require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe 'Service Broker' do
include VCAP::CloudController::BrokerApiHelper
let(:small_plan) do
id: 'plan-1',
name: 'small',
description: 'A small shared database with 100mb storage quota and 10 connections',
schemas: {
service_instance: {
create: {
parameters: { '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#', properties: {} }
let(:catalog_with_no_plans) do
services: [
id: 'service-guid-here',
name: service_name,
description: 'A MySQL-compatible relational database',
bindable: true,
plans: [{}]
let(:catalog_with_small_plan) do
services: [
id: 'service-guid-here',
name: service_name,
description: 'A MySQL-compatible relational database',
bindable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan1-guid-here',
name: 'small',
description: 'A small shared database with 100mb storage quota and 10 connections'
let(:catalog_with_large_plan) do
services: [
id: 'service-guid-here',
name: service_name,
description: 'A MySQL-compatible relational database',
bindable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan2-guid-here',
name: 'large',
description: 'A large dedicated database with 10GB storage quota, 512MB of RAM, and 100 connections'
let(:catalog_with_two_plans) do
services: [
id: 'service-guid-here',
name: service_name,
description: 'A MySQL-compatible relational database',
bindable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan1-guid-here',
name: 'small',
description: 'A small shared database with 100mb storage quota and 10 connections'
}, {
id: 'plan2-guid-here',
name: 'large',
description: 'A large dedicated database with 10GB storage quota, 512MB of RAM, and 100 connections'
before { setup_cc }
def build_service(attrs={})
@index ||= 0
@index += 1
id: SecureRandom.uuid,
name: "service-#{@index}",
description: 'A service, duh!',
bindable: true,
plans: [
id: "plan-#{@index}",
name: "plan-#{@index}",
description: 'A plan, duh!'
describe 'on registration' do
context 'when a service has no plans' do
before do
stub_catalog_fetch(200, {
services: [
id: '12345',
name: 'MySQL',
description: 'A MySQL service, duh!',
bindable: true,
plans: []
it 'notifies the operator of the problem' do
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
expect(last_response.status).to be(502)
expect(decoded_response['code']).to be(270_012)
expect(decoded_response['description']).to eql("Service broker catalog is invalid: \nService MySQL\n At least one plan is required\n")
context 'when there are multiple validation problems in the catalog' do
before do
stub_catalog_fetch(200, {
services: [
id: 12_345,
name: 'service-1',
description: 'A' * 10_001,
bindable: true,
bindings_retrievable: 'not-a-bool',
instances_retrievable: 'not-a-bool',
allow_context_updates: 'not-a-bool',
plans: [
id: 'plan-1',
name: 'small',
description: 'B' * 10_001,
schemas: {
service_instance: {
create: {
parameters: { '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#', properties: true }
}, {
id: 'plan-2',
name: 'large',
description: 'A large dedicated database with 10GB storage quota, 512MB of RAM, and 100 connections'
id: '67890',
name: 'service-2',
description: 'Another service, duh!',
bindable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan-b',
name: 'small',
description: 'A small shared database with 100mb storage quota and 10 connections'
}, {
id: 'plan-b',
name: 'large',
description: ''
id: '67890',
name: 'service-3',
description: 'Yet another service, duh!',
bindable: true,
dashboard_client: {
id: 'client-1'
plans: [
id: 123,
name: 'tiny',
description: 'A small shared database with 100mb storage quota and 10 connections'
}, {
id: '456',
name: 'tiny',
description: 'A large dedicated database with 10GB storage quota, 512MB of RAM, and 100 connections'
id: '987654',
name: 'service-4',
description: 'Yet another service, duh!',
bindable: true,
dashboard_client: {
id: 'client-1',
secret: 'no-one-knows',
redirect_uri: 'http://example.com/client-1'
plans: []
id: '888444',
name: 'service-4',
description: 'Yet another service, duh!',
bindable: true,
dashboard_client: {
id: 'client-9',
secret: 'some-secret',
redirect_uri: 'http://example.com/client-1'
plans: [
id: '999',
name: 'micro',
description: 'The smallest plan in the world'
it 'notifies the operator of the problem' do
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
expect(last_response.status).to be(502)
expect(decoded_response['code']).to be(270_012)
expect(decoded_response['description']).to eql(
"Service broker catalog is invalid: \n" \
"Service ids must be unique\n" \
"Service names must be unique within a broker\n" \
"Plan ids must be unique. Unable to register plan with id 'plan-b' (plan name 'large', " \
"service name 'service-2') because it uses the same id as another plan in the catalog " \
"(plan name 'small', service name 'service-2')\n" \
"Service dashboard_client id must be unique\n" \
"Service service-1\n " \
"Service id must be a string, but has value 12345\n " \
"Service description may not have more than 10000 characters\n " \
"Service \"bindings_retrievable\" field must be a boolean, but has value \"not-a-bool\"\n " \
"Service \"instances_retrievable\" field must be a boolean, but has value \"not-a-bool\"\n " \
"Service \"allow_context_updates\" field must be a boolean, but has value \"not-a-bool\"\n " \
"Plan small\n " \
"Plan description may not have more than 10000 characters\n " \
"Schemas\n " \
'Schema service_instance.create.parameters is not valid. Must conform to JSON Schema Draft 04 (experimental support for later versions): ' \
"The property '#/properties' of type boolean did not match the following type: object in schema " \
