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# How to send logs from Local syslog to a remote syslog Server

This readme file shows how to setup a remote syslog server to host logs and how to send these logs from client/local syslog

### Remote Syslog Server Configuration(Server will receive logs from client):

* Install rsyslog server if it is not installed:

    `$ sudo service rsyslog restart`

* Check the rsyslog state:

    `$ sudo service rsyslog status`

* If rsyslog isn’t active, start it by running the following command:

    `$ sudo service rsyslog start`


    `$ sudo systemctl start rsyslog`

* Edit the file "/etc/resyslog.conf" using nano editor:

    `$ sudo nano /etc/rsyslog.conf`

* Within the config file, uncomment or add the following lines (UDP/TCP):


    `input(type="imudp" port="514")`


    `input(type="imtcp" port="514")`

* Save and close the config file after completing modifications "ctrl+s" then "ctrl+x"

* Edit firewall rules to allow incoming logs through TCP/UDP:

    `$ sudo ufw allow 514/tcp`

    `$ sudo ufw allow 514/udp`

* Restart rsyslog service by running the following command:

    `$ sudo service rsyslog restart`

### Local Syslog Configuration (Client having logs that needs to be sent to a remote syslog server):

* Install rsyslog server if it is not installed:

    `$ sudo apt install rsyslog`

* Check the rsyslog state:

    `$ sudo service rsyslog status`

* If rsyslog isn’t active, start it by running either of the following commands:

    `$ sudo service rsyslog start`


    `$ sudo systemctl start rsyslog`

* Edit the file "/etc/resyslog.conf" using nano editor:

    `$ sudo nano /etc/rsyslog.conf`

* Add the following line, replacing the IP "" with the remote syslog server IP:

    `*.* @@`
* Save and close the config file after modifications "ctrl+s" then "ctrl+x"

* Restart the rsyslog service by running:

    `$ sudo service rsyslog restart`