientSecret, err := crypto.DecryptToken(encryptionKey, cipherTextClientSecret)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cnsi.ClientSecret = plaintextClientSecret
} else {
// Empty secret means there was none, so set the plain text to an empty string
cnsi.ClientSecret = ""
cnsiList = append(cnsiList, cnsi)
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to List CNSI records: %v", err)
return cnsiList, nil
// Find - Returns a single CNSI Record
func (p *PostgresCNSIRepository) Find(guid string, encryptionKey []byte) (interfaces.CNSIRecord, error) {
return p.findBy(findCNSI, guid, encryptionKey)
// FindByAPIEndpoint - Returns a single CNSI Record
func (p *PostgresCNSIRepository) FindByAPIEndpoint(endpoint string, encryptionKey []byte) (interfaces.CNSIRecord, error) {
return p.findBy(findCNSIByAPIEndpoint, endpoint, encryptionKey)
// FindBy - Returns a single CNSI Record found using the given query looking for match
func (p *PostgresCNSIRepository) findBy(query, match string, encryptionKey []byte) (interfaces.CNSIRecord, error) {
var (
pCNSIType string
pURL string
cipherTextClientSecret []byte
subType sql.NullString
metadata sql.NullString
cnsi := new(interfaces.CNSIRecord)
err := p.db.QueryRow(query, match).Scan(&cnsi.GUID, &cnsi.Name, &pCNSIType, &pURL,
&cnsi.AuthorizationEndpoint, &cnsi.TokenEndpoint, &cnsi.DopplerLoggingEndpoint, &cnsi.SkipSSLValidation, &cnsi.ClientId, &cipherTextClientSecret, &cnsi.SSOAllowed, &subType, &metadata, &cnsi.Creator)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return interfaces.CNSIRecord{}, errors.New("No match for that Endpoint")
case err != nil:
return interfaces.CNSIRecord{}, fmt.Errorf("Error trying to Find CNSI record: %v", err)
// do nothing
if subType.Valid {
cnsi.SubType = subType.String
if metadata.Valid {
cnsi.Metadata = metadata.String
cnsi.CNSIType = pCNSIType
if cnsi.APIEndpoint, err = url.Parse(pURL); err != nil {
return interfaces.CNSIRecord{}, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse API Endpoint: %v", err)
if len(cipherTextClientSecret) > 0 {
plaintextClientSecret, err := crypto.DecryptToken(encryptionKey, cipherTextClientSecret)
if err != nil {
return interfaces.CNSIRecord{}, err
cnsi.ClientSecret = plaintextClientSecret
} else {
// Empty secret means there was none, so set the plain text to an empty string
cnsi.ClientSecret = ""
return *cnsi, nil
// Save will persist a CNSI Record to a datastore
func (p *PostgresCNSIRepository) Save(guid string, cnsi interfaces.CNSIRecord, encryptionKey []byte) error {
cipherTextClientSecret, err := crypto.EncryptToken(encryptionKey, cnsi.ClientSecret)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := p.db.Exec(saveCNSI, guid, cnsi.Name, fmt.Sprintf("%s", cnsi.CNSIType),
fmt.Sprintf("%s", cnsi.APIEndpoint), cnsi.AuthorizationEndpoint, cnsi.TokenEndpoint, cnsi.DopplerLoggingEndpoint, cnsi.SkipSSLValidation,
cnsi.ClientId, cipherTextClientSecret, cnsi.SSOAllowed, cnsi.SubType, cnsi.Metadata, cnsi.Creator); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to Save CNSI record: %v", err)
return nil
// Delete will delete a CNSI Record from the datastore
func (p *PostgresCNSIRepository) Delete(guid string) error {
if _, err := p.db.Exec(deleteCNSI, guid); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to Delete CNSI record: %v", err)
return nil
// Update - Update an endpoint's data
func (p *PostgresCNSIRepository) Update(endpoint interfaces.CNSIRecord, encryptionKey []byte) error {
log.Debug("Update endpoint")
if endpoint.GUID == "" {
msg := "Unable to update Endpoint without a valid guid."
return errors.New(msg)
var err error
// Encrypt the client secret
cipherTextClientSecret, err := crypto.EncryptToken(encryptionKey, endpoint.ClientSecret)
if err != nil {
return err
result, err := p.db.Exec(updateCNSI, endpoint.Name, endpoint.SkipSSLValidation, endpoint.SSOAllowed, endpoint.ClientId, cipherTextClientSecret, endpoint.GUID)
if err != nil {
msg := "Unable to UPDATE endpoint: %v"
log.Debugf(msg, err)
return fmt.Errorf(msg, err)
rowsUpdates, err := result.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
return errors.New("Unable to UPDATE endpoint: could not determine number of rows that were updated")
if rowsUpdates < 1 {
return errors.New("Unable to UPDATE endpoint: no rows were updated")
if rowsUpdates > 1 {
log.Warn("UPDATE endpoint: More than 1 row was updated (expected only 1)")
log.Debug("Endpoint UPDATE complete")
return nil
// UpdateMetadata - Update an endpoint's metadata
func (p *PostgresCNSIRepository) UpdateMetadata(guid string, metadata string) error {
if guid == "" {
msg := "Unable to update Endpoint without a valid guid."
return errors.New(msg)
var err error
result, err := p.db.Exec(updateCNSIMetadata, metadata, guid)
if err != nil {
msg := "Unable to UPDATE endpoint: %v"
log.Debugf(msg, err)
return fmt.Errorf(msg, err)
rowsUpdates, err := result.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
return errors.New("Unable to UPDATE endpoint: could not determine number of rows that were updated")
if rowsUpdates < 1 {
return errors.New("Unable to UPDATE endpoint: no rows were updated")
if rowsUpdates > 1 {
log.Warn("UPDATE endpoint: More than 1 row was updated (expected only 1)")
log.Debug("Endpoint UPDATE complete")
return nil
// SaveOrUpdate - Creates or Updates CNSI Record
func (p *PostgresCNSIRepository) SaveOrUpdate(endpoint interfaces.CNSIRecord, encryptionKey []byte) error {
log.Debug("Overwrite CNSI")
// Is there an existing token?
var count int
err := p.db.QueryRow(countCNSI, endpoint.GUID).Scan(&count)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unknown error attempting to find CNSI: %v", err)
switch count {
case 0:
return p.Save(endpoint.GUID, endpoint, encryptionKey)
return p.Update(endpoint, encryptionKey)