"http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#\n" \
"Service service-2\n " \
"Plan ids must be unique. Service service-2 already has a plan with id 'plan-b'\n " \
"Plan large\n " \
"Plan description is required\n" \
"Service service-3\n " \
"Service dashboard client secret is required\n " \
"Service dashboard client redirect_uri is required\n " \
"Plan names must be unique within a service. Service service-3 already has a plan named tiny\n " \
"Plan tiny\n " \
"Plan id must be a string, but has value 123\n" \
"Service service-4\n " \
"At least one plan is required\n"
context 'when a plan has a free field in the catalog' do
before do
stub_catalog_fetch(200, {
services: [
id: '12345',
name: 'service-1',
description: 'A service, duh!',
bindable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan-1',
name: 'not-free-plan',
description: 'A not free plan',
free: false
}, {
id: 'plan-2',
name: 'free-plan',
description: 'A free plan',
free: true
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
it 'sets the cc plan free field' do
get('/v2/service_plans', {}.to_json, admin_headers)
resources = Oj.load(last_response.body)['resources']
not_free_plan = resources.find { |plan| plan['entity']['name'] == 'not-free-plan' }
free_plan = resources.find { |plan| plan['entity']['name'] == 'free-plan' }
expect(free_plan['entity']['free']).to be true
expect(not_free_plan['entity']['free']).to be false
context 'when the CC dashboard_client feature is disabled and the catalog requests a client' do
let(:service) { build_service(dashboard_client: { id: 'client-id', secret: 'shhhhh', redirect_uri: 'http://example.com/client-id' }) }
before do
TestConfig.override(uaa_client_name: nil, uaa_client_secret: nil)
stub_catalog_fetch(200, services: [service])
it 'returns a warning' do
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
warning = CGI.unescape(last_response.headers['X-Cf-Warnings'])
expect(warning).to eq(VCAP::Services::SSO::DashboardClientManager::REQUESTED_FEATURE_DISABLED_WARNING)
it 'does not create any dashboard clients' do
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
expect(VCAP::CloudController::ServiceDashboardClient.count).to eq(0)
context 'when a schema' do
{ type: 'service_instance', actions: %w[create update] },
{ type: 'service_binding', actions: ['create'] }
].each do |test|
test[:actions].each do |schema_action|
context "of type #{test[:type]} and action #{schema_action} is not present" do
"#{schema_action} is nil": { test[:type] => { schema_action => nil } },
"#{schema_action} is nil": { test[:type] => { schema_action => { 'parameters' => nil } } },
"#{schema_action} is empty object": { test[:type] => { schema_action => {} } }
}.each do |desc, schema|
context "#{desc} #{schema}" do
before do
stub_catalog_fetch(200, default_catalog(plan_schemas: schema))
it 'succeeds' do
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
expect(last_response.status).to be(201)
context "of type #{test[:type]} and action #{schema_action} has a valid schema" do
let(:schema) { { (test[:type]).to_s => { schema_action => { 'parameters' => { '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#', type: 'object' } } } } }
before do
stub_catalog_fetch(200, default_catalog(plan_schemas: schema))
it 'succeeds' do
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
expect(last_response.status).to be(201)
context "of type #{test[:type]} and action #{schema_action} is not a JSON object" do
"#{test[:type]}.#{schema_action}": { (test[:type]).to_s => { schema_action => true } },
"#{test[:type]}.#{schema_action}.parameters": { (test[:type]).to_s => { schema_action => { 'parameters' => true } } }
}.each do |path, schema|
context "operator receives an error about #{path} #{schema}" do
before do
stub_catalog_fetch(200, default_catalog(plan_schemas: schema))
it 'rejects the request' do
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
expect(last_response.status).to be(502)
expect(decoded_response['code']).to be(270_012)
expect(decoded_response['description']).to eql(
"Service broker catalog is invalid: \n" \
"Service MySQL\n " \
"Plan small\n " \
"Schemas\n " \
"Schemas #{path} must be a hash, but has value true\n"
context "of type #{test[:type]} and action #{schema_action} does not conform to JSON Schema Draft 04 (experimental support for later versions)" do
let(:path) { "#{test[:type]}.#{schema_action}.parameters" }
let(:schema) { { (test[:type]).to_s => { schema_action => { 'parameters' => { '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#', properties: true } } } } }
before do
stub_catalog_fetch(200, default_catalog(plan_schemas: schema))
it 'rejects the request' do
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
expect(last_response.status).to be(502)
expect(decoded_response['code']).to be(270_012)
expect(decoded_response['description']).to eql(
"Service broker catalog is invalid: \n" \
"Service MySQL\n " \
"Plan small\n " \
"Schemas\n " \
"Schema #{path} is not valid. Must conform to JSON Schema Draft 04 (experimental support for later versions): The property '#/properties' " \
"of type boolean did not match the following type: object in schema http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#\n"
context "of type #{test[:type]} and action #{schema_action} does not conform to JSON Schema Draft 04 (experimental support for later versions) with multiple problems" do
let(:path) { "#{test[:type]}.#{schema_action}.parameters" }
let(:schema) do
(test[:type]).to_s => {
schema_action => {
'parameters' => {
'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#',
properties: true,
anyOf: true
before do
stub_catalog_fetch(200, default_catalog(plan_schemas: schema))
it 'responds with invalid' do
