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Test Coverage

    [0.1.7] - 2019-04-13
    ### Changed
    - SSL Mount paths are now configurable
    - 'make push-container' -> 'make push'

    ### Added
    - Shorter annotations
    - Lots of metadata/labels
    - Proper examples

    ### Fixed
    - Made alpine version explicit in Dockerfile (alpine:3.7)
    - Makefile cleanup

    ### Removed
    - Default values for AWS_SECRET_KEY, AWS_ACCESS_KEY

    [0.1.6] - 2019-03-04
    ### Added
    - aws-iam-authenticator for AWS EKS Support [Issue #16] (@SalmaCodes)

    [0.1.5] - 2019-01-25
    ### Fixed
    - Issue #9 - Now supports `SSM.GetParametersByPath`. Naming secrets like paths will allow storing multiple values per Secret.
    - Issue #14 - Changed `log.Fatalf` to `log.Errorf` when there's a permission error on `GetParameter`. The restricted value
    will simply be skipped instead of the Pod entering a crashloop.
    - AWS Environment vars now stored in a Secret (@signaleleven)

    [0.1.4] - 2018-09-11
    ### Fixed
    - Add ca-certificates package to final alpine image [Issue #7] (@cmosetick)
    - Add Volume (Type=hostPath) for /etc/ssl/certs, to ensure AWS roots are available [Issue #7]

    [0.1.3] - 2018-07-24
    ### Added
    - Docker multi-stage build (copies only the aws-ssm binary): 330MB -> 12MB

    [0.1.2] - 2018-07-23
    ### Security
    - Removed a debug message that was dumping Secrets as %v. Plaintext values were logged
    as a series of byte values

    ### Added
    - Reasonable defaults for ENV in Dockerfile

    ### Other
    - Testing .travis.yml

    [0.1.1] - 2018-07-23
    ### Added
    - Some basic tests

    ### Fixed
    - Set Go @ v1.10-alpine

    ### Removed [Security]
    - References to kubeconfig in Helm chart (still needed outside the cluster, though)

    [0.1.0] - 2018-07-22
    - Initial Release