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### Create a deployment

Example Request with Droplet

curl "" \
-H "Authorization: bearer [token]" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "droplet": {
    "guid": "[droplet-guid]"
  "strategy": "rolling",
  "relationships": {
    "app": {
      "data": {
        "guid": "[app-guid]"

Example Request with Revision

curl "" \
-H "Authorization: bearer [token]" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "revision": {
    "guid": "[revision-guid]"
  "strategy": "rolling",
  "relationships": {
    "app": {
      "data": {
        "guid": "[app-guid]"

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 201 OK
Content-Type: application/json

<%= yield_content :single_deployment %>

When you create a new deployment you can either provide a specific droplet or revision to deploy. If no revision or droplet is provided, the droplet associated with the [app](#apps) is deployed.

#### Definition
`POST /v3/deployments`

#### Required parameters

Name | Type | Description
---- | ---- | -----------
**** | [_to-one relationship_](#to-one-relationships) | The app to deploy a droplet for

#### Optional parameters

Name | Type | Description | Default
---- | ---- | ----------- | -------
**droplet**<sup>[1]</sup> | _object_ | The droplet to deploy for the app; this will update the app's [current droplet](#get-current-droplet-association-for-an-app) to this droplet | The app's [current droplet](#get-current-droplet-association-for-an-app)
**revision**<sup>[1]</sup> | _object_ | The [revision](#revisions) whose droplet to deploy for the app; this will update the app's [current droplet](#get-current-droplet-association-for-an-app) to this droplet |
**strategy** | _string_ | The strategy to use for the deployment | `rolling`
**metadata.labels** | [_label object_](#labels) | Labels applied to the deployment
**metadata.annotations**  | [_annotation object_](#annotations) | Annotations applied to the deployment

<sup>1 Only a droplet _or_ a revision may be provided, not both.</sup>

#### Permitted roles
--- |
Admin |
Space Developer |
Space Supporter |