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
expect(last_response.status).to be(502)
expect(decoded_response['code']).to be(270_012)
expect(decoded_response['description']).to eql(
"Service broker catalog is invalid: \n" \
"Service MySQL\n " \
"Plan small\n " \
"Schemas\n " \
"Schema #{path} is not valid. Must conform to JSON Schema Draft 04 (experimental support for later versions): The property '#/properties' " \
"of type boolean did not match the following type: object in schema http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#\n " \
"Schema #{path} is not valid. Must conform to JSON Schema Draft 04 (experimental support for later versions): The property '#/anyOf' " \
"of type boolean did not match the following type: array in schema http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#\n"
context "of type #{test[:type]} and action #{schema_action} has an external schema" do
let(:path) { "#{test[:type]}.#{schema_action}.parameters" }
let(:schema) { { (test[:type]).to_s => { schema_action => { 'parameters' => { '$schema': 'http://example.com/schema', type: 'object' } } } } }
before do
stub_catalog_fetch(200, default_catalog(plan_schemas: schema))
it 'responds with invalid' do
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
expect(last_response.status).to be(502)
expect(decoded_response['code']).to be(270_012)
expect(decoded_response['description']).to eql(
"Service broker catalog is invalid: \n" \
"Service MySQL\n " \
"Plan small\n " \
"Schemas\n " \
"Schema #{path} is not valid. Custom meta schemas are not supported.\n"
context "of type #{test[:type]} and action #{schema_action} has an external uri reference" do
let(:path) { "#{test[:type]}.#{schema_action}.parameters" }
let(:schema) do
(test[:type]).to_s => {
schema_action => {
'parameters' => {
'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#',
'$ref': 'http://example.com/ref'
before do
stub_catalog_fetch(200, default_catalog(plan_schemas: schema))
it 'responds with invalid' do
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
expect(last_response.status).to be(502)
expect(decoded_response['code']).to be(270_012)
expect(decoded_response['description']).to eql(
"Service broker catalog is invalid: \n" \
"Service MySQL\n " \
"Plan small\n " \
"Schemas\n " \
"Schema #{path} is not valid. No external references are allowed: Read of URI at http://example.com/ref refused\n"
context "of type #{test[:type]} and action #{schema_action} has no $schema" do
let(:path) { "#{test[:type]}.#{schema_action}.parameters" }
let(:schema) { { (test[:type]).to_s => { schema_action => { 'parameters' => { type: 'object' } } } } }
before do
stub_catalog_fetch(200, default_catalog(plan_schemas: schema))
it 'responds with invalid' do
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
expect(last_response.status).to be(502)
expect(decoded_response['code']).to be(270_012)
expect(decoded_response['description']).to eql(
"Service broker catalog is invalid: \n" \
"Service MySQL\n " \
"Plan small\n " \
"Schemas\n " \
"Schema #{path} is not valid. Schema must have $schema key but was not present\n"
context 'when multiple schemas have validation issues' do
let(:schema) do
'service_instance' => {
'create' => { 'parameters' => { '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#', '$ref': 'http://example.com/create' } },
'update' => { 'parameters' => { '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#', '$ref': 'http://example.com/update' } }
'service_binding' => {
'create' => { 'parameters' => { '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#', '$ref': 'http://example.com/binding' } }
before do
stub_catalog_fetch(200, default_catalog(plan_schemas: schema))
it 'reports all issues' do
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
expect(last_response.status).to be(502)
expect(decoded_response['code']).to be(270_012)
expect(decoded_response['description']).to eql(
"Service broker catalog is invalid: \n" \
"Service MySQL\n " \
"Plan small\n " \
"Schemas\n " \
"Schema service_instance.create.parameters is not valid. No external references are allowed: Read of URI at http://example.com/create refused\n " \
"Schema service_instance.update.parameters is not valid. No external references are allowed: Read of URI at http://example.com/update refused\n " \
"Schema service_binding.create.parameters is not valid. No external references are allowed: Read of URI at http://example.com/binding refused\n"
context 'when multiple schemas appear in multiple plans for multiple services' do
let(:schema) do
'service_instance' => {
'create' => { 'parameters' => { '$schema' => 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#' } },
'update' => { 'parameters' => { '$schema' => 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#' } }
'service_binding' => {
'create' => { 'parameters' => { '$schema' => 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#' } }
let(:catalog_with_two_services_two_plans_schemas) do
id: 'service-guid-here',
name: service_name,
description: 'A MySQL-compatible relational database',
bindable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan1-guid-here',
name: 'plan1',
description: 'A small shared database with 100mb storage quota and 10 connections',
schemas: schema
}, {
id: 'plan2-guid-here',
name: 'plan2',
description: 'A large dedicated database with 10GB storage quota, 512MB of RAM, and 100 connections',
schemas: schema
id: 'service-guid-here-2',
name: "#{service_name}-2",
description: 'A MySQL-compatible relational database',
bindable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan3-guid-here',
name: 'plan3',
description: 'A small shared database with 100mb storage quota and 10 connections',
