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<p>NodeJS CLI module</p>
<h2>Example: (from <code>scratch.js</code>)</h2>
<pre class="prettyprint source lang-javascript"><code>const Cmr1Cli = require('cmr1-cli');

const additionalOptions = [
    name: 'src', 
    alias: 's', 
    type: String, 
    multiple: true, 
    defaultOption: true, 
    description: 'Input source', 
    typeLabel: '[underline]{file}' 
    name: 'timeout', 
    alias: 't', 
    type: Number, 
    description: 'Timeout', 
    typeLabel: '[underline]{ms}' 

const myCli = new Cmr1Cli({
  name: 'My CLI script name',
  description: 'A description of this script',
  helpHeader: 'Available Options',
  optionDefinitions: additionalOptions,
  logging: {
    test: {
      verbose: true,  // Consider this debug, only show when verbose
      throws: false,  // Should this log type throw an Error?
      stamp: true,    // Also prefix log output with a timestamp
      prefix: 'Test', // Prefix string to show before each log msg
      color: 'blue'   // Color of output text (FG only)

Object.keys(myCli.settings.logging).forEach(type => {
  myCli[type](`This is a(n) ${type} message!`);
  myCli[type](`Called using: myCli.${type}('message')`)

additionalOptions.forEach(option => {
  const name =;
  const value = myCli.options[name];

  myCli.log(`Option '${name}' = '${value}'`);

<h3>Example console output:</h3>
<p><strong>Command:</strong> <code>node scratch.js --src /path/to/input/file --timeout 1000 -fv</code></p>
<p><img src="docs/img/cmr1-cli-scratch-out.png?raw=true" alt="Example console output"></p>
<h3>Example help menu:</h3>
<p><strong>Command:</strong> <code>node scratch.js --help</code></p>
<p><img src="docs/img/cmr1-cli-scratch-help.png?raw=true" alt="Example help menu"></p></article>


    <h2><a href="index.html">Home</a></h2><h3>Classes</h3><ul><li><a href="Cli.html">Cli</a></li></ul>

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