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Test Coverage
### Check reserved routes for a domain

Example Request

curl "[guid]/route_reservations" \
  -X GET \
  -H "Authorization: bearer [token]"

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

<%= yield_content :matching_route %>

Check if a specific route for a domain exists, regardless of the user's visibility for the route in case the route
belongs to a space the user does not belong to.

#### Definition
`GET /v3/domains/:guid/route_reservations`

#### Query parameters

Name | Type | Description
---- | ---- | ------------
**host** | _string_ | Hostname to filter by; defaults to empty string if not provided and only applicable to `http` routes
**path** | _string_ | Path to filter by; defaults to empty string if not provided and only applicable to `http` routes
**port** | _integer_ | Port to filter by; only applicable to `tcp` routes and required for `tcp` routes

#### Permitted roles

Role  | Notes
--- | ---
Admin |
Admin Read-Only |
Global Auditor |
Org Auditor |
Org Billing Manager | Can only check if routes exist for a domain without an organization relationship
Org Manager |
Space Auditor |
Space Developer |
Space Manager |
Space Supporter |