schemas: schema
}, {
id: 'plan4-guid-here',
name: 'plan4',
description: 'A large dedicated database with 10GB storage quota, 512MB of RAM, and 100 connections',
schemas: schema
before do
stub_catalog_fetch(200, catalog_with_two_services_two_plans_schemas)
{ name: 'broker-name', broker_url: 'http://broker-url', auth_username: 'username', auth_password: 'password' }.to_json,
it 'registers all schemas successfully' do
expect(last_response.status).to eq(201)
get('/v2/service_plans', {}.to_json, admin_headers)
resources = Oj.load(last_response.body)['resources']
expect(resources.length).to eq(4)
resources.each do |plan|
expect(plan['entity']['schemas']).to eq(schema)
context 'when a service broker already exists with the same URL' do
before do
stub_catalog_fetch(200, catalog_with_small_plan)
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-broker',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
it 'fails when the provided broker name is the same' do
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-broker',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
expect(last_response.status).to be(400)
expect(decoded_response['code']).to be(270_002)
expect(decoded_response['description']).to eql('The service broker name is taken')
it 'succeeds when the provided broker name is different' do
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-other-broker',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
expect(last_response.status).to be(201)
context 'when a service broker already exists with a different URL but the same catalog' do
before do
stub_catalog_fetch(200, catalog_with_small_plan, 'broker-url')
stub_catalog_fetch(200, catalog_with_small_plan, 'different-broker-url')
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-broker',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(201)
it 'succeeds when the provided broker name is different' do
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-other-broker',
broker_url: 'http://different-broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(201)
it 'fails when the provided broker name is the same' do
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-broker',
broker_url: 'http://different-broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(400)
expect(decoded_response['code']).to be(270_002)
expect(decoded_response['description']).to eql('The service broker name is taken')
context 'when a service broker already exists with the same dashboard_client client_id' do
before do
stub_request(:get, %r{https://uaa.service.cf.internal/oauth/clients/client-1}).to_return(status: 404)
stub_catalog_fetch(200, catalog_with_small_plan)
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-broker',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(201)
it 'fails with a uniqueness error' do
stub_request(:get, %r{https://uaa.service.cf.internal/oauth/clients/client-1}).to_return(
body: { client_id: 'client-1' }.to_json,
status: 200,
headers: { 'content-type' => 'application/json' }
stub_catalog_fetch(200, {
services: [
id: '12345',
name: 'MySQL',
description: 'A MySQL service, duh!',
bindable: true,
plans: [small_plan],
dashboard_client: { id: 'client-1', secret: 'shhhhh', redirect_uri: 'http://example.com/client-id' }
}, 'some-other-broker-url')
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-other-broker',
broker_url: 'http://some-other-broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(502)
expect(decoded_response['code']).to be(270_012)
expect(decoded_response['description']).to match('Service dashboard client id must be unique')
describe 'updating a service broker' do
context 'when the dashboard_client values for a service have changed' do
let(:service_1) { build_service(dashboard_client: { id: 'client-1', secret: 'shhhhh', redirect_uri: 'http://example.com/client-1' }) }
let(:service_2) { build_service(dashboard_client: { id: 'client-2', secret: 'sekret', redirect_uri: 'http://example.com/client-2' }) }
let(:service_3) { build_service(dashboard_client: { id: 'client-3', secret: 'unguessable', redirect_uri: 'http://example.com/client-3' }) }
let(:service_4) { build_service }
let(:service_5) { build_service(dashboard_client: { id: 'client-5', secret: 'secret5', redirect_uri: 'http://example.com/client-5' }) }
let(:service_6) { build_service(dashboard_client: { id: 'client-6', secret: 'secret6', redirect_uri: 'http://example.com/client-6' }) }
before do
# set up a fake broker catalog that includes dashboard_client for services
stub_catalog_fetch(200, services: [service_1, service_2, service_3, service_4, service_5, service_6])
stub_request(:get, %r{https://uaa.service.cf.internal/oauth/clients/.*}).to_return(status: 404)
# add that broker to the CC
name: 'broker_name',
broker_url: stubbed_broker_url,
auth_username: stubbed_broker_username,
auth_password: stubbed_broker_password
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(201)
@service_broker_guid = decoded_response.fetch('metadata').fetch('guid')
stub_request(:get, %r{https://uaa.service.cf.internal/oauth/clients/.*}).to_return(status: 404)
stub_request(:get, %r{https://uaa.service.cf.internal/oauth/clients/client-1}).to_return(
body: { client_id: 'client-1' }.to_json,
status: 200,
headers: { 'content-type' => 'application/json' }
stub_request(:get, %r{https://uaa.service.cf.internal/oauth/clients/client-2}).to_return(
body: { client_id: 'client-2' }.to_json,
status: 200,
headers: { 'content-type' => 'application/json' }
stub_request(:get, %r{https://uaa.service.cf.internal/oauth/clients/client-3}).to_return(
body: { client_id: 'client-3' }.to_json,
status: 200,
headers: { 'content-type' => 'application/json' }
