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A manifest is a method for applying bulk configurations to apps and their underlying processes.

Manifests are in the YAML format. However, anchors and aliases are not supported.

### The manifest schema

Example Manifest

version: 1
- name: app1
  - ruby_buildpack
  - java_buildpack
    VAR1: value1
    VAR2: value2
  - route:
  - route:
    protocol: http2
  - my-service1
  - my-service2
  - name: my-service-with-arbitrary-params
    binding_name: my-binding
      key1: value1
      key2: value2
  stack: cflinuxfs4
      contact: ""
      sensitive: true
  - type: web
    disk_quota: 512M
    health-check-http-endpoint: /healthcheck
    health-check-type: http
    health-check-invocation-timeout: 10
    instances: 3
    memory: 500M
    log-rate-limit-per-second: 1KB
    timeout: 10
  - type: worker
    disk_quota: 1G
    health-check-type: process
    instances: 2
    memory: 256M
    log-rate-limit-per-second: 1KB
    timeout: 15
- name: app2
    VAR1: value1
  - type: web
    instances: 1
    memory: 256M
    log-rate-limit-per-second: 1KB
  - name: authenticator
    process_types: [ 'web', 'worker' ]
    command: bundle exec run-authenticator
    memory: 800M

  - name: upcaser
    process_types: [ 'worker' ]
    command: ./tr-server
    memory: 2G

#### Space-level configuration

Name | Type | Description
----- | ---- | -----------
**applications** | _array of [app configurations](#space-manifest-app-level-configuration)_ | Configurations for apps in the space
**version** | _integer_ | The manifest schema version; currently the only valid version is `1`, defaults to `1` if not provided

#### <a name="space-manifest-app-level-configuration"></a>App-level configuration
This configuration is specified per application and applies to all of the application's processes.

Name | Type | Description
----- | ---- | -----------
**name** | _string_ | Name of the app
**buildpacks** | _list of strings_ | a) An empty array, which will automatically select the appropriate default buildpack according to the coding language <br>b) An array of one or more URLs pointing to buildpacks <br>c) An array of one or more installed buildpack names <br>Replaces the legacy `buildpack` field
**docker** | _object_ | If present, the created app will have Docker lifecycle type; the value of this key is ignored by the API but may be used by clients to source the registry address of the image and credentials, if needed; the [generate manifest endpoint](#generate-a-manifest-for-an-app) will return the registry address of the image and username provided with this key
**env** | _object_ | A key-value mapping of environment variables to be used for the app when running
**no-route** | _boolean_ | When set to `true`, any routes specified with the `routes` attribute will be ignored and any existing routes will be removed
**processes** | _array of [process configurations](#space-manifest-process-level-configuration)_ | List of configurations for individual process types
**random-route** | _boolean_ | Creates a random route for the app if `true`; if `routes` is specified, if the app already has routes, or if `no-route` is specified, this field is ignored regardless of its value
**default-route** | _boolean_ | If true, a route for the app will be created using the app name as the hostname and the containing organization's default domain as the domain; if `routes` is specified, if the app already has routes, or if `no-route` is specified, this field is ignored regardless of its value
**routes** | _array of [route configurations](#space-manifest-route-level-configuration)_  | List declaring HTTP and TCP routes to be mapped to the app.
**services** | _array of [service configurations](#space-manifest-service-level-configuration)_ | A list of service-instances to bind to the app
**sidecars** | _array of [sidecar configurations](#space-manifest-sidecar-level-configuration)_ | A list of configurations for individual sidecars
**stack** | _string_ | The root filesystem to use with the buildpack, for example `cflinuxfs4`
**metadata.labels** | _[label object](#labels)_ | Labels applied to the app
**metadata.annotations** | _[annotation object](#annotations)_ | Annotations applied to the app
**buildpack**  | _string_ | **DEPRECATED in favor of the `buildpacks` field above**

#### <a name="space-manifest-process-level-configuration"></a> Process-level configuration
This configuration is for the individual process. Each process is created if it does not already exist.

For backwards compatibility, the `web` process configuration may be placed at the top level of the application configuration, rather than listed under `processes`. However, if there is a process with `type: web` listed under `processes`, this configuration will override any at the top level.

Name | Type | Description
---- | ---- | -----------
**type** | _string_ | **(Required)** The identifier for the processes to be configured
**command** | _string_ | The command used to start the process; this overrides start commands from [Procfiles](#procfiles) and buildpacks
**disk_quota** | _string_ | The disk limit for all instances of the web process; <br>this attribute requires a unit of measurement: `B`, `K`, `KB`, `M`, `MB`, `G`, `GB`, `T`, or `TB` in upper case or lower case
**health-check-http-endpoint** | _string_ | Endpoint called to determine if the app is healthy
**health-check-invocation-timeout** | _integer_ | The timeout in seconds for individual health check requests for http and port health checks
**health-check-type** | _string_ | Type of health check to perform; `none` is deprecated and an alias to `process`
**instances** | _integer_ | The number of instances to run
**memory** | _string_ | The memory limit for all instances of the web process; <br>this attribute requires a unit of measurement: `B`, `K`, `KB`, `M`, `MB`, `G`, `GB`, `T`, or `TB` in upper case or lower case
**log-rate-limit-per-second** | _string_ | The log rate limit for all the instances of the process; <br>this attribute requires a unit of measurement: `B`, `K`, `KB`, `M`, `MB`, `G`, `GB`, `T`, or `TB` in upper case or lower case, or -1 or 0
**timeout** | _integer_ | Time in seconds at which the health-check will report failure

####  <a name="space-manifest-route-level-configuration"></a> Route-level configuration
This configuration is for _creating_ mappings between the app and a route. Each route is created if it does not already exist. The protocol 
will be updated for any existing route mapping.

Name | Type | Description
---- | ---- | -----------
**route** | _string_ | **(Required)** The route URI. Example: ``
**protocol** | _string_ | Protocol to use for this route. Valid protocols are `http1`, `http2`, and `tcp`.

####  <a name="space-manifest-service-level-configuration"></a> Service-level configuration
This configuration is _creating_ new service bindings between the app and a service instance. The `services` field can
take either an array of service instance name strings or an array of the following service-level fields.

Name | Type | Description
---- | ---- | -----------
**name** | _string_ | **(Required)** The name of the service instance to be bound to
**binding_name** | _string_ | The name of the service binding to be created
**parameters** | _object_ | A map of arbitrary key/value pairs to send to the service broker during binding

####  <a name="space-manifest-sidecar-level-configuration"></a> Sidecar-level configuration
This configuration is for the individual sidecar.  Each sidecar is created if it does not already exist.

Name | Type | Description
---- | ---- | -----------
**name** | _string_ | **(Required)** The identifier for the sidecars to be configured
**command** | _string_ | The command used to start the sidecar
**process_types** | _list of strings_ | List of processes to associate sidecar with
**memory** | _integer_ | Memory in MB that the sidecar will be allocated