import { browser, by, element, ElementFinder, promise, protractor } from 'protractor';
import { e2e } from '../../e2e';
import { Component } from '../../po/component.po';
const until = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
export class CardAppStatus extends Component {
constructor(locator: ElementFinder = element(by.tagName('app-card-app-status'))) {
private getStatusLabel(): ElementFinder {
return this.locator.element(by.css('.app-state__label'));
private getStatusSubLabel(): ElementFinder {
return this.locator.element(by.css('.app-state__sub-label'));
getStatus(): promise.Promise<{ status: string, subStatus: string }> {
return this.getStatusSubLabel().isPresent()
.then(haveSubLabel => {
return promise.all([
haveSubLabel ? this.getStatusSubLabel().getText() : promise.fullyResolved('')
.then(([status, subStatus]: [string, string]) => {
return { status, subStatus };
waitForStatus(status: string, timeout = 40000): promise.Promise<any> {
// This wait should cover the time between app entity created, app deployed, stratos poll gap and status change
return browser.wait(until.textToBePresentInElement(this.getStatusLabel(), status), timeout)
.catch(err => {
return this.getStatusLabel().getText()
.then(text => e2e.log(`Timed out waiting for status '${status}', last status was '${text}'`))
.then(() => { throw err; });
waitForSubStatus(subStatus: string, timeout = 40000): promise.Promise<any> {
// This wait should cover the time between app entity created, app deployed, stratos poll gap and status change
return browser.wait(until.textToBePresentInElement(this.getStatusSubLabel(), subStatus), timeout);