stub_request(:get, %r{https://uaa.service.cf.internal/oauth/clients/client-5}).to_return(
body: { client_id: 'client-5' }.to_json,
status: 200,
headers: { 'content-type' => 'application/json' }
stub_request(:get, %r{https://uaa.service.cf.internal/oauth/clients/client-6}).to_return(
body: { client_id: 'client-6' }.to_json,
status: 200,
headers: { 'content-type' => 'application/json' }
# delete client
# change client id - should result in a delete and a create
service_2[:dashboard_client][:id] = 'different-client'
# change client secret - should post to /clients/<client-id>/secret
service_3[:dashboard_client][:secret] = 'SUPERsecret'
# add client
service_4[:dashboard_client] = { id: 'client-4', secret: '1337', redirect_uri: 'http://example.com/client-4' }
# change property other than ID or secret
service_5[:dashboard_client][:redirect_uri] = 'http://nowhere.net'
stub_catalog_fetch(200, services: [service_1, service_2, service_3, service_4, service_5, service_6])
stub_request(:post, %r{https://uaa.service.cf.internal/oauth/clients/tx/modify}).
status: 200,
headers: { 'content-type' => 'application/json' },
body: ''
it 'sends the correct batch request to create/update/delete clients' do
put("/v2/service_brokers/#{@service_broker_guid}", '{}', admin_headers)
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(200)
expected_client_modifications = [
{ # client deleted
'client_id' => 'client-1',
'client_secret' => nil,
'redirect_uri' => nil,
'scope' => ['openid', 'cloud_controller_service_permissions.read'],
'authorities' => ['uaa.resource'],
'authorized_grant_types' => ['authorization_code'],
'action' => 'delete'
{ # client id renamed to 'different-client'
'client_id' => 'client-2',
'client_secret' => nil,
'redirect_uri' => nil,
'scope' => ['openid', 'cloud_controller_service_permissions.read'],
'authorities' => ['uaa.resource'],
'authorized_grant_types' => ['authorization_code'],
'action' => 'delete'
{ # client id renamed from 'client-2'
'client_id' => 'different-client',
'client_secret' => service_2[:dashboard_client][:secret],
'redirect_uri' => service_2[:dashboard_client][:redirect_uri],
'scope' => ['openid', 'cloud_controller_service_permissions.read'],
'authorities' => ['uaa.resource'],
'authorized_grant_types' => ['authorization_code'],
'action' => 'add'
{ # client secret updated
'client_id' => service_3[:dashboard_client][:id],
'client_secret' => 'SUPERsecret',
'redirect_uri' => service_3[:dashboard_client][:redirect_uri],
'scope' => ['openid', 'cloud_controller_service_permissions.read'],
'authorities' => ['uaa.resource'],
'authorized_grant_types' => ['authorization_code'],
'action' => 'update,secret'
{ # newly added client
'client_id' => service_4[:dashboard_client][:id],
'client_secret' => service_4[:dashboard_client][:secret],
'redirect_uri' => service_4[:dashboard_client][:redirect_uri],
'scope' => ['openid', 'cloud_controller_service_permissions.read'],
'authorities' => ['uaa.resource'],
'authorized_grant_types' => ['authorization_code'],
'action' => 'add'
{ # client redirect_uri updated
'client_id' => service_5[:dashboard_client][:id],
'client_secret' => service_5[:dashboard_client][:secret],
'redirect_uri' => 'http://nowhere.net',
'scope' => ['openid', 'cloud_controller_service_permissions.read'],
'authorities' => ['uaa.resource'],
'authorized_grant_types' => ['authorization_code'],
'action' => 'update,secret'
{ # no change
'client_id' => service_6[:dashboard_client][:id],
'client_secret' => service_6[:dashboard_client][:secret],
'redirect_uri' => service_6[:dashboard_client][:redirect_uri],
'scope' => ['openid', 'cloud_controller_service_permissions.read'],
'authorities' => ['uaa.resource'],
'authorized_grant_types' => ['authorization_code'],
'action' => 'update,secret'
expect(a_request(:post, 'https://uaa.service.cf.internal/oauth/clients/tx/modify').with do |req|
client_modifications = Oj.load(req.body)
expect(client_modifications).to match_array(expected_client_modifications)
end).to have_been_made
it 'can update the service broker name' do
put("/v2/service_brokers/#{@service_broker_guid}", '{"name":"new_broker_name"}',
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(200)
parsed_body = Oj.load(last_response.body)
expect(parsed_body['entity']['name']).to eq('new_broker_name')
context 'when the free field for a plan has changed' do
before do
stub_catalog_fetch(200, {
services: [
id: '12345',
name: 'service-1',
description: 'A service, duh!',
bindable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan-1',
name: 'not-free-plan',
description: 'A not free plan',
free: false
}, {
id: 'plan-2',
name: 'free-plan',
description: 'A free plan',
free: true
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
guid = VCAP::CloudController::ServiceBroker.first.guid
stub_catalog_fetch(200, {
services: [
id: '12345',
name: 'service-1',
description: 'A service, duh!',
bindable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan-1',
name: 'not-free-plan',
description: 'A not free plan',
free: true
}, {
id: 'plan-2',
name: 'free-plan',
description: 'A free plan',
free: false
put("/v2/service_brokers/#{guid}", {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
it 'sets the cc plan free field' do
get('/v2/service_plans', {}.to_json, admin_headers)
resources = Oj.load(last_response.body)['resources']
no_longer_not_free_plan = resources.find { |plan| plan['entity']['name'] == 'not-free-plan' }
no_longer_free_plan = resources.find { |plan| plan['entity']['name'] == 'free-plan' }
expect(no_longer_free_plan['entity']['free']).to be false
expect(no_longer_not_free_plan['entity']['free']).to be true
context 'when the allow_context_updates field for a service has changed' do
