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<h1>Getting Started</h1>
This guide is for CNAP researchers to get set up with Synapse,
a web-based "open science gateway". With Synapse, you can
manage your files across Beocat, Dropbox, and other file systems;
tag your data with descriptive metadata; track change history and
transfer history of data; (evenutally) launch compute jobs on
Beocat; and more.
<p>Please reach out to <a href=""></a> with questions and issues.</p>
<h3>1. Sign up for a TACC account</h3>
Currently, we are making use of TACC's intance of the
<a target="_blank" href="">Agave Platform</a>.
We are working with TACC to deploy our own Agave instance soon,
but until then, a TACC account is required.
You can sign up for one here: <a target="_blank" href=""></a>
<em>(Please use your email address.)</em>
<h3>2. Sign in to Synapse via Agave</h3>
Synapse supports logging in with a few different 3rd party applications.
While you will have a username and password specifically for Synapse, you
can log in with Dropbox, Agave, or Globus. Other providers may be added
in the future - perhaps Google, if and when we add support for Google Drive.
To sign in with Agave, click here: <a target="_blank" href=""></a>
<h3>3. Check your email for a verification link</h3>
<p>Click the verification link in the email.</p>
<h3>4. Link your Dropbox account</h3>
Go here (<a target="_blank" href=""></a>) and click the "Sign in with Dropbox" button.
In the future, other accounts may be linked on this same page.
<h3>5. Connect your Beocat Account</h3>
Go to: <a href=""></a>
Click the "Link your Beocat Account" button. A window should appear.
<li>Login to Beocat via SSH. Linux and Mac have built-in SSH clients.
Simply type in the terminal "ssh <b>username</b>"
and type in your KSU password when prompted. For Windows,
<a target="_blank" href="">PuTTY</a> is a
popular option. Simply type "" as the hostname then
your username and password when prompted.
Copy the script from Synapse and run it in your SSH session. This code
generates a public/private key pair and configures Synapse to have access
to your files on Beocat.
Please let me know if you experience issues with this step. We are working
to streamline it. My apologies if it is a bit clunky.
<h3>6. Browse and Transfer Files</h3>
<p>You can browse your files here: <a href=""></a></p>
<p>Note: Your Beocat home directory will follow the pattern:<br/><b>username</b>/homes/<b>username</b>/<br/>...where <b>username</b> is your K-State EID.</p>
The interface is designed to be fairly intuitive. To upload files, you can drag
and drop from a folder on your computer. Ctrl+click or Shift+click to select
multiple files, and right-click to open a context menu with various file actions.
<h2>What's Next?</h2>
Sharing and metadata features are the top priority and will be added gradually over
the next few weeks. We are aiming for a rolling release process where functionality
is made available to you as soon as it is ready, several times a week. I would greatly
appreciate your feedback, both positive and negative. If there are features you would
like to have, please let me know. As always, I'm <a href="">available to assist</a> with code for
individual projects. Making your code fast is pretty fun, and it can save you a
lot of time.
<p>Features on the way include:</p>
<li>Image preview</li>
<li>Text/Code file preview and editing in-browser</li>
<li>Support for zip downloads of folders</li>
<li>File history in the metadata panel</li>
<li>Visual real-time updates on the status of file transfers</li>
<li>JupyterHub integration for sharable Python notebooks</li>
<li>Custom metadata fields and automated metadata extraction from filename fields</li>
<li>Automated recurring backup file transfers</li>
<li>Globus support to connect to your PC's file system, even when you aren't physically near it</li>
<li><strong>11/05/2018 -</strong> Initial writing</li>