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Test Coverage
import { browser, promise, ElementArrayFinder, Locator } from 'protractor';
import { ElementFinder, protractor } from 'protractor/built';

import { E2EHelpers } from '../helpers/e2e-helpers';

const until = protractor.ExpectedConditions;

 * Page Object for generic base component
export class Component {

  public static waitUntilShown(elm, failMsg?: string): promise.Promise<void> {
    const comp = new Component(elm);
    return comp.waitUntilShown(failMsg);

  public static waitUntilNotShown(elm, failMsg?: string): promise.Promise<void> {
    const comp = new Component(elm);
    return comp.waitUntilNotShown(failMsg);

  public static scrollIntoView(elm: ElementFinder): promise.Promise<void> {
    return new E2EHelpers().scrollIntoView(elm);

  constructor(protected locator: ElementFinder) { }

  all(allLocator: Locator): ElementArrayFinder {
    return this.locator.all(allLocator);

  getComponent(): ElementFinder {
    return this.locator;

  isPresent(): promise.Promise<boolean> {
    return this.locator.isPresent();

  isDisplayed(): promise.Promise<boolean> {
    return this.locator.isDisplayed();

  // Pass an optional description to help when debugging test issues
  waitUntilShown(elementDescription = 'Element', waitDuration = 5000): promise.Promise<void> {
    return browser.wait(until.presenceOf(this.locator), waitDuration, elementDescription + ' taking too long to appear in the DOM')
      .then(() => browser.wait(until.visibilityOf(this.locator), waitDuration, elementDescription + ' not visible timing out'))
      // Slight delay for animations
      .then(() => browser.driver.sleep(250));

  waitUntilNotShown(description = 'Element'): promise.Promise<void> {
    return browser.wait(until.invisibilityOf(this.locator), 20000, description);

  waitForText(text: string, elementDescription = 'Element', waitDuration = 5000) {
    return browser.wait(until.textToBePresentInElement(this.getComponent(), text), waitDuration,
      `${elementDescription} with text '${text}' taking too long to appear in the DOM`);

  scrollIntoView(): promise.Promise<void> {
    return Component.scrollIntoView(this.locator);

  scrollToTop(): promise.Promise<any> {
    return new E2EHelpers().scrollToTop();

  scrollToBottom(): promise.Promise<any> {
    return new E2EHelpers().scrollToBottom();

  protected hasClass(cls, element = this.locator): promise.Promise<boolean> {
    return element.getAttribute('class')
      .then((classes) => {
        return classes.split(' ').indexOf(cls) !== -1;