before do
stub_catalog_fetch(200, {
services: [
id: '12345',
name: 'allow-context-updates-service',
description: 'A service, duh!',
bindable: true,
bindings_retrievable: true,
allow_context_updates: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan-1',
name: 'random-name-1',
description: 'A not free plan'
}, {
id: '123456',
name: 'not-allow-context-updates-service',
description: 'A service, duh!',
bindable: true,
bindings_retrievable: false,
allow_context_updates: false,
plans: [
id: 'plan-2',
name: 'random-name-2',
description: 'A not free plan'
}, {
id: '1234567',
name: 'allow-context-updates-service-will-be-unset',
description: 'A service, duh!',
bindable: true,
bindings_retrievable: true,
allow_context_updates: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan-3',
name: 'random-name-2',
description: 'A not free plan'
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
guid = VCAP::CloudController::ServiceBroker.first.guid
stub_catalog_fetch(200, {
services: [
id: '12345',
name: 'allow-context-updates-service',
description: 'A service, duh!',
bindable: true,
bindings_retrievable: false,
allow_context_updates: false,
plans: [
id: 'plan-1',
name: 'random-name-1',
description: 'A not free plan'
id: '123456',
name: 'not-allow-context-updates-service',
description: 'a service, duh!',
bindable: true,
bindings_retrievable: true,
allow_context_updates: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan-2',
name: 'random-name-2',
description: 'a not free plan'
}, {
id: '1234567',
name: 'allow-context-updates-service-will-be-unset',
description: 'A service, duh!',
bindable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan-3',
name: 'random-name-2',
description: 'A not free plan'
put("/v2/service_brokers/#{guid}", {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
it 'sets the cc service allow_context_updates field' do
get('/v2/services', {}.to_json, admin_headers)
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(200)
resources = Oj.load(last_response.body)['resources']
no_longer_allow_context_updates_service = resources.find { |service| service['entity']['label'] == 'allow-context-updates-service' }
now_allow_context_updates_service = resources.find { |service| service['entity']['label'] == 'not-allow-context-updates-service' }
unset_allow_context_updates_service = resources.find { |service| service['entity']['label'] == 'allow-context-updates-service-will-be-unset' }
expect(no_longer_allow_context_updates_service['entity']['allow_context_updates']).to be false
expect(now_allow_context_updates_service['entity']['allow_context_updates']).to be true
expect(unset_allow_context_updates_service['entity']['allow_context_updates']).to be false
context 'when the bindings_retrievable field for a service has changed' do
before do
stub_catalog_fetch(200, {
services: [
id: '12345',
name: 'bindings-retrievable-service',
description: 'A service, duh!',
bindable: true,
bindings_retrievable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan-1',
name: 'random-name-1',
description: 'A not free plan'
}, {
id: '123456',
name: 'bindings-not-retrievable-service',
description: 'A service, duh!',
bindable: true,
bindings_retrievable: false,
plans: [
id: 'plan-2',
name: 'random-name-2',
description: 'A not free plan'
}, {
id: '1234567',
name: 'bindings-retrievable-service-will-be-unset',
description: 'A service, duh!',
bindable: true,
bindings_retrievable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan-3',
name: 'random-name-2',
description: 'A not free plan'
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
guid = VCAP::CloudController::ServiceBroker.first.guid
stub_catalog_fetch(200, {
services: [
id: '12345',
name: 'bindings-retrievable-service',
description: 'A service, duh!',
bindable: true,
bindings_retrievable: false,
plans: [
id: 'plan-1',
name: 'random-name-1',
description: 'A not free plan'
id: '123456',
name: 'bindings-not-retrievable-service',
description: 'a service, duh!',
bindable: true,
bindings_retrievable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan-2',
name: 'random-name-2',
description: 'a not free plan'
}, {
id: '1234567',
name: 'bindings-retrievable-service-will-be-unset',
description: 'A service, duh!',
bindable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan-3',
name: 'random-name-2',
description: 'A not free plan'
put("/v2/service_brokers/#{guid}", {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
it 'sets the cc service bindings_retrievable field' do
get('/v2/services', {}.to_json, admin_headers)
resources = Oj.load(last_response.body)['resources']
no_longer_bindings_retrievable_service = resources.find { |service| service['entity']['label'] == 'bindings-retrievable-service' }
now_bindings_retrievable_service = resources.find { |service| service['entity']['label'] == 'bindings-not-retrievable-service' }
unset_bindings_retrievable_service = resources.find { |service| service['entity']['label'] == 'bindings-retrievable-service-will-be-unset' }
expect(no_longer_bindings_retrievable_service['entity']['bindings_retrievable']).to be false
expect(now_bindings_retrievable_service['entity']['bindings_retrievable']).to be true
expect(unset_bindings_retrievable_service['entity']['bindings_retrievable']).to be false
context 'when the instances_retrievable field for a service has changed' do
before do
stub_catalog_fetch(200, {
services: [
id: '12345',
name: 'instances-retrievable-service',
description: 'A service, duh!',
bindable: true,
instances_retrievable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan-1',
name: 'random-name-1',
description: 'A not free plan'
}, {
id: '123456',
name: 'instances-not-retrievable-service',
