{% load static %}<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static 'css/github-markdown.css' %}"> <title>Title</title></head><body> <div class="markdown-body"> <h1>Getting Started</h1> <p><em> This guide is for CNAP researchers to get set up with Synapse, a web-based "open science gateway". With Synapse, you can manage your files across Beocat, Dropbox, and other file systems; tag your data with descriptive metadata; track change history and transfer history of data; (evenutally) launch compute jobs on Beocat; and more. </em></p> <p>Please reach out to <a href=""></a> with questions and issues.</p> <h2>Directions</h2> <h3>1. Sign up for a TACC account</h3> <p> Currently, we are making use of TACC's intance of the <a target="_blank" href="">Agave Platform</a>. We are working with TACC to deploy our own Agave instance soon, but until then, a TACC account is required. </p> <p> You can sign up for one here: <a target="_blank" href=""></a> </p> <em>(Please use your email address.)</em> <h3>2. Sign in to Synapse via Agave</h3> <p> Synapse supports logging in with a few different 3rd party applications. While you will have a username and password specifically for Synapse, you can log in with Dropbox, Agave, or Globus. Other providers may be added in the future - perhaps Google, if and when we add support for Google Drive. </p> <p> To sign in with Agave, click here: <a target="_blank" href=""></a> </p> <h3>3. Check your email for a verification link</h3> <p>Click the verification link in the email.</p> <h3>4. Link your Dropbox account</h3> <p> Go here (<a target="_blank" href=""></a>) and click the "Sign in with Dropbox" button. In the future, other accounts may be linked on this same page. </p> <h3>5. Connect your Beocat Account</h3> <ul> <li> Go to: <a href=""></a> </li> <li> Click the "Link your Beocat Account" button. A window should appear. </li> <li>Login to Beocat via SSH. Linux and Mac have built-in SSH clients. Simply type in the terminal "ssh <b>username</b>" and type in your KSU password when prompted. For Windows, <a target="_blank" href="">PuTTY</a> is a popular option. Simply type "" as the hostname then your username and password when prompted. </li> <li> Copy the script from Synapse and run it in your SSH session. This code generates a public/private key pair and configures Synapse to have access to your files on Beocat. </li> </ul> <p> Please let me know if you experience issues with this step. We are working to streamline it. My apologies if it is a bit clunky. </p> <h3>6. Browse and Transfer Files</h3> <p>You can browse your files here: <a href=""></a></p> <p>Note: Your Beocat home directory will follow the pattern:<br/><b>username</b>/homes/<b>username</b>/<br/>...where <b>username</b> is your K-State EID.</p> <p> The interface is designed to be fairly intuitive. To upload files, you can drag and drop from a folder on your computer. Ctrl+click or Shift+click to select multiple files, and right-click to open a context menu with various file actions. </p> <h2>What's Next?</h2> <p> Sharing and metadata features are the top priority and will be added gradually over the next few weeks. We are aiming for a rolling release process where functionality is made available to you as soon as it is ready, several times a week. I would greatly appreciate your feedback, both positive and negative. If there are features you would like to have, please let me know. As always, I'm <a href="">available to assist</a> with code for individual projects. Making your code fast is pretty fun, and it can save you a lot of time. </p> <p>Features on the way include:</p> <ul> <li>Image preview</li> <li>Text/Code file preview and editing in-browser</li> <li>Support for zip downloads of folders</li> <li>File history in the metadata panel</li> <li>Visual real-time updates on the status of file transfers</li> <li>JupyterHub integration for sharable Python notebooks</li> <li>Custom metadata fields and automated metadata extraction from filename fields</li> <li>Automated recurring backup file transfers</li> <li>Globus support to connect to your PC's file system, even when you aren't physically near it</li> </ul> <hr/> <h2>Updates:</h2> <ul> <li><strong>11/05/2018 -</strong> Initial writing</li> </ul> </div></body></html>