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# HealthManager 2.0

Health Manager monitors the state of the applications and ensures that started
applications are indeed running, their versions and number of
instances correct.

Conceptually, this is done by maintaining a Actual State of
applications and comparing it against the Desired State. When
discrepancies are found, actions are initiated to bring the
applications to the Desired State, e.g., start/stop commands are
issued for missing/extra instances, respectively.

Additionally, Health Manager collects and exposes statistics and
health status for individual applications, as well as aggregates for
frameworks, runtimes, etc.

## AppState

The state of each application is represented by an instance of an
aptly named class AppState. AppState gets forwarded important
state-changing messages (i.e. hearbeats and exit signals), updates its
internal state accordingly and then invokes registered event
handlers. It is the job of these handlers (housed in the Harmonizer,
see below) to enforce complex policies, e.g., whether to restart
application, if so, with which priority, etc.

## Components

HM is comprised of the following components:

- Manager
- Harmonizer
- Scheduler
- DesiredState
- ActualState
- Nudger
- Reporter

### Manager

Provides an entry point, configures, initializes and registers other

### Harmonizer

Expresses the policy of bringing the applications to the Desired
State by observing the Actual State.

Harmonizer sets up the interactions between other components, and aims
to achieve clarity of the intent through delegation:

Actual State and Desired State are compared periodically with the use
of the Scheduler and Nudger actions are Scheduled to bring the States
into harmony.

### Scheduler

Encapsulates EventMachine-related functionality such as timer setup
and cancellation, quantization of long-running tasks to prevent EM
Reactor loop blocking.

### Desired State

Provides the desired state of the application, e.g., whether the
application was Started or Stopped, how many instances should be
running, etc. This information comes from the Cloud Controller by way
of http-based Bulk API.

The Bulk API contains the state of the world as the Cloud Controller says 
it should be. This is a dump of the CCs database. It might differ from what 
the world actually looks like, and the Harmonizer will attempt to make the 
current state match this desired state.

### Actual State

The ActualState listens to heartbeat and other messages on the NATS bus from the DEA.

The State of each application is represented by an instant of object
AppState. That object receives updates of the application state,
stores them and notifies registered listeners about events, such as
`instances_missing`, etc.

### Nudger

Nudger is the interface for health manager to affect the change on the
world, by dispatching `` messages
that instruct CCs to start or stop instances. Nudger maintains a
priority queue of these requests, and deques the messages by a

### Reporter

Reporter responds to `healthmanager.status` and ``

## Harmonization Policy in Detail

Conceptually, harmonization happens in two ways:

- by reacting to messages (such as `droplet.exited`);
- by periodically scanning the world and enumerating applications,
  looking for anomalies.

### droplet.exited signal

There are three distinct scenarios possible when `droplet.exited`
signal arrives:

- application is stopped; means the application was stopped
  explicitly, no action required;

- DEA evacuation; the DEA is being evacuated and all instances from that DEA
  need to be restarted somewhere else. HM-2 initiates that restarting;

- application instance crashed; That instance needs to be restarted unless it
  crashed multiple times in short period of time, in which case it is
  declared `flapping`. See more on this below.

### `flapping` instances

An instance of application is declared `flapping` if it crashed more
than `flapping_death` times within `flapping_timeout` seconds. There
are several possible reasons for flapping:

- app is completely broken and simply does not start;
- app has a bug that results in a crash every once in a while;
- app has a dependency on the external world or a CF-provisioned
  service, and that dependency is unavailable, perhaps temporarily,
  resulting in app repeatedly crashing.

Handling flapping apps is hard. We'd like to:

- make the best effort to restart an app, when it makes sense;
- provide the crashlogs for crashing instances;
- cut down on the overhead associated with restarting an
  app, particularly relating to moving application bits to DEA and
  storing it there.
- avoid IO spikes due to massive simultaneous restarts

In order to accomodate these conflicting requirements, the following
policy for flapping instances (FI) adopted:

- initially the FI is restarted with a delay defined by `min_restart_delay` config value;
- for each subsequent crash, the delay is doubled, but not to exceed `max_restart_delay` config value;
- a random noise is added to the value of delay, its maximum absolute value defined by
  `delay_time_noise` config value;
- if the number of crashes for a given FI exceeds `giveup_crash_number`, give up restarting attempts.
  This behavior can be turned off.

### Heartbeat processing

DEAs peridically send out heartbeat messages on NATS bus. These
heartbeats contain DEA identifying information, as well as information
on application instances running on respective DEAs.

The heartbeats are used to establish "missing" and "extra"
indices. Missing indices are then commanded to start, extra indices
are commanded to stop.

AppState object tracks heartbeats for each instance of each version.

An instance is "missing" if a live version of this instance has not
received a heartbeat in the last `droplet_lost` seconds.

However, an instance_missing event is only triggered if the AppState
was not reset recently, and if `check_for_missing_instances` method
has been invoked.

## Configuration

HealthManager reads its configuration from a YAML file. Look at the 
[example config file]( for an
explanation of all the configurable variables.

## Logs

HealthManager uses [Steno]( to manage its logs. The `logging` key in the config
file provides information for Steno configuration.

Here are the log levels, with examples of what they're being used for:
* `error` - HM received an error response from the Cloud Controller bulk API
* `warn` - a droplet analysis was initiated while the previous droplet analysis was still going
* `info` - HM registered a new VCAP component, HM is shutting down
* `debug2` - HM received a heartbeat from a DEA, HM compares an app's desired and known states
* `debug` - HM starts/stops an instance

## Contributing

Please read the [contributors' guide](