description: 'A service, duh!',
bindable: true,
instances_retrievable: false,
plans: [
id: 'plan-2',
name: 'random-name-2',
description: 'A not free plan'
}, {
id: '1234567',
name: 'instances-retrievable-service-will-be-unset',
description: 'A service, duh!',
bindable: true,
instances_retrievable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan-3',
name: 'random-name-2',
description: 'A not free plan'
post('/v2/service_brokers', {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
guid = VCAP::CloudController::ServiceBroker.first.guid
stub_catalog_fetch(200, {
services: [
id: '12345',
name: 'instances-retrievable-service',
description: 'A service, duh!',
bindable: true,
instances_retrievable: false,
plans: [
id: 'plan-1',
name: 'random-name-1',
description: 'A not free plan'
id: '123456',
name: 'instances-not-retrievable-service',
description: 'a service, duh!',
bindable: true,
instances_retrievable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan-2',
name: 'random-name-2',
description: 'a not free plan'
}, {
id: '1234567',
name: 'instances-retrievable-service-will-be-unset',
description: 'A service, duh!',
bindable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan-3',
name: 'random-name-2',
description: 'A not free plan'
put("/v2/service_brokers/#{guid}", {
name: 'some-guid',
broker_url: 'http://broker-url',
auth_username: 'username',
auth_password: 'password'
}.to_json, admin_headers)
it 'sets the cc service instances_retrievable field' do
get('/v2/services', {}.to_json, admin_headers)
resources = Oj.load(last_response.body)['resources']
no_longer_instances_retrievable_service = resources.find { |service| service['entity']['label'] == 'instances-retrievable-service' }
now_instances_retrievable_service = resources.find { |service| service['entity']['label'] == 'instances-not-retrievable-service' }
unset_instances_retrievable_service = resources.find { |service| service['entity']['label'] == 'instances-retrievable-service-will-be-unset' }
expect(no_longer_instances_retrievable_service['entity']['instances_retrievable']).to be false
expect(now_instances_retrievable_service['entity']['instances_retrievable']).to be true
expect(unset_instances_retrievable_service['entity']['instances_retrievable']).to be false
context 'when a plan is re-named, and another plan is added to the front of the list of plans with the old name' do
let(:catalog1) do
services: [
id: 'service-guid-here',
name: service_name,
description: 'A MySQL-compatible relational database',
bindable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan1-guid-here',
name: 'small',
description: 'A small shared database with 100mb storage quota and 10 connections'
let(:catalog2) do
services: [
id: 'service-guid-here',
name: service_name,
description: 'A MySQL-compatible relational database',
bindable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan2-guid-here',
name: 'small',
description: 'A small shared database with 100mb storage quota and 10 connections'
}, {
id: 'plan1-guid-here',
name: 'small-legacy',
description: '(Legacy) A small shared database with 100mb storage quota and 10 connections'
it 'renames the plan and adds a new plan with the old name' do
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(200)
expect(VCAP::CloudController::ServicePlan.find(unique_id: 'plan2-guid-here')[:name]).to eq('small')
expect(VCAP::CloudController::ServicePlan.find(unique_id: 'plan1-guid-here')[:name]).to eq('small-legacy')
context 'when a service is re-named and another service is added to the front of the list with the old name' do
let(:catalog1) do
services: [
id: 'service-guid-here',
name: 'mysql',
description: 'A MySQL-compatible relational database',
bindable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan-guid-here',
name: 'small',
description: 'A small shared database with 100mb storage quota and 10 connections'
let(:catalog2) do
services: [
id: 'new-service-guid-here',
name: 'mysql',
description: 'A MySQL-compatible relational database',
bindable: true,
plans: [
id: 'new-plan-guid-here',
name: 'small',
description: 'A small shared database with 100mb storage quota and 10 connections'
id: 'service-guid-here',
name: 'legacy-mysql',
description: 'A MySQL-compatible relational database',
bindable: true,
plans: [
id: 'plan-guid-here',
name: 'small',
description: 'A small shared database with 100mb storage quota and 10 connections'
it 'renames the plan and adds a new plan with the old name' do
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(200)
expect(VCAP::CloudController::Service.find(unique_id: 'service-guid-here')[:label]).to eq('legacy-mysql')
expect(VCAP::CloudController::Service.find(unique_id: 'new-service-guid-here')[:label]).to eq('mysql')
context 'when a service plan disappears from the catalog' do
before do
context 'when it has an existing instance' do
before do
it 'the plan should become inactive' do
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(200)
expect(VCAP::CloudController::ServicePlan.find(unique_id: 'plan1-guid-here')[:active]).to be false
it 'returns a warning to the operator' do
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(200)
warning = CGI.unescape(last_response.headers['X-Cf-Warnings'])
expect(warning).to eq(<<~HEREDOC)
Warning: Service plans are missing from the broker's catalog (http://#{stubbed_broker_host}/v2/catalog) but can not be removed from Cloud Foundry while instances exist. The plans have been deactivated to prevent users from attempting to provision new instances of these plans. The broker should continue to support bind, unbind, and delete for existing instances; if these operations fail contact your broker provider.
Service Offering: #{service_name}
Plans deactivated: small
context 'when it has no existing instance' do
it 'the plan should become inactive' do
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(200)
get('/v2/services?inline-relations-depth=1', '{}', admin_headers)
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(200)
parsed_body = Oj.load(last_response.body)
expect(parsed_body['resources'].first['entity']['service_plans'].length).to eq(1)
context 'when the service is updated to have no plans' do
it 'returns an error and does not update the broker' do
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(502)
get('/v2/services?inline-relations-depth=1', '{}', admin_headers)
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(200)
parsed_body = Oj.load(last_response.body)
expect(parsed_body['resources'].first['entity']['service_plans'].length).to eq(2)
describe 'deleting a service broker' do
context 'when broker has dashboard clients' do
let(:service_1) { build_service(dashboard_client: { id: 'client-1', secret: 'shhhhh', redirect_uri: 'http://example.com/client-1' }) }
let(:service_2) { build_service(dashboard_client: { id: 'client-2', secret: 'sekret', redirect_uri: 'http://example.com/client-2' }) }
let(:service_3) { build_service }
before do
# set up a fake broker catalog that includes dashboard_client for services
stub_catalog_fetch(200, services: [service_1, service_2, service_3])
stub_request(:get, %r{https://uaa.service.cf.internal/oauth/clients/.*}).to_return(status: 404)
# add that broker to the CC
name: 'broker_name',
broker_url: stubbed_broker_url,
auth_username: stubbed_broker_username,
auth_password: stubbed_broker_password
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(201)
@service_broker_guid = decoded_response.fetch('metadata').fetch('guid')
stub_request(:get, %r{https://uaa.service.cf.internal/oauth/clients/client-1}).to_return(
body: { client_id: 'client-1' }.to_json,
status: 200,
headers: { 'content-type' => 'application/json' }
stub_request(:get, %r{https://uaa.service.cf.internal/oauth/clients/client-2}).to_return(
body: { client_id: 'client-2' }.to_json,
status: 200,
headers: { 'content-type' => 'application/json' }
stub_request(:post, %r{https://uaa.service.cf.internal/oauth/clients/tx/modify}).
status: 200,
headers: { 'content-type' => 'application/json' },
body: ''
it 'deletes the dashboard clients from UAA' do
delete("/v2/service_brokers/#{@service_broker_guid}", '', admin_headers)
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(204)
expected_json_body = [
client_id: service_1[:dashboard_client][:id],
client_secret: nil,
redirect_uri: nil,
scope: ['openid', 'cloud_controller_service_permissions.read'],
authorities: ['uaa.resource'],
authorized_grant_types: ['authorization_code'],
action: 'delete'
client_id: service_2[:dashboard_client][:id],
client_secret: nil,
redirect_uri: nil,
scope: ['openid', 'cloud_controller_service_permissions.read'],
authorities: ['uaa.resource'],
authorized_grant_types: ['authorization_code'],
action: 'delete'
a_request(:post, 'https://uaa.service.cf.internal/oauth/clients/tx/modify').
body: expected_json_body
).to have_been_made
context 'when a service instance exists' do
before do
after do
it 'does not delete the broker', isolation: :truncation do # Can't use transactions for isolation because we're
# testing a rollback
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(400)
get('/v2/services?inline-relations-depth=1', '{}', admin_headers)
expect(last_response).to have_status_code(200)
parsed_body = Oj.load(last_response.body)
expect(parsed_body['resources'].first['entity']['label']).to eq(service_name)
expect(parsed_body['resources'].first['entity']['service_plans'].length).to eq(1)